Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1147 - Ye Chen's Guess About The Enemy

Chapter 1147 - Ye Chen's Guess About The Enemy

Chapter 1147 - Ye Chen's Guess About The Enemy

"Okay father, I will immediately send someone to investigate this matter" Song Sin understands, he will immediately send people to solve this problem.

"Ye Chen, this old man apologizes for what happened this time, this old man is sorry for this incident" Song Han apologized to Ye Chen, because of this incident Song Han did not repay Ye Chen's kindness.

"No need to apologize, this incident happened against our will, so I can understand this." Ye Chen said that he could understand what was happening.

"Thank you very much" Song Han thanked Ye Chen for understanding what was happening at this time.

"Then I'll leave first, I have something to do." Ye Chen couldn't stay here forever, he had to go back right away.

For this matter Ye Chen could leave everything to Song Sin, he could definitely find out who was behind all of this.

Ye Chen's current position was that of an outsider, if he were to interfere too much in this matter now, it would lead to chaos that was out of control, which was why Ye Chen chose not to get involved in this matter.

"Stay here a little longer." Song Han asked Ye Chen to stay here a little longer.

"Sorry, but maybe next time, I have an appointment with someone" Ye Chen refused the offer given by Song Han, he wanted to go and meet his wife.

"Okay, then let Ziyu take you away, Ziyu quickly send Ye Chen go out" Song Han told Song Ziyu to escort Ye Chen away.

"Okay, I'll do it" Song Ziyu nodded, she would do as Song Han ordered.

Song Ziyu escorted Ye Chen away from this place, the two of them left the Song residence.

"Ye Chen, I want to ask you" on the way out, Song Ziyu wanted to ask Ye Chen something.

" What do you want to ask?" Ye Chen said what Song Ziyu wanted to ask him.

"Do you know who the person who did this just now is?" Song Ziyu asked if Ye Chen already knew the person who had done this to her family just now.

"Why are you asking me?" Ye Chen asked why Song Ziyu asked him about this.

"It's because I feel that you know about this matter." Song Ziyu felt that Ye Chen knew about this matter, which made Song Ziyu dare to ask Ye Chen.

"I can only guess, the person behind all this is one of your closest people" Ye Chen said to Song Ziyu.

Ye Chen had already guessed someone who was a little suspicious to him.

"Who is it, please tell me?" Song Ziyu asked who Ye Chen suspected.

"I think it's your uncle, he's a little suspicious" Ye Chen said to Song Ziyu, Ye Chen suspected Long Dou to be the one behind all this.

"No way, how could he do that?" Song Ziyu couldn't believe what Ye Chen said.

"It's just a guess, after all I don't have any evidence to prove it" Ye Chen said to Song Ziyu, Ye Chen could only guess, he didn't have any evidence to accuse Long Dou.

"So it's still just a guess?" Song Ziyu was relieved when she heard this, she thought Ye Chen really knew about this matter.

"You better be a little careful, don't let your guard down, the enemy must have prepared a much bigger plan than before" Ye Chen warned Song Ziyu to be careful, lest he let his guard down and be defeated by the enemy who hid himself so well .

"I will definitely be careful" Song Ziyu will be careful, after seeing what just happened, Song Ziyu will not dare to relax her guard anymore.

Now that Song Ziyu's assessment of Ye Chen had gotten a little better, Song Ziyu felt that Ye Chen wasn't that bad.

"Oh yeah I have something to tell you" Ye Chen said that he had something to tell Song Ziyu.

" what's that ?" Song Ziyu asked what Ye Chen wanted to tell her.

"It's about our bet that time, I will definitely win and make you my servant" Ye Chen said to Song Ziyu.

"Ye Chen ! ! !" Song Ziyu looked angry when he heard what Ye Chen had just said.

Even though Song Ziyu had just praised Ye Chen, she didn't expect Ye Chen to say something like this to her, Song Ziyu's assessment of Ye Chen had dropped drastically, Ye Chen was indeed a natural enemy sent by the heavens to her.

" Ha ha ha. . ." Ye Chen had already run away, he was as far away from Song Ziyu as possible, even though Ye Chen's laughter was still echoing in Song Ziyu ears.

"Just watch out for you. ." Song Ziyu gritted her teeth, swearing that there would be a day when Ye Chen would pay for what he had done right now.

With an angry expression Song Ziyu entered the house, she returned and helped her father and grandfather to find out who had bad intentions in this family.



After leaving the Song Family residence, Ye Chen immediately rushed to his house in the suburbs, Ye Chen couldn't wait to meet Li Jingyi, Ye Chen wondered what Li Jingyi was doing right now.

"I'm home" Ye Chen said to Li Jingyi that he had gone home.

"Husband, are you home?" Li Jingyi immediately came and greeted Ye Chen, she looked happy when she saw Ye Chen back.

Seeing a beautiful & gentle goddess like Li Jingyi welcoming him like this, Ye Chen couldn't help it and immediately hugged Li Jingyi body.

Li Jingyi had resigned herself to what Ye Chen had done now, she accepted what Ye Chen had done to her.

After a few minutes, finally Li Jingyi was willing to let Ye Chen go.

"Husband, come with me." Li Jingyi pulled Ye Chen to a place.

"Wife, where are you taking me?" Ye Chen asked Li Jingyi about where she was going to take him.

"Come with me, I have something for you" Li Jingyi informed that he had something for Ye Chen.

Hearing this, Ye Chen was immediately excited, Ye Chen thought of all kinds of things that might happen, Ye Chen was currently imagining that Li Jingyi would give him a pleasant gift.

What Ye Chen thought happened, Li Jingyi took Ye Chen to a special room.

Ye Chen was getting excited when he saw this, Ye Chen couldn't wait to see what happened inside.

Li Jingyi wasted no more time, she led Ye Chen into the room.

When Ye Chen went inside, Ye Chen found that there was already a lot of food neatly arranged on the table

"wife ,This ?" Ye Chen directly asked Li Jingyi what was going on.

"I'm trying to make something for you, I hope you will taste it." Li Jingyi wanted Ye Chen to try the food he made.

"-_-" Ye Chen's expression was slightly unkind, he didn't expect that the surprise Li Jingyi was referring to would turn out like this.

Even though Ye Chen thought Li Jingyi wanted to give him something that could make Ye Chen feel excited.

"Let's sit down" Li Jingyi dragged Ye Chen to sit down and taste the food she made.

helplessly, Ye Chen was dragged by Li Jingyi to the dining table, it seemed that Ye Chen had to restrain himself from eating the food that Li Jingyi made.