Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1132 - Ask Fairy Zhen For Help

Chapter 1132 - Ask Fairy Zhen For Help

Chapter 1132 - Ask Fairy Zhen For Help

Before leaving, Ye Chen didn't forget to kiss Li Jingyi forehead who was currently sleeping very soundly.

"Husband, please don't go" when Ye Chen was about to leave this place, Li Jingyi subconsciously talked a little about Ye Chen, even in her sleep Li Jingyi still didn't want to let Ye Chen go.

Ye Chen smiled when he saw this, seeing this Ye Chen found it difficult to leave Li Jingyi.

Too bad Ye Chen had to leave, so Ye Chen couldn't stay with Li Jingyi.

Ye Chen took out some food from the fairy gate storage room, Ye Chen knew that Li Jingyi couldn't cook, so at least for the time being Li Jingyi could eat this food.

Ye Chen might have to find a maid for Li Jingyi, otherwise Ye Chen didn't know how Li Jingyi would take care of herself.

Ye Chen still thinks of Li Jingyi as a princess who can't be independent in doing all kinds of things, so it's not strange that Ye Chen wants to find a maid to serve Li Jingyi, and Ye Chen wants Li Jingyi not to work too hard.

After doing this, Ye Chen immediately headed over to the Nine Immortals Peak Sect, Ye Chen left without making a sound, this was done by Ye Chen so that Li Jingyi wouldn't wake up from her sleep.

Li Jingyi looked so exhausted, she didn't listen to Ye Chen's voice who had left this house.

Li Jingyi needed a long rest after a long battle, most likely for a while Li Jingyi would not be able to get out of bed.


After leaving his house, Ye Chen immediately rushed over from the Nine Immortals Peak Sect.

Because the distance was not too far, Ye Chen quickly arrived from the Nine Immortals Peak Sect, when he arrived from the Nine Immortals Peak Sect, Ye Chen immediately went to the medicine pavilion to start carrying out his plan.

Since Ye Chen previously had a bet with Song Ziyu to become popular, then Ye Chen had to start his own plan, Ye Chen didn't have much time, so Ye Chen had to be quick and responsive in starting his plan.

And Ye Chen's first target was the Medicine Pavilion, in this place Ye Chen was already quite famous for his achievements, so Ye Chen could easily approach the woman in the Medicine Pavilion.

Plus Ye Chen was acquainted with Fairy Zhen, so Ye Chen could easily make himself popular among women from the medicine pavilion.

"hehe, Song Ziyu, Let's see later" Ye Chen looked very excited when he thought about this, Ye Chen couldn't wait to start his action.

Finally Ye Chen began to show his wolf fangs, after Ye Chen showed his wolf fangs, then surely the woman in the outer court would not survive.

When he arrived at the medicine pavilion, Ye Chen immediately left through the back door, because it just so happened that Ye Chen already knew Fairy Zhen, so it didn't matter if Ye Chen went through the back door, no one would stop what Ye Chen was doing.

After entering through the back door, Ye Chen went straight to the special room used by Fairy Zhen, when Ye Chen peeked inside, Ye Chen found Fairy Zhen was currently busy arranging ingredients to concoct a pill.

This beautiful Milf was truly an Alchemist maniac, she could spend weeks just concocting a pill.

" ahem. . ." Ye Chen coughed lightly, himself trying to come up with a special way.

Fairy Zhen immediately turned around when she heard the sound of someone coughing behind her, when she turned around Fairy Zhen found Ye Chen already behind her.

"Ye Chen, you're already back from training?" Fairy Zhen smiled at Ye Chen, it could be seen that Fairy Zhen was very happy when she saw Ye Chen in front of her.

The reason Fairy Zhen was behaving like this was because of the advice given by Ye Chen, the advice about the ancient pill manual given by Ye Chen had been tried by Fairy Zhen, and the results were almost all successful.

Fairy Zhen now considered Ye Chen to be a very, very intelligent person, so it was not strange for Fairy Zhen to show this kind of attitude towards Ye Chen.

"Fairy Zhen, I have come to ask you for help" Ye Chen stepped towards Fairy Zhen, he immediately told Fairy Zhen the reason he came to this place.

" What do you want?" Fairy Zhen asked what Ye Chen wanted from her.

Ye Chen whispered what he wanted into Fairy Zhen's ear, he told Fairy Zhen about his plans.

"Are you sure you want to make a job like that?" Fairy Zhen asked Ye Chen, Fairy Zhen couldn't believe that Ye Chen would do such a job.

"So why, is this kind of thing forbidden?" Ye Chen asked Fairy Zhen.

Ye Chen wanted to know whether what he was doing was forbidden by the Sect or not.

"There's no prohibition against such a thing, but would the female student in the outer court want to buy your massage services?" Fairy Zhen asked Ye Chen.

Fairy Zhen's thinking was quite simple, Sect Points contribution was a hard thing to get, many disciples didn't want to use the contribution points they had for something useless like massage services.

"Hehehe, you've felt it yourself isn't how the skills I have. . . ." Ye Chen said to Fairy Zhen.

Fairy Zhen's face turned red when she heard this, Fairy Zhen still remembers the massage session that Ye Chen gave her, it was quite comfortable and very enjoyable, Fairy Zhen couldn't even forget it until now.

"Yes, I do have to admit that your skills are great, but every woman's taste is different, so I don't know if they will like it or not" Fairy Zhen informed that women's tastes were different, so she didn't know if this would work or not.

"Then why don't we try it, don't you have quite a lot of female disciples in this place" Ye Chen said to Fairy Zhen, Ye Chen immediately told Fairy about female disciples in this place.

"Do you want to use my female student for your experiment?" Fairy Zhen asked Ye Chen, Fairy Zhen didn't expect Ye Chen to do something like this, Ye Chen was too brave to do something like this.

"hehe, they can be useful in this plan of mine, so I will make them spread the news to the friends they have" Ye Chen said to Fairy Zhen.

Ye Chen intended to use the female disciples under Fairy Zhen's management to spread the word about him to her friends, that way Ye Chen didn't have to bother looking for women one by one, he just had to wait for them to come to him.

"You are very smart, I like your intelligence" Fairy Zhen smiled at Ye Chen, honestly she felt that Ye Chen was very smart.

"So what, do you want to help me or not?" Ye Chen asked if Fairy Zhen would help him or not.

"How can I refuse someone who has helped me solve a difficult problem that I have, come with me, we will meet them" Fairy Zhen said that if she agreed to Ye Chen's request, she would help Ye Chen in the bet issue with Song Ziyu.

Fairy Zhen could see Ye Chen's potential, so she believed in Ye Chen's abilities.