Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1067 - Defeat Oyang Jun

Chapter 1067 - Defeat Oyang Jun

Chapter 1067 - Defeat Oyang Jun

Oyang Jun was currently feeling an unbearable pain in his face, Ye Chen's punch just now had clearly shattered Oyang Jun's face.

" Bastard "Oyang Jun looked very angry, his face had been crushed by Ye Chen.

Oyang Jun again tried to attack Ye Chen, this time Oyang Jun's cleaver was enveloped in Flames.

"gahhhh. . ." Oyang Jun shouted, intending to slash Ye Chen for the second time.

Ye Chen only smiled when he saw what Oyang Jun was trying to do, Ye Chen used Nine Shadow Steps to dodge Oyang Jun's attack.

"Slash" This time, Oyang Jun's slash hit Ye Chen's body.

Oyang Jun looked very happy when he saw his attack hit Ye Chen right now, now finally Oyang Jun can smile with satisfaction.

Oyang Jun's smile only lasted for a moment, after that Oyang Jun's satisfied smile disappeared.

Ye Chen's body suddenly disappeared, what Oyang Jun just attacked was only Ye Chen's substitute shadow.

"I'm behind you" Ye Chen spoke to Oyang Jun, unnoticed by Oyang Jun, Ye Chen was already behind his body.

Oyang Jun turned around, he intended to attack Ye Chen, unfortunately once before Oyang Jun could kill Ye Chen, Oyang Jun was beaten by Ye Chen first.

Twice Oyang Jun had gotten a hit in the face.

Oyang Jun's face was seriously injured, Ye Chen's two blows had made Oyang Jun's face difficult to recognize by those closest to Oyang Jun.

Oyang Jun endured the increasingly excruciating pain, Oyang Jun received two hits from Ye Chen, this was an embarrassing disgrace to Oyang Jun.

Oyang Jun couldn't stand these consecutive defeats anymore, he had to win against Ye Chen.

Oyang Jun's body began to be enveloped by a deep fire that smoldered and burned everything around Oyang Jun.

"Flame Cleaver Slash" Oyang Jun swung his machete several times, a slash of fire shot out every time Oyang Jun swung his machete.

A slash of fire flew towards Ye Chen, the entire attack aimed at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stretched his hand forward, when Ye Chen stretched his hand forward, all the fire slashes immediately stopped in front of Ye Chen.

The fire slashes stopped as if they were afraid of Ye Chen.

Oyang Jun was taken aback by what happened, his attack was stopped by Ye Chen very easily.

Ye Chen snapped his fingers, the fire slash instantly turned around and attacked Oyang Jun.

" no. . ., no . . , no . . , why are you attacking me ?" Oyang Jun tried to run away, unfortunately his movement was a bit slower and was eventually caught up by his own attack.

"Boom. . , boom . . , boom . . , boom . . , boom . . " Several large explosions occurred when the slash of fire hit Oyang Jun's body, the attack launched by Oyang Jun turned out to have an extremely strong destructive power.

Too bad ,that His attack actually destroyed Oyang Jun .

"Arghhhh" Oyang Jun screamed in pain, his entire body burned by his own attack.

For some reason Oyang Jun's attack became much stronger, this made Oyang Jun feel a lot of pain.

Apart from controlling Oyang Jun's attack, just now Ye Chen had strengthened his attack, this made Oyang Jun's attack much more powerful than what he had previously launched.

Oyang Jun screamed for several minutes before finally stopping, Oyang Jun's body had been completely burned to ashes.

"Oh shit. . .." Ye Chen was a little careless, he had killed Oyang Jun, this made Ye Chen unable to find out who the person who had sent Oyang Jun was.

"Forget it, there are still some kidnappers that I can interrogate." There were still some kidnappers that Ye Chen had previously knocked out, so Ye Chen could still extract information from these people.

"Sir, thank you for saving me." Li Jingyi suddenly thanked Ye Chen, he thanked Ye Chen for helping her.

"You don't need to thank me, it's my duty to help the weak." Ye Chen waved his hand, he didn't need Li Jingyi to thank him like that.

It was Ye Chen's duty to protect Li Jingyi who was in danger.

Since Ye Chen was wearing a God Mask, Li Jingyi shouldn't know about Ye Chen identity.

"Alright, I'll go first, take good care of yourself" Ye Chen bid farewell to Li Jingyi, he went towards the people he had previously crippled.

Li Jingyi saw Ye Chen's departure. "That guy was really cool" Li Jingyi felt that Ye Chen was really really cool, Li Jingyi liked Ye Chen.

"Why does that man look familiar to me" Li Jingyi felt familiar with Ye Chen, Li Jingyi felt that she had met Ye Chen in this place.

Li Jingyi started to find out who the man who had just saved her was, she wanted to know who had helped her.

"Princess, are you okay?" Li Jingyi's maid finally caught up with Li Jingyi.

"I'm fine" Li Jingyi told the Maid that she was fine at the moment.

"It's good that the princess is fine, let's go back." Maid invited Li Jingyi to come back and see if Lao Kang and the others had succeeded in stifling the criminals.

"Let's go back." Li Jingyi nodded, he went along with the Maid back to where the others were.



Meanwhile, Ye Chen was currently going to take a look at the kidnappers he had managed to knock out.

"they have all been killed" When Ye Chen went to see the kidnappers, Ye Chen found that they were all dead.

Right now Ye Chen didn't have someone he could use to find out the identity of the enemy.

"Forget it, after all, my job is only to escort the princess, the matter of people targeting the princessn, is none of my business." Since Ye Chen couldn't find anything that he could use to obtain information, Ye Chen decided to forget about this matter.

Ye Chen immediately returned to where Mei Yueli and the remainder of the Party were, Ye Chen had to confirm whether they were okay or not.

When Ye Chen arrived at the place of Mei Yueli and the others, Ye Chen saw that they were currently being cornered by the enemy, it could be seen that Mei Yueli, Song Ziyu and the others were exhausted from the fierce battle they were fighting, some even suffered internal injuries.

"are they all really core disciples?" Ye Chen was speechless when he saw the defeat suffered by Mei Yueli and his Party members.

Ye Chen started to wonder if they were really a core disciple or not, even fighting these people was difficult.

"Looks like I have to help them." Seeing this, Ye Chen had to help these people.


Frost Nova

" Ye Chen stretched out his hand towards the enemy, a blue light appeared from Ye Chen's hand straight towards the enemy.

Quickly all enemies are instantly turned into Ice statues by this attack.

Even the enemy didn't have time to react when Ye Chen attacked them.

" What happened?"Song Ziyu and everyone else were shocked by what had just happened.

All of them had no idea what had just happened to all the enemies they had fought against.

"Quickly defeat them" Lao Kang ordered to Mei Yueli, Song Ziyu and the others to immediately defeat the enemy who was currently sealed off.