Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1222 Betrayal???

Chapter 1222 Betrayal???









Chapter 1222 Betrayal???

"For now, I'll hide it, but in the future, we'll need protection from people who actively tried to research our bloodline," w.a.n.g Wei muttered. Now that he no longer had to worry about the Celestial Race, he focused on his next task.

"From now on, you'll be in charge of our exchange with the Celestial Race."

"Hmm, sect master, I'm a little spread thin. I need more people, especially talents," w.a.n.g Qi quickly said. Although he was glad the sect master believed in himself to give him so much power, he also wanted to do his job correctly.

w.a.n.g Wei suddenly remembered someone. "Go find the Brilliant Smile Emperor and have him join our cause." w.a.n.g Wei condensed a guiding talisman connected to the latter's fate.

"One last thing," w.a.n.g Wei said. He raised his hand to create a new dimension to house the ocean of Immortal Qi he received as a gift. "Use this place to increase your cultivation once everything temporarily calms down."

"I will."

w.a.n.g Qi left, and w.a.n.g Wei followed soon. He teleported near the corner of Taoism's territory before changing his clothes, hair, and demeanor to that of a Taoist Priest. He used his Yin-Yang Dao to accentuate the Taoist vibe he wanted to portray.

For the next few days, w.a.n.g Wei traveled in this territory, observing and listening. Nothing happened to him, which was good and bad news. The bad news is Supreme Unity's lack of action despite gallivanting in his territory made him wary. The good news is he may not have to worry too much when dealing with Taoism and Seven Cauldron.

w.a.n.g Wei activated his Soul Network and locked on the soul he wanted, which was located in the Peaceful Heart Temple, a place of solitude and exile for many priests. He did not immediately interact with it but observed the surroundings. 'As expected, it's an ambush.' He summoned the soul to the fog s.p.a.ce.

Zhen Biyu looked confused. She was meditating when a powerful force pulled her primary soul into this place. Her resistance was futile. She looked at the person before her: "I knew you could meet me without anyone noticing."

"I guess I don't have to worry about which side you're on," w.a.n.g Wei commented.

"I resent the fact you think I'm this kind of person," Zhen Biyu replied.

"Tell me what happened to you," w.a.n.g Wei changed the environment into two cus.h.i.+ons facing each other.

"After I ascended, I started doing missions for the Rebellion to understand the situation and gather resources," Zhen Biyu explained. "I used the talisman you gave me to track Emperor Five Heart and eliminate her." She had a bright smile while mentioning this. Without that obstacle, her state of mind reached a higher level, and she perfected her Dao Heart. These achievements made her more joyful, and her cultivation speed increased significantly.

"Then, two people from the Five Element Balance Palace came to see me. They asked me why I didn't return to the sect, and I told them I had personal matters to attend to. They wanted me to return immediately, and one of them was even rude about it. Luckily, I had prepared for this.

"I told the Rebellion of my background, and they suggested I become a double spy, so they gave me something called a False Mind Pill, which would allow me to hide my thoughts and lie to an Empyrean. They even help me clean up my aura."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded as he understood what she meant. Zhen Biyu proved the Dao in the upper dimension, and with the proper method or person, it's possible to determine this fact from her aura.

"I told them about you," Zhen Biyu continued. "I didn't tell him any important information, but enough for them to have some understanding of your personality and capability. It was the only way to get their trust."

"Don't worry. I understand," w.a.n.g Wei rea.s.sured.

Zhen Biyu sighed in relief. "I'll hand over Emperor Five Heart's artifact to you."

"No need. This thing has no destiny with me, so you can keep it. You can repay your debt later on with something else?"

"Are you sure? I've come to learn that this thing is valuable."

"Oh? How valuable?"

"It's a Supreme Chaos Treasure Embryo," Zhen Biyu explained. "Although its power is only on par with a Chaos Treasure now, as long as you provide it with enough resources, it can grow to such heights. Moreover, you don't have to feed it unique resources, just a certain quant.i.ty, and it will condense into shape."

"That's indeed valuable."

"So, have you changed your mind?"

"Not at all," w.a.n.g Wei replied calmly.

"Your personality is indeed odd."

"What makes you say so?"

"You're obviously greedy, but you can also give up on such a rare item without hesitation."

"What can I say? I'm an enigma," w.a.n.g Wei shrugged. This artifact had a similar effect as the Dao Burial Ground, so there was no point in having it now. Additionally, his intuition told him the best use of it was with her.

"Tell me about your sect's situation or Taoism in general."

"Heavily divided," Zhen Biyu answered. "A small and new faction supported by the Supreme Ruler and Seven Cauldron ruled the sect, while the majority faction which originated from ancient times is very dissatisfied with the current situation.

"I haven't figured out exactly why the old faction is unhappy, but my deduction is something to do with the restrictions that there can be no Paragons born in the world. And from what I gathered, most other Taoist lineages are similar to ours."

w.a.n.g Wei pondered. He could deduce the source of these people's dissatisfaction. Supreme Unity and Maitreya killed all their previous Paragons and prevented them from reviving or creating more. Additionally, the resources they used to control were not drastically reduced and were in the hands of Seven Cauldron. It would be weird if these factions were not dissatisfied.

"Why are you in this place?" w.a.n.g Wei asked.

"It was a big deal after you ascended, so I approached the sect and said I owe you karma, and there is a chance you may contact me. They agreed to this ambush operation, but I just wanted an opportunity to contact the outside world."

"You have something you want me to pa.s.s to the Rebellion?"

"Yes, I've gathered valuable information, and unfortunately, I still have a debt to pay them for the Heaven Will," Zhen Biyu explained. "You can read it before pa.s.sing it on." Her soul condensed a talisman, and w.a.n.g Wei took it.

"You don't have to worry about them. I'll pay your contract, so from now on, you report directly to me," w.a.n.g Wei said.

"That's fine." Zhen Biyu would rather deal with w.a.n.g Wei than the Rebellion because he knew what kind of person the latter was. However, the Rebellion was an a.s.sembly of all types of individuals, many with different ideals and goals from their primary cause.

"If you want to contact me, leave the sect to an area not covered by a Paragon Formation, and I can reach you anytime and anywhere," w.a.n.g Wei added.

"I understand."

"I'll give you a parting gift." w.a.n.g Wei condensed his Soul Network Ability into a seed that manifested as a lotus flower on his palm. He accessed his Paragon Soul temporarily to bless the lotus and did the same with the sect's Void Rus.h.i.+ng Talisman. Finally, he fused the lotus with Zhen Biyu's soul.

"If your ident.i.ty is detected, activate this ability, which should take your soul away even from a Paragon Formation. However, you must be quick and decisive. This thing might work on a formation in pa.s.sive mode, but once someone takes control of it, you're screwed."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Zhen Biyu was confident she would not be caught. The False Mind Pill mutated after she used it due to her two personalities or souls, granting her a new ability to hide her thoughts and memories in an undetectable layer in her Sea of Consciousness. She was even confident about lying to Seven Cauldron's face.

"It's good to be confident, but don't be," w.a.n.g Wei warned.

"I know." Her personality was usually calm and patient, so she would not do anything unnecessary or stupid despite her confidence. w.a.n.g Wei waved his hand to teleport a small pile of second-rank Dao Sources.

"This should be enough to turn your artifact into a peak Supreme Innate Treasure, but be careful that your sect doesn't force you to hand it over."

"I won't let them," Zhen Biyu nodded with determination. She was more confident with her mission as a double-spy with the artifact once this thing evolved to the next level. And if she could somehow get the resources for a second evolution, that would be ideal.

"That's good to hear."

"However, I'm now more indebted to you."

"I'm sure one day, I'll need you to return the favor," w.a.n.g Wei stated. "Now, let's put on a little show to increase these people's trust in you."