Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1212 Recruiting

Chapter 1212 Recruiting

Chapter 1212 Recruiting

[Unedited Chapter]


It took w.a.n.g Wei a few minutes before he could return to his base, and that's because of the new location. After detecting the spy, he immediately changed the Dao Burial Ground's location; he did not know how much information Ers.h.i.+ had already reported, so he must be careful.

After returning home, w.a.n.g Wei served himself some Longjue Tea to soothe his mind and think. 'They probably found us through divination.' Taoism was excellent at divination and calculation. Although they could not calculate w.a.n.g Wei, they could do so for the people around him.

'I need to upgrade our Anti-Divination Abilities,' w.a.n.g Wei pondered. 'Not just that, I also need to improve their training method and how they operate.' He realized that his Fate Shadow Guards were not the only ones who needed to change and adapt to how things operated in the upper dimension.

'It seems like there are too many things to do with very little time,' w.a.n.g Wei thought as he sipped his drink. 'No, I feel this way because my mindset hasn't changed from the lower dimension. This war will not end in a few thousand years or even a few million years. This battle could take Epochs, and I need to accept that and take things slowly.'

w.a.n.g Wei calmed down, readjusting his mindset and his plan. Once he finished the tea, he summoned w.a.n.g Qi.

"Sect master."

"Go ask the Rebellion for their information on Seven Cauldron's spy agency."

"No problem, but sect master, wouldn't this be a good opportunity for you to contact them?"

w.a.n.g Wei shook his head. "Keeping an air of mystery will be more helpful to me in the early stages. Our first direct contact should also be with their leader; otherwise, some people might try to play political games, and I don't want to deal with such nonsense."

"As you wish."

w.a.n.g Qi had a special communication room for contacting the Rebellion, so he went to use it. A few minutes later, he sent a projection to w.a.n.g Wei's room.

"Sect master, they are asking for payment?"

w.a.n.g Wei raised his hand to summon a head.

"Who's this?" "Vice Commander Ers.h.i.+'s head."

"How valuable is this?" w.a.n.g Qi asked so he knows how to negotiate the maximum profit.

"Notability, even infamy, is crucial to their cause. So, claiming the kill for an Empyrean and one of such an organization is very valuable. It should be more than enough for high-level and detailed news."

w.a.n.g Qi took the head and disappeared. He returned 2 hours later with a scroll. "The Hidden Sun-Moon Sect?" w.a.n.g Wei read everything, gaining a deeper understanding of this organization. Three things caught his attention after reading this briefing.

Firstly, the Rebellion mentioned how talented and scary the leader of this sectthe First Sunwas. They even stated that the First Sun was one of the few Empyreans their leader was wary of. Secondly, a brief pa.s.sage mentions how the Hidden Sun-Moon Sect was the second most powerful spy agency amongst the parasitesat least regarding information-gathering ability and

w.a.n.g Wei was intrigued about who had the best shadow guards under their control, but that was not the main point he noticed from this briefing.

'After Maitreya and Supreme Unity's rise, people should refrain from using the word [Sun] or any iconography related to the sun just like rulers or kings cannot call themselves [Emperors] in the lower dimension. It's the same for the [Seven Moons] but on a much lower level. However, Seven Cauldron not only named his faction after the sun and moon, he even named their commander the [First Sun].

'So, either I'm overthinking this small detail, or there is something more behind such choices.'

w.a.n.g Wei did not believe he was overthinking. The higher the cultivation, the bigger a cultivator's ego usually is, making them care about such insignificant things. The only way for Seven Cauldron to make such a blunder would be if he were indeed politically illiterate, but even if that were the case, someone would have reminded him.

With their high self-esteem, the other moons would have definitely confronted him because his Vice-Commanders are cla.s.sified using the moon. They might even have pressured him to change it, yet the name remains.

'The more I think about it, the more significant this small detail seems,' w.a.n.g Wei concluded. 'Let's see if this information will go somewhere.' He looked at w.a.n.g Qi. "You did an excellent job." The information revealed was way more than w.a.n.g Wei expected.

"Thank you for the praise, sect master, but I'm just doing my job."

"It's good that you take your duty seriously and are good at it, but don't neglect your cultivation," w.a.n.g Wei warned. "You know how vast and complex this world is; your fate will be terrible without strength."

"I understand this clearly," w.a.n.g Qi replied.

"Good," w.a.n.g Wei dismissed him before proceeding to his next task: recruitment. He activated his Soul Flower Ability, accessing the Soul Network.

'Oh my Heaven, so many souls,' w.a.n.g Wei commented. If he considered the souls he saw as a single grain of sand, there were enough to fill the entire observable universe on Earth with still a significant amount of people left. w.a.n.g Wei sighed. Moments like this showed him how small and insignificant he is.

He controlled himself to focus on his ability. There were a few areas with a vague outline, signifying places with a Tier 11 formation of one of the paths. However, he did not care since even the ones with Empyreans Formation meant that he needed to take time to break into them if he wished. So, he focused on the all-black areas.

'Tier 12 protections,' w.a.n.g Wei thought briefly before frowning. He noticed countless souls with marks on them. 'Too many people with restrictions in their souls,' he complained.

"Let's filter these souls out," he muttered. He first removed all the mortals with no cultivation, which eliminated 60% of the souls, a number that shocked him since mortals make up 80% of the population in the lower dimension.

He eliminated the souls with restrictions he could not currently deal with, followed by the ones with deep backgrounds and abundant resources. Lastly, he eliminated anyone with a cultivation less than Tier 7.

"The next step is the halls and systems." w.a.n.g Wei quickly finished everything before forcefully summoning these chosen souls. Many cultivators from Tier 7 to Tier 11 and from all paths gathered in a large room with gray fog for a sky. w.a.n.g Wei sat cross-legged in the sky above him.

A few Empyreans did not like someone floating above their heads and prepared to display their strength. However, the wise ones knew better since someone who could summon so many souls at once should not be trifled with. w.a.n.g Wei released a bit of his soul pressure, suppressing these bold individuals.

"Many of you should have heard rumors of me, for I am the destined one charged with ending this terrible era," he declared. "I have chosen you because of your talent and abilities. Sadly, fate was not kind, so it did not give luck or destiny. You've come so far without any reliance and background."

The people listened attentively.

"I come with an opportunity," w.a.n.g Wei. "Source Stones, Formations, Pills, Talismans, Weapons, Luck anything you want, you can get it." He smiled. "Of course, you've lived long enough to understand that there is no free lunch in the cultivation world. So, what do I want in return?

"Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. I want help to end this insufferable era. Your cultivation journey was arduous, making you value power even more. Sadly for most of you, the path ahead is blocked, and all resources are strictly controlled by either those parasites or those ancient sects."

w.a.n.g Wei raised his hands to summon a few buildings created from the fog. "If you choose to join my [Changing Fate Hall], here is how things will operate. There is the [Mission Hall]. You can choose missions, and upon completion, you will receive Dao Source or Fate Points based on your choice. Fate Points come with a 5% discount for all purchases, and it's also a system to increase your rank to access some rare-level resources."

He summoned another building.

"There is the [Resource Hall], where you can exchange almost everything including cultivation, rare Qi, and even Longevity Resources.

"There is the [Profession Hall]. Anyone with a profession Dao can receive specific missions that involve their profession. These missions usually refine something, but there are others as well. And yes, the materials will be provided, and you can keep the extras."

Another building manifested from the fog.

"The [Information Hall] you can exchange and sell news, secrets, and rumors.

"Lastly, there is [Prime Hall]. This hall is for people who truly wish to follow me instead of only using this transactional method of exchange. You can imagine the benefits and risks of this hall so that I won't say anymore," w.a.n.g Wei finished.

"Any question?"