Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1148 Ultimate Comeback

Chapter 1148 Ultimate Comeback

Chapter 1148 Ultimate Comeback

1148 Ultimate Comeback

The amba.s.sadors were about to leave after the discussions broke down. Hua Long tried her best, but w.a.n.g Wei was the kind of no-nonsense person, so he shut down all her other attempts. Now, they needed to report to their leaders so they could make a decision.

"Have your leader come see me for the next meeting," w.a.n.g Wei declared before dismissing them. Then, he focused on the crowd. "As you can see, we're about to enter another major war, and once this one is over, we will finally achieve our goal of spreading throughout the Endless Void."

These ministers' eyes shone brilliantly. War meant resources, profit, and, more importantly - glory. They will leave their marks on the history of the lower dimension, and that's something to brag about for countless eras to come.

"To prepare for this war, we must have a meeting with all the courts under our influence," w.a.n.g Wei said, preparing to call all 1000 other Heavenly Emperors.

"Your majesty, before you do that, why don't we deal with our internal issues."

"Right," w.a.n.g Wei said with a grunt. "Alright, let's get started." Many things needed his focus or decisions during his long absence, so w.a.n.g Wei dealt with those first. And since he technically had a hands-off approach to the court since the war with the Martial Hegemony World, there were some issues as far back as then for him to deal with.

The entire process took hours despite his superhuman process speed, mostly because many people began to argue, and since they were not arguing for the sake of argument and making good points, w.a.n.g Wei listened to them before making a decision. Finally, he dealt with everything and started an even larger meeting.

w.a.n.g Wei's throne was located on a slightly elevated podium, and with a snap of his finger, he summoned more than 1200 thrones on his right and left side. Before the meeting proceeded, he chatted with a few people he was close to, like Ji Lanfang, the Monkey King, or the original members of his alliance.

They discussed and strategized for the next war, which would be even bigger than before. They established a new War Room and elected a new Commander. Sadly, Tie Gang failed the compet.i.tion and was elected as the Vice-Commander. The final part of the meeting was training and simulation of this war in the Dream World, so once that was established, everyone dispersed, waiting for the next possible changes in the situation.

w.a.n.g Wei was once again left alone, so he finally took the time to check on his p.a.w.n. If everyone could see the feared Golden G.o.d right now, they would be extremely surprised as he was currently facing a life-and-death situation.

'Heaven Devouring Emperor, you are so predictable,' w.a.n.g Wei thought with a grin. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d survived the Heaven Will Battle and tried to stage a comeback from the Nine Devil G.o.d World. Sadly for him, that was w.a.n.g Wei's property, so his attempt was futile. However, w.a.n.g Wei had a hunch he might be useful, so he let him escape, allowing him to run far away from him. Now, he was glad he did so.

'With my Karma Unbound Physique, it doesn't matter if I manufacture a catastrophe to get the [Human Emperor Position] or reap other benefits. However, it would benefit me if the catastrophe were more real, as True Heavenly Dao would be less likely to remember and hold a grudge.'

He grinned as things proceeded as expected. After escaping, the Heaven Devouring Emperor's only thought was to regain his strength and avenge himself. Sadly, his luck was currently in the negative, so most of his efforts and attempts failed miserably - until he heard about the Golden G.o.d's rise.

So, he a.s.sumed the ident.i.ty of a regular cultivator in a world community about to be conquered. Once the Golden G.o.d enslaved his mind with his parasite, the Heaven Devour Emperor found ways to make sure he looked like one of the latter's undying followers. Then, he slowly climbed the political ladder by showing his tactical mind and gaining the Golden G.o.d's trust.

The Heaven Devouring Emperor became the latter's right-hand man, but everything was just a ploy to use the latter's hand to eliminate w.a.n.g Wei and avenge himself. Unfortunately, the Heaven Devouring Emperor's greatest flaw is his greedy nature, so he starts l.u.s.ting after the Golden G.o.d's powers themselves instead of using him to avenge his humiliating defeat.

He observed, a.n.a.lyzed, and waited, and with the Golden G.o.d's unilateral trust in his parasite, the Heaven-Devouring Emperor had the opportunity to get close. He discovered the latter's strength originated from the armor and prepared for ways to suppress its power temporarily. Then, at the right time, when his opponent's guard was at its lowest, he attacked.

'If nothing unexpected occurs, the Heaven Devouring Emperor will become the main personality, and this catastrophe will officially become real, not man-made.' w.a.n.g Wei had nothing to do with the Heaven Devouring Emperor's actions - he just predicted them. So, True Heavenly Dao cannot blame him. He silently removed his Spiritual Particle from the armor and closed his eyes.

Heaven Mountain World:

"That's everything that happened," Hua Long finished her explanation while looking respectfully at a woman dressed in a long flowing robe with clear blue eyes and a red mark on her forehead. She was as beautiful as a celestial being but with a natural oppression emanating from her body. She stood above this cold mountain enveloped by snow, but her beauty somehow eclipsed this wonderful sight. Even more, her white clothes made her seem purer than the snow itself.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry - I have failed you," said a thin scholar in yellow robes holding a whisk. He lowered his head in shame, and he seemed genuine.

The Overlord Seal Empress looked in the distance. "It's not your fault." No one could have predicted that the [Heavenly Emperor of Virtue] would have this personality.

"Even so, I should have thought that someone with such achievements could not be easily manipulated."

The Overlord Seal Empress turned around to focus on the group. She patted the scholar on the shoulder to rea.s.sure him, and he immediately felt the utmost honor, followed by shame since he failed her.

"Did you investigate what I asked?"

"Yes, your majesty," Hua Long responded. "Hong Wu is indeed Wu Hong, or Empress Wu from the Myriad Emperor World, the Ender of the Devil Era."

"We've guessed as much. But what else do you know? Does she have a lineage or clan?"

"Unfortunately, no. According to what I found, she was alone most of her life, and the Devil G.o.ds exiled her to the upper dimension before she had a chance to establish one."

"Is that so?" The Overlord Seal Empress sighed. She wanted to pay respect to her master's lineage, but now, it seems she has to ascend before getting the chance.

"There is something else."

"If you have any information, why are you hesitating to tell his majesty?" The scholar chimed in. Hua Long stared at him. She was trying to be gentle in her news delivery.

"What is it? You can tell me."

"The First Heavenly Emperor might be connected to Empress Wu."

"Connected how?"

"They're...Dao Companions."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The snow mountain suddenly became colder.

"According to their history, he married a woman, Wu Hong, and she also used Sealing Dao."

"That doesn't mean it's her."

"True, but she looked exactly like any portrait of Empress Wu, except older and with a more mature aura," Hua Long explained.

The Overlord Seal Empress frowned, "Show me the picture." Then, her brow furrowed deeper as she saw the projection Hua Long showed her. "It might still not be her."

"That is also true," Hua Long nodded. "According to rumors, before he proved the Dao, they believed she was either Empress Wu's descendant, a clone, or her reincarnation. However..."

"However, what?"

"She suddenly disappeared before their final battle. The main theory is that she was, indeed, Empress Wu, who had to reincarnate for some reason. However, she regained her memories and ascended."

"So, their relations.h.i.+p ended?"

"That, I don't know. What I do know is, she is still labeled as their court's Queen Mother."

The Overlord Seal Empress frowned. Such a thing could mean many things. The First Heavenly Emperor might just be pining after her master, or she might have acknowledged their companions.h.i.+p despite the weird circ.u.mstances in which they occurred.

"Let me ask you, does he have any other wives or concubines?"

"Huh, no. Apparently, he's famous for being loyal."

"Really? You're telling me a man with such power does not have any other wives and concubines?"

"Officially, that is the truth."

"Officially?" The Overlord Seal Empress asked.

"There are rumors he's in a secret relations.h.i.+p with the Time Void Empress, but they are both married and don't seem like the kind of people who would do such a thing. Plus, this man doesn't care about public perception, so he does not need to hide it."

"He could be doing it to protect the Void Time Empress's reputation," the scholar added.

"Or, he's afraid of what my master will do to him once she finds out," the Overlord Seal Empress sneered.