Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1146 Ark

Chapter 1146 Ark

Chapter 1146 Ark

1146 Ark

w.a.n.g Wei sat on his throne, and after a few seconds, a figure rose from a shadow spot before him. "Master."

"w.a.n.g Ju, update me."

"Yes. First, President Tian Wenyan is dead, and the court has conquered the commerce hub's territory."

"That should be expected." The man's effort was nothing but a last-ditch effort, so he was bound to die no matter what. "Do you know why he never surrendered to us?"

"Someone he loved dear died during the war, so he blamed us, blamed you."

"Is that so?" No matter how cunning or brilliant someone is, they will always have some sort of emotional fetters - unless they walk the path of indifference. "Do we know who... never mind. Continue."

"With Tong Ruobing's talisman, we have hunted down most of the Abyss Gap branches, but a few successfully escaped despite our well-coordinated efforts."

"Escape? Where?"

"Back to the gap."

"Didn't we have people blocking and supervising the entrance?"

"Those people suddenly disappeared, and no matter the method we tried, we could not locate them. So, the best conclusion is that they somehow returned. We are still investigating the details but making little to no progress so far."

"I see." w.a.n.g Wei's gaze penetrated the endless s.p.a.ce to spy at the Abyss Gap. 'Is something about to happen before I actively deal with this thing? That's annoying.' He wanted to be careful and eliminate the problem after becoming an Everlasting Empyrean.

"You don't need to put too much emphasis on them anymore," w.a.n.g Wei ordered. The Abyss Gap was his problem, so it was best for the Fate Shadow Guards to focus their attention and resources elsewhere.

"What else?"

"Sir, have you heard of the Golden G.o.d?" w.a.n.g Ju asked.

"What's that?"

"It's a new force that has risen during your retreat."

"New force? Are they important enough for you to bring up?"

w.a.n.g Ju secretly looked at her master. She had the nagging suspicions that the Golden G.o.d was another p.a.w.n his master threw out for whatever plans. The latter's rise was too sudden and fast, and his unparalleled strength could not come out of nowhere. It made sense the Commerce Hub and the Spirit Genesis Sect had such power, but this Golden G.o.d? His strength was inexplicable and so random that the entire thing screamed a plot. However, since the sect master did not want to tell the truth, he must have his reason.

"In just a short period, the Golden G.o.d has conquered more than 1400 World Communities, even more than us."

"Are you serious?" w.a.n.g Wei asked with a somber tone.

"Yes. The Endless Void is currently divided into three sections: us, the Golden G.o.d, and everyone in between who has yet to be conquered."

"Is that so?"

The feeling that this was all a ploy intensified after seeing her master's reaction. However, w.a.n.g Ju did not ask and continued:

"That's the current situation. The good news is with this new enemy, the remaining world communities were forced to establish a court as a way to condense their military power. So, our objectives could be said to be two-third?"


"The Golden G.o.d does not allow the existence of courts. Instead, he forced all conquered worlds to wors.h.i.+p him."

"Well, two-thirds is not a bad result," w.a.n.g Wei nodded.

"So, what should we do about him?" w.a.n.g Ju asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'll have a court meeting to discuss things. More importantly, how is the expansion of the Fate Shadow Guards?"

"Excellent. We are meeting your expectations, and by the time we've spread throughout the lower dimension, everything should be prepared."

"That's good news." w.a.n.g Wei nodded before handing the Law Tree Seed to her. "Give this to Origin One and tell him to find someone to plan it." w.a.n.g Ju received the seed, wondering why the sect master tasked him with such a mundane thing; couldn't he just do it himself.

"Okay, you're dismissed." w.a.n.g Wei said after talking for another few minutes. w.a.n.g Ju bowed before she dissipated.

'She knows me too well,' w.a.n.g Wei thought. Such a quality is perfect for the kind of role w.a.n.g Ju is in, but it also becomes a weakness that w.a.n.g Wei's opponent could exploit. He does not think w.a.n.g Ju would ever betray if she were ever captured, but there were too many ways to extract information from her.

'That's why she cannot ascend with me. The lower dimension is the perfect protection for her until I'm strong enough to protect her from these methods.' w.a.n.g Wei felt it was truly a shame, given how much time and effort he spent to train her to be this capable. Previously, he did not want to take her mainly due to her talent, but he's learned that with his ability, cultivation talents are the least of his problems.

"Oh, good, you're back."

w.a.n.g Wei turned to look at Xu s.h.i.+.

"I came to check on you, but you weren't here." She paused and looked at him intently. "Why are you suddenly more beautiful than me?"

"I've always been more beautiful than you. Your ego simply could not accept such a fact until I truly revealed myself to the world."

Xu s.h.i.+ rolled her eyes as she observed him more carefully. "You're not the kind of person to care about his appearance and purposely make you more beautiful. So, what happened?"

"I've got a new skin routine."

"Care to share?"

"You can't afford it."

"That's a shame." Xu s.h.i.+ sighed deeply. "However, now, we will never beat the rumors about us." w.a.n.g Wei's lips twitched as he could already foresee what people would say about his new change. For example, he felt inferior, so he changed his appearance to be more worthy of being with Xu s.h.i.+. And that one will probably be the mildest of them.

"Don't mention those things, or my mood will worsen."

"So, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Xu s.h.i.+ looked at him. "Well, if you say so. We need another court meeting as there are many things for you to decide - especially the amba.s.sadors from the Central Region."

"Central Region?"

"I'm a.s.suming you've been debriefed on the current situation of the Endless Void?"

"I was."

"Well, that's the name we have given the regions between us and the Golden G.o.d."

"That's a lazy name, but I guess it's straightforward enough."

"Their people have been for a while, asking for an audience with you."

"Alright." With a thought, the court's bell rang worldwide, signaling that a court meeting would occur three days later. Then, the two chatted briefly before Xu s.h.i.+ left. w.a.n.g Wei gazed at the world.

28,000 years pa.s.sed while he was in the Dark Truth, so a few important things occurred in his absence. For example, Lou Cheng had already ascended, becoming the first Emperor in this generation to leave. The Innate Demon G.o.ds were perfectly integrated into the world, and as he planned, the Innate Demons were now allied with the demon race in the north while the Primordial G.o.ds were now allied with human forces.

Finally, the Myriad Emperor World received baptism from the Five Sacred Beasts because of Huo Fenghuang. From now on, the five elements and Yin-Yang of the world were perfected, and the world's luck was more condensed, which allowed it to give birth to more talents. More importantly, the Five Sacred Beasts were considered holy creatures, hence their high immunity to curses. Because of this blessing, children born from the Myriad Emperor World will also have a slight immunity to curses, and the Myriad Emperor World itself cannot be easily cursed.

'Her actions have actually prolonged the Heavenly Emperor Era by a significant person,' w.a.n.g Wei thought. No wonder she received a decent amount of merit for her action.

His eyes then focused on the Western Continent. The devil cultivators have essentially been "reformed" after being used as the court's main military power. Now, their strength has reached an all-time low, almost nonexistent. Why such a drastic change? Devil cultivators existed because it was a shortcut for people without talents.

However, in this generation, resources and training methods are so abundant that it is pointless to become a devil cultivator. For most people, why kill innocent people to increase their cultivation when they can do thousands of simulations beforehand to ensure nothing goes wrong? Then there is the fact that cultivators now have access to thousands of different cultivation systems. They might be talentless in the Origin System but not in other systems. All these changes resulted in the drastic weakening of the Devil Dao.

'Now that cultivation has become so much easier, True Heavenly Dao has already created new ways to restrict mortals.' Previously, someone had to be born with a Leakless Body to cultivate the Origin System. But now, if someone did not have such talent, they could change to a Martial arts system that only required healthy bones or bodies.

'Ark? Is that the new system?'

Mortals are now born with or without an ark. Those with the ark can cultivate and those without cannot - no matter the system. Of course, this system is imperfect as True Heavenly Dao left hope for the people in this era. So, if someone had already used the previous system to walk the path of cultivation, they were fine. Meanwhile, even this new system was not perfect in an attempt to give hope to this era's mortals. As long as they find the right resources, they can condense their arks, which is not nearly as rare as it used to be.