"I noticed," replied Jane dryly. "I was determined to make her look at me, and she did. It upset her to see me here. She wasn't expecting it."
"It is the annoyance that she has returned," sighed Adrienne. "All has been so delightful without her."
"I'm going to forget that she's here," avowed Jane st.u.r.dily. "Come on, Imp. Let's go over to the stable and see Firefly. I promised him an apple and three lumps of sugar yesterday. I must keep my word to him."
Rising, Jane held out an inviting hand to Adrienne. The little girl promptly linked her fingers within Jane's and the two started down the steps, making a pretty picture as they strolled bare-headed across the campus to the western gate.
"h.e.l.lo, children! Whither away?"
Almost to the wide gateway they encountered Dorothy Martin coming from an opposite direction.
"We're going to call on Firefly. Want to come along?" invited Jane.
"Of course I do. Firefly is a very dear friend of mine."
"I must stop at that little fruit stand below the campus and buy Firefly's apple," Jane said as the trio emerged from the campus onto the public highway. "I have the sugar in my blouse pocket."
She patted a tiny bulging pocket of her white silk blouse.
"Marian Seaton and Maizie Gilbert have returned," Adrienne informed Dorothy, with a droll air of resignation. "But a few moments past and we saw them arrive. We made no effort to embrace them."
"Miss Howard isn't pleased over their staying away so long," confided Dorothy. "She told me yesterday that every student had reported except those two. She asked me if I knew why they were so late. She hadn't received a word of excuse from either of them. Too bad, isn't it, that they should so deliberately set their faces against right?"
"They walk with the eyes open, yet are blind," mused Adrienne. "I have known many such persons. Seldom is there the remedy. I cannot imagine the reform of Marian Seaton. It would be the miracle."
"You may laugh if you like, but I've wondered whether there mightn't be some way to find the good in her. Dad says there's some good in even the worst person, if one can only find it."
Silent from the moment Adrienne had mentioned Marian's name, Jane broke into the conversation.
"After I read that miserable letter, I felt as though I hated Marian Seaton harder than ever," she went on. "When I saw her to-day I despised her for being what she was. All of a sudden it came to me that I was sorry for her instead. It's a kind of queer mix-up of feelings."
Jane gave a short laugh.
"You have the right spirit, Jane. I'm proud of you for it. You make me feel ashamed. While I've been merely saying that it's too bad about Marian, you've gone to the root of the matter," a.s.sured Dorothy earnestly.
"Yet what could one do thus to bring about the reform?"
Adrienne's shrug was eloquent of the dubiety of such an enterprise.
"Begin as Jane has, by being sorry for her," replied Dorothy thoughtfully.
"I am French," returned Adrienne simply. "The Latin never forgets nor forgives."
Having now reached the fruit stand where Jane had stopped to purchase a large red apple for her horse, the subject of Marian Seaton was dropped.
Arrived at the stable the three girls spent a merry session with Firefly, who demanded much petting from them.
"He's the dearest little horse I ever saw, Jane!" glowed Dorothy when they finally left him finishing the apple which Jane had saved as a good-bye solace. "If ever I owned a horse like Firefly I'd be the happiest girl in the whole world."
"There aren't many like him."
Jane turned for a last look over her shoulder at her beautiful pet.
Pursing her lips she whistled to him. Instantly he neighed an answer.
"Is he not cunning?" cried Adrienne.
Dorothy admiringly agreed that he was.
Jane smiled in an absent manner. An idea had taken shape in her mind, the pleasure of which brought a warm flush to her cheeks.
In consequence she suddenly quickened her pace.
"What's the matter, Jane? Training for a walking match?" asked Dorothy humorously.
"I beg your pardon," apologized Jane, slowing down. "I just happened to think of a letter I wanted to write and send by the first mail."
"Run on ahead, then," proposed Dorothy. "We'll excuse you this once."
"Oh, it's not so urgent as all that. I just let my thoughts run away with me for a minute."
Nevertheless there was a preoccupied light in Jane's eyes as the three returned across the campus to the Hall.
The instant she gained her room she went hastily to work on a letter, a pleased smile curving her lips as she wrote. When it was finished she prepared it for mailing and ran lightly down the stairs and across the campus to the nearest mail box. She gave a happy little sigh as it disappeared through the receiving slot. How glad she was that the idea had come to her. She wondered only why she had never thought of it before.
Fifteen minutes after the arrival of Marian and Maizie a disgruntled trio of girls sat closeted in the room belonging to Marian and Maizie.
"It's all your fault," stormed Elsie n.o.ble, her sharp black eyes full of rancor. "If you'd come here as you promised instead of being a week late you could have used the wonderful influence you _say_ you have with Mrs.
Weatherbee to let me keep that room. It's forty times nicer than the one I have."
"I couldn't get here any sooner. Howard Armstead gave a dinner dance specially in honor of _me_ and we had to stay for it."
Marian crested her blonde head as she flung forth this triumphant excuse.
"Of course you did. You're so boy-struck you can't see straight. I might have known it was because of one of your silly old beaux. I'm glad I have more sense."
"You don't show any signs of it," sneered Marian.
"Stop quarreling, both of you," drawled Maizie. "Go go ahead, Elsie, and tell us what happened about the room. That's the thing we want to know.
For goodness' sake keep your voice down though. You don't talk. You shout."
"I'd rather shout than drawl my words as if I were too lazy to say them," retaliated Elsie wrathfully.