"Miss Marsh sits next to me at chapel," replied Norma. "After chapel this morning I asked her to go to the dance. She seemed awfully pleased.
Then she told me where she lived and about herself and her chums. They all hail from a little town in the northern part of New York State."
"Wicked one, why did you not tell me this before?" playfully demanded Adrienne.
"I haven't had a chance, Imp, until now," smiled Norma. "This is the first time I've seen you to-day except at a distance."
"Ah, yes, it is true!" loudly sighed Adrienne. "This noon I came late from the laboratory after a most stupid chemistry lesson. Such hands!
They were the sight! I feared I should wash them away before they became presentable. After the cla.s.ses this afternoon I must of a necessity go to the library. So it was dinner time when I returned, and thus pa.s.sed the time."
"You're forgiven."
Her blue eyes full of affection, Norma laid an arm over Adrienne's shoulder. She had every reason to adore the impulsive, warm-hearted little girl.
"Norma, do you suppose Miss Marsh's friends have received invitations to the dance?" Jane broke in eagerly.
"I don't know, Jane. I can find out for you in the morning at chapel."
"I wish you would. If they haven't, tell Miss Marsh that we would love to be their escorts and that we'll call on them to-morrow evening. How about it, girls?"
Jane turned questioning eyes from Judith to Adrienne.
"It's a fine idea!" glowed Judith. "I'm sorry I didn't know about them before. The freshman cla.s.s is so large this year. I know only a few of the girls as yet."
"I am indeed well suited." Adrienne waved an approving hand. "Shall we not go to make the call soon after dinner to-morrow night?"
"Yes, as early as we can," acquiesced Judith. "That is, provided these three girls haven't been asked."
"It would be nice to go and see them anyway," declared Ethel. "We ought to get acquainted with them. Where do they live, Norma?"
"At 605 Bridge Street. It's almost a mile from here. So Miss Marsh said."
"To go back to what you said a while ago, Judy, what makes you think there is any special reason for the girls' refusing you and Adrienne and Jane as escorts?" questioned Norma concernedly.
"Jane and I just think so. That's all. We think some one's to blame for it."
"To blame. Who then is to blame?"
A swift flash of suspicion had leaped into Adrienne's big black eyes.
"Some one not far away, perhaps," replied Judith significantly. "That's the way it looks to me."
"But could it be? She is but one among many," reminded Adrienne.
She understood quite well whom Judith meant.
"She's the only freshman who would be interested in making trouble,"
argued Judith. "She has probably been egged on by others who are _not_ freshmen."
"Still it's not fair to lay it to her when we don't know anything definite," remarked Ethel.
"I'm only supposing," explained Judith. "I'm not saying positively that I think she's guilty. I'm only saying that it seems probable."
"I doubt it." Ethel shook a dubious head.
"I may be wrong," Judith admitted. "Anyway, it won't matter, if these three girls accept our invitation. It will show the plotters, if there really are any, that they haven't bothered us a bit."
"I'm sorry, girls, but I'll have to go." Norma rose from her chair. "I haven't looked at my books yet and I must study to-night."
"You're not the only one," cheerfully commented Judith, getting to her feet. "Come on, Jane. We have our own troubles in the study line."
With this the talking-bee broke up, Norma promising faithfully to be sure to deliver next morning the message intrusted to her.
Directly after dinner the following evening the five friends set out for 605 Bridge Street. Greatly to the delight of the three most interested parties, Norma had given out the pleasant news that the trio of girls they were to call upon were without special invitations to the coming dance.
The beauty of the soft autumn night made walking a pleasure. Five abreast, the callers strolled through the twilight, making the still air ring with their fresh voices and light, happy laughter.
The house where the four freshmen lived was an unpretentious dwelling, built of wood and painted a dull gray. A straggling bit of uneven lawn in front by no means added to its appearance. Even in the concealing twilight it had a neglected look. It was in glaring contrast to stately Madison Hall with its green, close-clipped lawns and wide verandas.
"What cheerlessness!" exclaimed Adrienne under her breath.
Grouped about the door, Norma rang the bell. A tired-eyed, middle-aged woman answered it. Yes, Miss Marsh was in, she declared listlessly.
A clear, pleasant voice from above stairs affirmed that information.
Next instant a sweet-faced, brown-eyed girl had reached the landing and was greeting her callers with a pretty cordiality that was infinitely pleasing.
"Do come upstairs to our house," she invited. "It's a very unpretentious place, but home-like, we think."
Norma introducing her friends to Miss Marsh, the five girls followed their hostess up the narrow stairway and were ushered into a good-sized living-room. A rag rug covered a floor, stained dark at the edges. An old-fashioned library table, a quaint walnut desk with many pigeon holes, a horse-hair covered settee and a few nondescript, but comfortable-looking chairs completed the furniture.
On the table, strewn with books, a reading lamp gave forth a mellow light. The walls, papered in tan with a deep brown border, were dotted with pa.s.se-partouted prints, both in color and black and white. The whole effect, though homely, was that of a room which might indeed be called a living room.
"Please help yourselves to seats," hospitably urged their winsome hostess. "Excuse me for a moment while I call the girls. They are just finishing the washing of the supper dishes and getting things in shape for breakfast. We get everything ready the night before so as not to be late in the morning," she explained. Then, with a smiling nod, she left her guests.
"It's a comfy old room, isn't it?" was Judith's guarded observation.
"This house-keeping idea of theirs is a clever one."
"That Miss Marsh is a dear," murmured Ethel. "I've seen her once or twice before on the campus, I think."
"I have the feeling that we shall like these girls," commented Adrienne.
"This Miss Marsh has the sweet face and the courteous ways."
The entrance of their hostess and her chums prevented further exchange of opinion.
"These are my pals, Ida Leonard, Marie Benham and Kathie Meddart,"
smiled Freda, going on to name each of her callers as she performed the introduction. "You see I remembered all your names and to whom they belonged."
When a number of girls have the will to become acquainted it does not take them long to do so. Almost immediately a buzz of animated impersonal conversation began.