Jackal Among Snakes - Chapter 598: Godly Gossip

Chapter 598: Godly Gossip

Could you tell me just what happened there? The beautiful goddess of birth inquired of Lira, goddess of connections. It looked like grandmother and daughter, almost. Everythings abuzz. Everyone can feel that something major happened, and the more attuned among us know there was a huge explosion of spirits in the sky above the Great Chu. But you were there, werent you? Some are even saying Argrave killed two ancient gods.

Lira gave a slow, resigned nod. To summarize Erlebnis and Sataistador are both rendered irrelevant, now. Argrave baited Erlebnis out of the Palace of Heaven, and after doing battle with Law, Rook surprised him, killed him, and inherited the vast majority of his power. We took the Palace of Heaven, then, and while Im not privy to specifics, Sataistador was defeated due to something Argrave did. Now, Stout Heart Swan joined the fight to hunt down the rest of him, and Kirel Qircassia is suing for peace. Most of the Qircassian Coalition was destroyed. The whole of Berendar, and all of the Great Chu, are under Argraves thumb.

With this juicy information, the goddess of birth talked a long, long while, prying whatever information she could. Then, hours later, she conferred with several other gods who sought news about this strange happening in the Great Chu.

Apparently, the King of Vasquer pulled Erlebnis out of the Palace of Heaven, where he, Rook, and Law killed him together. Minutes after, Argrave killed Sataistador on his own inside the Palace of Heaven. Apparently, Kirel Qircassia is surrendering, too. Lira showed me the skyeverything turned black after the king wiped out the Qircassian Coalition. The kings putting down his roots in the Great Chu. Ive heard its the largest empire the worlds ever seen, she bragged.

That cant be right, the gods with her expressed disbelievingly. They, too, probed for more details and bit by bit, words changed.

The King of Vasquer killed Erlebnis with Law and Rook, then went on to fight Sataistador after taking the Palace of Heaven. Kirel Qircassia tried to take advantage of things, but most of his coalition was destroyed. Apparently, hes surrendering unconditionally.

Really? An impish-looking creature, who was the god of mischief, smiled devilishly as the news reached his realm. Thats quite the tale.

It came from Lira. It should be reliable, the messenger told the god.

Reliable indeed the impish creature stroked its chin. In a few minutes, he was before another.

You wanted to know what happened, right? Ive heard that Argrave taunted Erlebnis, sent him into a fury. It was something to do with the affections of a woman, the mischief-maker said. Thereafter, the mortal king beat the god of knowledge alone. Sataistadorwho was actually Erlebnis brother, as it turns outarrived to avenge him. And the king beat him, too! Now, Kirel Qircassia is whimpering with fear and begging the king to stay his wrath.

Gaunt, the god of death who had in the distant past nearly joined the Blackgard Union, regarded the god of mischief with immense distrust. There was also a resounding sense of loss that Gaunt himself had not joined, considering this burgeoning unions ascendency. He remembered nothing of the offer in the White Planes given that realms restrictions, but others inside the Blackgard Union had informed him he had been considered to join. Despite not being a member, Gaunt did have some contacts within. Gaunt called upon Rook, seeking to correct the record.

He said all of that? Rook laughed at Gaunts retelling of the tale. Well, it wasnt about a woman. And Sataistadors not Erlebnis brother. But the rest of it theres a lot of truth, there.

You mean to say King Argrave beat Erlebnis and Sataistador alone? Gaunt crossed his arms.

One after the other, Rook confirmed. Well thats only partially true. Argrave destroyed the vast majority of the Qircassian Coalition and Sataistador at the same time. After all, hed taken the Palace of Heaven by storm, and he somehow knew how to use it. Kirel Qircassia keeps sending people asking for peace, but Argrave hasnt given him a single response yet.

Gaunt, armed with this new information, spread the news. His serious nature gave credence to the taleand, being that his tale was the most outlandish, it spread quickest, slowly twisting and morphing with every retelling in the slightest manner.

A mortal king named Argrave killed both Erlebnis and Sataistador after taking the Palace of Heaven by storm. Kirel Qircassia has surrendered without a fight.

Argrave stormed the Palace of Heaven, which had Erlebnis and Sataistador both inside it at the time. Kirel Qircassia was meant to help the two of them, but Argrave just finished things too quickly.

Iteration after iteration, retelling after retelling, until eventually

Did you hear about what happened in the Great Chu? A lesser god spoke to Almazora.

Did I hear about it? The goddess of magic crossed her arms. I was there. There for part of it, at least. What are you referring to?

Everyones saying that Argrave killed Erlebnis and Sataistador, then made a slave of Kirel Qircassia. This is just after he took the Palace of Heaven and the whole of the Great Chu.

What? Almazora narrowed her eyes. What do you mean, everyones saying that? Whats your source?

Apparently thats the word from Lira and Rook, the lesser god answered. Is it true hes still mortal? That cant be true, right? Do you think you could arrange a conversation with the king for me?

The goddess of magic blinked, befuddled.

The whole world was talking about one personArgrave, the mortal king that had been the cause of the destruction of two ancient gods, and had brought to heel a third. Tales of his past exploits rose from the deadhis challenge of Fellhorns authority in the Burnt Desert, his fight against Erlebnis and Kirel Qircassia both in the Bloodwoods, his unification of the continent of Berendar and the subcontinent of the Great Chu but the man himself was only just able to walk again.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it


We cant give Kirel Qircassia a break, Argrave insisted. We have more than enough manpoweror godpower, as it were. Rook and Law alone could probably handle it, but weve got way more than that.

Youre not thinking for the long-term, Elenore disagreed. The purpose of this debacle was to emerge the foremost power in the world, so that we could unite everyone against Gerechtigkeit. Kirel Qircassia has been very vocal about seeking peace. If we ignore that and destroy him utterly, that could send a terrible message to all of our future allies. It could paint us as bloodthirsty.

Bloodthirsty? But hes killed hundreds of thousands, maybe millions! Hes been bombarding our homes for months, now, and we just stopped him from destroying the whole of the Great Argrave trailed off, wheezing. He still needed time to recover.

After patiently waiting for him to cease wheezing, his sister explained calmly, They arent privy to those details, and we cant get that message to every potential ally. This is about how were seen, Argrave, Elenore reminded him. Im not suggesting we genuinely make peace. Im suggesting we hold off, gather more allies, and then explain this fact while we amass power. We need to be patient. Dead now, dead laterhes still dead.

I dont know, said Durran, interjecting. Qircassia is a slippery bastard. If we give him time

Let him writhe. Let him get desperate. Meanwhile, we amass influence. In the meantime, he might make a mistake. And need I remind you we need every resource at our disposal right now? If we Elenore trailed off, eyes going distant as she listened to a voice in her head. She focused on Argrave. They found Melanie.

What? Argrave tried to rise off his chair, but the movement pained him. How is she? Whats she saying?

Not muchDario is the only one conscious, but theyre both alive. Theyre both getting healing, now, Elenore told him, then went silent once more as she asked for more information. Dario said apparently, they couldnt do it.

Argrave closed his eyes, swearing in a tight whisper.


I had him, Dario told Argrave. The man was unable to even meet his gaze. I had Traugott. Enough golem cores to generate a blast large enough hed die.

And what stopped you? Argrave demanded.

Dario looked over to Melanie, who was unconscious. She had been healed, but she needed to wake up on her own. Apparently, it wouldnt be long. The blast wouldve killed both of us. I did I thought about it. Thought long and hard, but just couldnt. Wasnt selfless enough. Or selfish enough, I suppose, depending on who you ask.

Argrave stared at him, asking himself if he wouldve made the same choice. Consign not only his life, but Melanies, just so he could take out Traugott. The answer Argrave couldnt give one, really.

So, if Im remembering things right Traugott got his hands on the lichs soul? Thats what this was about, right? Argrave questioned.

I didnt see it. Dario lowered his head. As it was Fellhorn, the Shadowlanders we barely made it out alive. Had to bury those creatures with all the cores, lest they spill out onto the surface. But I plugged the hole, repaired the tear.

Argrave took a deep breath, then walked away from Darios bedside. In truth, without Traugotts tip about the fortress vulnerability, that whole battle mightve been drastically different. As it was, casualties were in the tens of thousands. That number mightve been fargreater had they not been able to breach the Palace of Heaven in a timely manner.

But Traugott certainly wasnt going to pass into the great beyond quietly. He clung on, parasitizing everything Argrave did. And he was getting closer and closer to things that he had no business being anywhere near. They were near the cusp of it allboth getting answers, and putting an end to this cycle of judgment once and for all. Traugott needed to disappear. They were supposedly the undisputed power in the worldthere were few better times than now to make that happen.

Argrave, Elenores voice interrupted his thoughts. You told me to tell you when she woke up.

On my way, he told her at once.


Argrave brushed Annelieses hair gently, pinching it up high so she didnt feel it when he caught snags.

All of Erlebnis knowledge? Anneliese questioned after Argrave finished explaining things. She sat up partially, leaning against copious red pillows.

Yep. Argrave nodded, running the brush through. Jealous?

It would be envy in this case, I think. Either way, not particularly. Anneliese stared at the edge of the bed, unmoving. Unlike Argrave, Anneliese took the advice to stay still and rest seriously.

Really? Argrave studied her eyes. You dont want all the knowledge of the universe?

I know myself well. Its the process of discovery I like. She looked at his hands as they brushed her hair. You dont have to do that, you know.

Is it uncomfortable?

No. Its nice. I like this. Its just she trailed off.

Dont fret. Always wanted to do this, Argrave told her. You have nice hair. He looked down to her hands in turn, then said pointedly, And no fingers, at present. Hard to hold a brush without those.

Dont get upset at me. I regret nothing, she told him. I would lose fingers and more to keep you alive.

Looking upon her, Argraves budding anger died. He merely smiled. Alright. Ill buy you new fingers at the finger store. What size are they?

Anneliese laughed gently, and quiet set upon them as he groomed her. After a time of serenity, she asked, What must we do from here?

Argrave stopped brushing. Just rest, for now.

Has saying that ever made someone rest, I wonder? She looked at him, a droll expression on her face. You mustve spoken to Elenore by now. Just catch me up. Magic may be beyond me, but my head is clear.

Argrave sighed, conceding. The Alchemist caught emotional rabies. We need to vaccinate him, somehow, but Im not sure how. Im reading the wiki, but hes a rather unique case. Past that, weve got to bring all the other gods into the foldElenores handling most of that. Were restoring order to the Great Chu, first. Long-term we look to Sophia. We stop Traugott.

And then Gerechtigkeit, she finished.

And then Gerry.

Anneliese took a deep, deep breath, then let silence hang until she said, Were very close.

To the end, yeah.

No, Anneliese shook her head, pulling the brush from Argraves grip. To us finally having our beginning. The thought of that it keeps me going.

Argrave retrieved the lost brush. Me too. So, lets hold on just a little longer, yeah?

Anneliese leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. Yes.