Author Note: Representations of Scatology are present.
Having just e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed from Liscia’s Handjob and watching her expose herself, I, Has.h.i.+ma Kouji, seem to have fallen asleep as I was cleaned and found myself on top of the Baby Bed.
After that, it seems that I once again received a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b and breast milk from my mother before sleeping for 2 hours. And now, I was just in the middle of receiving another telepathic message from the ‘Easy’ G.o.ddess.
“Master~ I want to meet~you~ Aahn♡ I somehow got stronger, but Master. You did something erotic again, right? Please do it more and more! Since I used Sensory-Sharing magic, I got incredibly h.o.r.n.y (lol). Also, since you learned the Transparency skill, how about trying it out, Master?”
What an excellent ‘Easy G.o.ddess’. Upon saying I’d reward her when we meet, she got so delighted that she spoke thus.
“Please violently pierce my Perverted-Female-Slave-Meat-Toilet p.u.s.s.y with Master’s huge c.o.c.k!”
-you’re amazing, ‘Easy G.o.ddess’. You’ve really become a Perverted-Female-Slave just to my liking (lol).
And then I tried to use the Transparency skill on the Second Daughter: Aina. Come to think of it, I recall that I made this girl into a pervert who gets turned on from a.n.a.l. Upon trying it out, it exceeded my expectations.
Holy! Inside of her a.s.s, a radish with the thickness of an arm was shoved inside. Just like a pervert, the radish was drenched with the honey from her p.u.s.s.y. Furthermore, the insides of her guts and intestines were crammed with a large amount of excrement.
This skill is really amazing (lol). Although Aina was trying to play outside in such a state, she lost to the pleasure in front of my bed before using the radish to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e (lol).
“Aahn! The radish is so thick~ Why am I so excited by this? But this radish isn’t enough anymore. Even though there’s nothing thicker than this~”
d.a.m.n, this is hot. She’s too h.o.r.n.y. Let’s use hypnosis to f.u.c.k this tomboy’s a.s.s.
“Aahn, the radish is thick! It’s so thiiiick♡”
Now then, hypnosis activate. Upon activation, Aina who was masturbating with the radish stopped. For the time being, let’s go to the toilet.
With a *stagger*, she turned towards the toilet. Let’s ignore the sound of lots of s.h.i.+t being excreted coming from the toilet.
I wonder if Aina got everything out? After a while, she came out.
“All of it has come out.”
She said such with glazed eyes. Now then, after exchanging the radish with my c.o.c.k—holy s.h.i.+t! Aina’s a.s.s can take in something this thick (lol). Now then, hypnosis release.
“Aahn, huh? The radish got thicker~ Aahn!! This feels so goooooood!! This radiiiiiiis.h.!.+ Aaahn!! No, no, no, I’m c.u.mmiiing!! Amazing, amazing! I love this radiiish♡ I’m c.u.mmiiiiiiiiiing!”
I also e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed (lol)! I somehow made Aina, who had collapsed with a thud, re-insert the radish with magic before making her to sleep in her own room.
This girl has an amazingly promising future, huh (lol). Losing to drowsiness, I fell asleep.
Author Note: Next time I will write a story about the Third Daughter.