I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated - Chapter 977

Chapter 977

977: Bahar

After defeating the supert.i.tan, the second division made an attempt to enter the town of Scholz. However, we had no choice but to give up on it.

The city was a complete wreck. Antidemons walked around like they owned the place, with no signs of any living humans. Meanwhile, we were accompanied by Sarthes refugees, while our two strongest members, Izario and Matsuyuki, were exhausted.

We couldnt afford to do anything risky in this condition. There was probably another of the Dragon Kings magic circles here, but searching the huge city would be difficult. We had no choice but to leave it alone for now.

s.h.i.+kimi, what now?

The original plan had us moving further west to the town of Bahar, but

The t.i.tan earlier came from the west.

Exactly, meaning there is a possibility that t.i.tan originated from Bahar

That said, we cant a.s.sume the town fell based on speculation alone.

We decided to go to Bahar first. If its still unharmed, wed leave the inhabitants of Sarthe with them. If not, wed head for the next nearest town instead.

Seems like the safest course of action.

The biggest problem would be if the earlier t.i.tan didnt come from Bahar, and there was yet another t.i.tan running amok in the city.

s.h.i.+kimi said we would release Berserk in that case, which means

Fran stared at the carriage running alongside us, probably thinking the same thing as me. There was a deep melancholy in her eyes.

Master. If theres a t.i.tan, we have to defeat ourselves. Absolutely.


Nn. Absolutely.

Her determination seems solid.

I understood how she felt. Letting Izario use his divine sword any longer would be dangerous, and Matsuyuki will surely lose her life if she releases Berserk.

Fran stuck firmly to the belief that no one would be placed in danger as long as she defeats the t.i.tan.

I wanted to tell her that she was taking all of the risk herself, but I know that wouldnt change her mind.

First of all, lets see if there actually is a t.i.tan in Bahar.


Amidst much anxiety and panic, the second division made its way to Bahar. However, the presence of the Sarthe refugees made our progress very slow.

The mostly civilian group lacked stamina, and their fatigue was amplified by marching alongside us. The frequent antidemon raids didnt help either. It simply wasnt possible to speed up the tired refugees any further.

What should have been a days journey took us more than twice as long, but I dont blame them.

Besides, the people of Sarthe seemed plenty resilient to me.

No beds, no change of clothes, and few breaks. Yet they never complained. Still, I cant say if itll stay this way in the future. Our food supplies were a bit worrying.

We could manage without a water supply thanks to our sorcerers, but food cant be produced out of nowhere. The refugees carried some food with them, but it wasnt enough for everyone.

Each unit shared some rations with them on the first day, but our stocks were already running out. We didnt bring much in terms of food to begin with.

Obviously, we couldnt reduce the rations for the fighters. They wouldnt be able to protect the refugees on an empty stomach.

But if the refugees saw the fighters eating while they were starving, I could easily see them getting angry. That would obviously harm the atmosphere of the second division as a whole.

We would be in a bad spot unless we can resupply at Bahar. Well, a.s.suming we dont use our dimensional storage.

Our stored meat alone would be enough to feed a thousand people for a few days. The issue being if we do feed this many people, was anyone gonna pay for it?

Will the council even reimburse us for this? Im worried since Sarthes an illegal city, so the residents there may not be treated as an official citizens.

Of course, we didnt intend to let them starve to death. Fran would be willing to give them free food if the situation called for it.

But I dont want us to get a reputation for handing out free food either. We might get all sorts of beggars, especially on this continent. That might get really annoying.

Best case scenario is us being able to stock up on food in Bahar.


It actually would have been better if we could have stocked up in Scholz. However, the city was too big and we had no clue where the food reserves were. There were so many antidemons crawling around that we could hardly explore at all.

While rationing out the food supplies a bit more, we spent two more days marching to Bahar.

As we were on an un.o.bstructed plain, we could easily see Bahars devastation. Like Sarthe and Scholz before it, a portion of the walls was blown open. This was clearly the work of a t.i.tan.

Although the t.i.tan was already gone, we could feel the presence of countless antidemons on the other side of those walls. There was no way the town could be intact.

s.h.i.+kimi, what now?

Were lucky that the t.i.tan is gone, but there is no way for us to rest in that town. Our biggest priority right now is to secure food supplies.

Nn. Should I go check out the town again?

Please do. In case we find nothing, we will likely have to rely on you, Black Lightning Princess-dono. If that happens, my country will offer payment.

Actually, we had already discussed this issue with s.h.i.+kimi last night. She wanted to secure food supplies by any means necessary, so we offered her our high grade magical beast meat.

Rather than taking it as a donation, she promised to pay us for the meat. Although high-grade magical beast meat was on the expensive side, she laughed it off and told us it was a cheap price for buying fame.

Half of that was true, but her reputation should already be soaring after ensuring the safety of Sarthes inhabitants. The other half was probably out of concern for Fran. s.h.i.+kimi wanted to allow us to provide the food without hesitation.

The people from Hagane seemed pretty decent compared to Silard. At the very least, they were capable of showing consideration to others.

Master, lets go.

Yeah, focus on all the big buildings and see if we can find some food. Maybe well get lucky and stumble upon a stockpile.