Lyssa was also running around all over the place trying to keep her studies up, make music and working on her YouTube channel. Added to that she would soon be helping Jaeden again with the promotion of his own YouTube channel. She seems to like every second of it though and never complained. It could be that she was so busy all day that she had no time to complain and was just pus.h.i.+ng forward as hard as she could. Her hard work was paying off though. She had just finished recording her second song. If this one was as well received as the first one her chances of formally joining the music industry would skyrocket.
Jayden was busy splitting his focus between school and Team OW Racing. He remembered his promise to his mother and did not slack of at school. There was no time for hanging out with his friends or days of. He wanted to use his free time to work on his schoolwork so he could use the rest of his time of concentrating on improving his driving. As a reward for his mature way of handling his responsibility's and after whining for a long time his mom finally allowed him to travel to The team by himself as long as he reported in when he left the house and as soon as he arrived. This wasn't just because he did not want to bother Damian but his uncle Anthony as well. His days at the team were all in preparation for the next race. He had finally competed with his peers and had his feet planted firmly on the ground again. Hearing from everyone around him that he had great talent had made him a bit conceited. Not that he was being arrogant though. He had learned his lesson! It's just that it's hard to find out you're not as fast as you thought to be. There were other racers his age that were every bit as fast as him. Some even a lot faster. He was now using the time between races to figure out where he could best improve. James and especially Kevin poured their time and effort in helping him improve. They were both sure that if the first race would be held again today Jayden would definitely be in a much better position and maybe even be in contention for the race win!
Their mother was working long hours to keep a roof above their head and food on the table. It could be said that she was in the toughest position of them all. She had to make sure her children where keeping a proper balance between following their dreams and keeping pace with their schoolwork as it was easy for them to get totally lost in what they were doing. She even found Jayden asleep behind the computer on day watching videos of the tracks he would be racing on the rest of the year. Anthony was even looking for more work for them to do saying the money they would receive would help her out as well. As if she would take the money over her children's health. She had to find a way to have them all slow down a gear. If things would go on like this they would not even be able to enjoy their childhood. She would rather have them stop doing what they were doing now than have them burn out before they could reach their goals. Firmly deciding to keep her family together and in good health she had plans ready for when things went too far. Although her children would not be happy if it came to that the would at least get to enjoy a normal childhood. She was sure her late husband would support her decision if he was here with her now.
The one who was in a though spot right now was uncle Anthony. He had not shown his face the last couple of days and this was with good reason. He had the feeling he was being watched. He had left for the UK years ago to pursue a business career and had always told his brother he was doing great for himself. Sadly for him this couldn't be further from the truth. His company was doomed from the start but not wanting to go back him a failure he was not willing to give up. So he started lending money from the local banks. This did not help him improve the situation so eventually to pay back the banks he started loaning money from loan sharks. Needless to say this was a horrible decision.
The loan sharks were tied to the local gangs and his company was not doing any better. The loan sharks were getting increasingly impatient with him and started to threaten him with violence. Just as he thought he would have no way out the head of the gang got arrested. Thinking his problems would be solved as the gang was slowly dissolving without their leader he could finally calm down. He thought his luck had turned for the better but the next day he received the call from his sister in law informing him his older brother had died. He left for the Netherlands still giving everyone the impression he was a successful business man. Things were slowly looking to go up for him again. He was managing Lyssa and Jayden and the both looked to be at the start of promising careers. If he could continue to manage them he would be back at the top in no time. The money he would receive would also increase with every deal he helped them sign so he continued to look for opportunities to promote their careers. Indeed things were looking up.
Until today.
As he heard his doorbell ring he absentmindedly opened it and looked straight into the face of the person he hoped he would never see again.
Jacob Webber. The leader of the gang that got arrested almost 3 years ago stood in front of him with a smile on his face.
"Good afternoon Anthony. I Hope you haven't forgotten me already"
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