Inside the office, the manager James Murphy was awaiting their arrival. He was not overly excited having a young inexperienced driver joining his team but the company had been a loyal sponsor to his team so if they wanted a driver in he listened. He would just have to make to best of what he got. While these thoughts were going through his mind Jayden and his uncle walked into his office. He looked them over before introducing himself. "Good morning both of you how can I help you? My name is James Murphy and I am the manager and co-owner of team OW racing!" Anthony was the first to answer. "Good morning James, I'm Anthony Rowland and this is my nephew Jayden Rowland. We have come here today for Jayden's introduction in the team!"He said this with a disdainful tone which made James frown. He chose to ignore Anthony's respectless att.i.tude and focused his attention on Jayden.
"So you are our new driver hmm? I heard a lot about you. Especially the fact that you have almost zero experience and still need to acquire your racing license! You're going to need to be a fast learner otherwise it's going to be a tough season ahead of us." Jayden nodded. He knew it wasn't going to be easy to get ready for the season on such a short notice but with a racing team behind him, he might have a shot at a good champions.h.i.+p result. "I know that I'm lacking experience but I hope that with your help I can make great improvements throughout the season and show that it wasn't a mistake to have me drive for your team!"
James nodded seemingly pleased with this response. "I like your att.i.tude! I don't know how far we will be able to get together but if you are willing to learn then there is no better place to start then here with us. But let's not get into all that yet. Before we do anything else you need to know the people you will be working with the coming season. Usually, we would have a lot more time to get you settled into the team but well have to make due. Follow me into the garage and I will introduce you to everyone." Saying that he left his office and entered the garage.
Following him out Anthony chose to stick behind sensing he had not made the best first impression. Not that he cared though. He was here to represent Jayden not make friends and they were here to get Jayden racing. Jayden, on the other hand, was again looking around to see what's happening. The guys he saw when coming in were still working on the same things. James walked over to the man working on the kart. Seeing James walking his way he got up from what he was doing and cleaned his hands on a rag. This man looked like he spent most of his time in the gym. He was muscular and tall with a stern looking face. "Kevin this is Jayden. He will be the driver for kart number 93 which you are responsible for. Jayden this is Kevin. He is the engineer responsible for your kart. You will be spending a lot of time together so it's best to get acquainted soon."James said introducing Jayden and Kevin to each other. Jayden shook Kevin's hand. It was still greasy from him working on the kart. Jayden wanted to speak but James beat him to the punch. "The other guys look like their busy working on the GT4 car. Let's not bother them for the moment!" he said. Jayden looked at the GT4 car but quickly focused back on Kevin. "No use trying to learn about something that is way out off my league. I need to focus on what I'm here for!" He thought.
"Now tell me some things about yourself. How do you like to drive, what are you good at and what you would like to improve? I need to know this so I can create a training program for you. We don't have enough time to slowly figure out the ifs and buts of your driving style. What we are going to do know is prepare you for the license exam. You will drive there with a kart prepared by me. I want you to drive as is requested by the instructors and tell me at the end of each session how the kart feels. I will make adjustments according to your feedback and you will test those out the following session. This so I can create a base setup for the kart you will be comfortable with and it allows me to test your senses in the kart. I need to know if I can rely on your feedback to make the correct changes. This is a vital skill for a racing driver. If you can't do this you won't amount to much as a driver!" Kevin said all this while keeping his eyes focused on Jayden to see if he had understood him.
Jayden looked straight back at him for a few seconds before dropping his gaze. "This man is intense!" He thought. He told Kevin all he knew. How he liked his driving to be smooth and in control. His strong point would be his consistency and he felt his weakness was pus.h.i.+ng for a fast lap. Although he had made huge strides in controlling the slides when going for fast laps he felt there was still more to gain. Kevin nodded. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses was vital. It allows you a stable platform to build on. "This is someone I can work with"Kevin thought.
It was at this time that James and Anthony came over. They had gone back into the office to discuss something it seems.
"Well, Jayden your uncle and I have finished our little discussion. You will come over here every weekend and your uncle will bring you. If he can't you will need to secure your own transportation here. From here you and Kevin will travel to every event we can sign you up for. You need to gain experience fast! So this will be our plan. Acquire your racing license, race, in any event, your eligible for until the season starts to gain experience. We need to prepare you as much as possible in the few weeks we have left! You got all that?" Without waiting for an answer James continued.
"Welcome to Team OW Racing Jayden!"