Lyssa, on the other hand, did not get a job being only 13 years old. She spent most of her time doing choirs in the house and making sure dinner was ready so that mom did not have to cook or clean after she got home after a long day of work. Lyssa also found a dream to chase. She would be a singer. Although she could not go to a school to be properly thought how to sing she learned everything she could from videos online and even started posting videos of herself singing. These were being met with praise by almost everyone who saw them. This, in turn, motivated her to continue to produce better and better videos slowly but surely increasing her fame. While looking at the computer screen Jayden's mind started wandering back to de day of the accident.
Jayden woke up in the hospital. His mom, Damian, and Lyssa were with him in the room. They were huddled together next to his bed sniffling and sobbing. Lyssa was the first to notice Jayden waking up. Looking at Jayden her expression changed from extreme grief to extreme anger. "It's your fault, you always dragged dad everywhere for your stupid racing and now look what happened" she yelled in his face. Damian was first to react and he pulled his younger sister out of the room. She had already stopped yelling and was uncontrollably sobbing again. She had always been a daddy's girl and could not accept his sudden pa.s.sing. Jayden just laid still in bed not saying anything while tears where quietly flowing down his face. Reality hit him like an anvil. His father was dead! He started thinking he was the blame too "Lyssa is right! if I wasn't so bent on karting none of this would have happened" he thought.
Mom wanted to hug her son but she couldn't. He was covered in bandages and should be in a lot of pain. "It's not your fault Jayden. The police told us it was a hit and run. There was nothing you could have done about it" she said. He could see she was fighting her tears. Trying to stay strong in front of him. She barely managed to hold them back. "is dad really.... gone?" Jayden asked finally saying something. She nodded. Could not bring herself to see the words. "I need to tell the police that you woke up. They have some questions they would like to ask you. Try and help them if you can. They need to find the person who did this"mom said. Her last sentence came through gritted teeth. Her rage for that person knew no bounds.
After she left the room Damian came back in. He had always been the strong silent type and it showed. He kept his emotions hidden from Jayden and showed him a slight smile. "How are you feeling?" he asked. Jayden did not really know how he felt. His body hurt all over and his emotions were all over the place. "I think I'm oke," he said. "Don't worry too much about Lyssa right now. She needed someone to vent on but she shouldn't have said that to you. I'm sure she'll apologize after she had calmed down a bit" Damian said.
Damian was about to say something else when mom came in with the police. The officer asked Jayden what he could still remember and Jayden narrated everything he could remember. How they left the track with dad being in good spirits because his brother was coming back. Being close to home and almost getting in an accident because of a speeding driver. And finally getting hit in the rear by another car and spinning off the road. When he got to the point where he regained consciousness and saw his fathers body he could not continue. Mom hearing what Jayden went trough was devastated. She knew the mental scars would be hard to heal. "That's enough she said. He has been through enough already!" mom said stopping the interview. The officer thanked them and promised they would do anything the could to find the culprit responsible.
Lyssa had come back into the room during the interview. She had heard some of what had happened and started crying again. She knew it was not Jaydens fault but she had just lost her father. The person that she held most dear to her heart. When the officer left she went next to Jayden's bed. "I'm sorry I said those horrible things. It's just that i don't know what to do whit dad no longer here! I have so much I still want to tell him. So many things we were going to do together.!" she said crying louder and louder. Mom, Damian, and Jayden could not hold back their tears anymore. They hugged each other and held Jayden's hand.
"We will pull through together. If we support each other we can do it. We have to do it. We will get stronger because of this!" mom said. She did not just say this for the children. She would have to be strong herself to get through this.
"Jayden, time for breakfast!" Lyssa called from downstairs. She always got up early to prepare meals for everyone so mom could sleep in a bit longer before going back to work.
Jayden had been up all night watching videos of the kart season. "I'm coming, Lyssa!" He called back in response.
Jayden was slowly feeling the need to get back behind the wheel of a kart. The physical and mental scars would never heal. But they were fading with time. "I need to find a way to get back on track," he thought.
"Mom was right! It will take some time but we will pull through" Jayden thought will walking downstairs. The sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly.
A new day had come.