It's Lonely To Be Invincible - C576 – –let's go and maintain the peace

C576 – –let's go and maintain the peace

Chapter 576: Chapter 576-let's go and maintain the peace

To the black fog sect, after the fusion of the original domain and the outside world, they were already very sad. After all, how could the peace-loving them defeat those powerful sects?

Thus, he was prepared to live here for the rest of his life, not provoking anyone.

They investigated the magnificent flame sect and found out that it was a very powerful and peace-loving sect. Although they didn't know whether it was true or not, they chose to believe them.

However, he didn't expect a proud God sect to appear out of nowhere. And the guy who came wasn't even a great emperor.

With their strength, they could suppress the other party.

However, the other party's words had shocked them, and no one dared to touch him.

What should we do now? One of the elders asked indignantly.

They had been forced into a corner by the other party. They only had one day's time. If one day passed, the other party's sect would trample their sect flat. Just who had they offended?

Oh heavens, Oh great earth, do you have to be like this?

A sorrowful aura enveloped the black fog sect.

Sect master, elders, let's go to the magnificent flame sect for help. Sun Zhongxing could not bear the humiliation. The sect's top disciple had been killed on the spot, and he was unable to take revenge. This was simply unbearable.

It's too late. Tu Meng shook his head.

There's still time. I'll use the forbidden technique again, sun Zhongxing said with certainty.I'll reach the magnificent flame sect as soon as possible. No matter what, I can't let the proud God sect bully us.

But your situation Tu Meng frowned. With his current situation, how could he use a forbidden technique in such a short time? the consequences would be unimaginable.

It's fine. Although the consequences are serious, it's nothing compared to the sect. Sect master, elder, I'll be going first. Wait for my good news.

Sun Zhongxing's body disappeared from where he was standing. He turned into a black shadow and attached himself to the ground, disappearing without a trace.

He had activated the forbidden technique to increase his speed to the maximum.

As for sun Zhongxing, who had turned into a black shadow, his face was red. He had a mouthful of blood in his heart, but he forced himself to hold it in and not spit it out. Otherwise, everything would be in vain.

Senior brother, the nearby cities have been cleaned up. I didn't expect so many dangerous demonic beasts to be hiding here. Wang Fu asked in shock.

He had followed his senior brother and had not made a move. Those demonic beasts were very strong and seemed to have treated the city as their territory. However, under senior brother Lin's methods, these demonic beasts were also annihilated in an instant.

Peak Master Lin, shall we return to the sect now? Or should we continue to clean up? Jin Quan asked as he was very curious about the world after the integration of the two foreign lands.

Let's go back to the sect. We don't have to clean up the city behind us for now. The magnificent flame sect's territory is too vast. It's inevitable that cities that are too far away will be invaded. We have to go back and think of a solution. Lin fan said.

Of course, he was only saying this for Jin Quan and the others to hear. If they followed his plan, they would just push through the magnificent flame sect's territory and use it as a Foundation. They would then push through a few other sects and let them act as protection. That would solve the problem.

What senior brother said makes sense. Wang Fu nodded his head. He didn't have the slightest bit of hesitation when he heard senior brother Lin's answer.

Jin Quan always felt something was wrong; however, he couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, I'd better go back first.

As for what would happen in the end, that would be a matter for later.

When they returned to the magnificent flame sect, Lin fan told his teacher about what had happened. The monsters in every city had been chopped into pieces by him and he had secretly obtained a lot of points.

There were at least a few hundred thousand.

After all, some demonic beasts had their own groups.

The most exciting thing was that there were seventeen to eighteen demonic beasts driving a group of cars in a city. What kind of concept was that? it was simply an eyesore.

If it wasn't for his good attitude, he would have been furious. The magnificent flame sect is such a sacred place. How could he do such an immoral thing in broad daylight? who could stand it? he would definitely be paraded in public.

However, he could bear with the demonic beasts. After all, they were a group of beasts. It was impossible to reason with them.

Wang Fu was surrounded by many disciples. When he told them what he had seen outside, all of them were stunned. It was hard for them to imagine that the city would end up like that.

It had actually become a gathering place for demonic beasts.

However, when they heard that senior brother Lin had killed those beasts alone, they were all overjoyed. With senior brother Lin around, nothing would happen.

In the distance.

Dozens of beams of light streaked across the sky. There seemed to be lightning beneath the feet of those figures. They were extremely fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wu Long was a disciple of the proud God sect, but he wasn't an ordinary disciple. He was at the highest level among the disciples and had the same status as some elders.

In the void, those sects occupied most of the land. Their proud God sect also reacted and wanted to subdue all the surrounding sects to form the largest force.

Why are my eyelids twitching? Wu Long's brows furrowed. This feeling made him very unhappy. He had never felt this way before.

The disciples who followed behind were also very arrogant and felt that they were superior to others. Their strength could not be compared to the elders at all, but they were still very arrogant.

That was because their sect was very strong, and it was only a thought for them to flatten the black fog sect.

Senior brother, the sect is just up ahead. A disciple said. He was already somewhat impatient. When those sects submitted to the proud God sect, they could also go to those subsidiary sects to show off. The women and some wealth inside would all be theirs.

He could take whatever he wanted without anyone's consent.

Yes. Wu Long threw this feeling of dissatisfaction to the back of his mind and didn't think too much about it. His goal was to pass on the proud God sect's surrender order. He couldn't wait for the other party to reject it. At that time, he would be able to start a massacre and kill until blood flowed like rivers.

After the outer realm merged, he really hadn't killed these people.

However, the one just now was really very weak. He seemed to be the chief senior brother. With such a person, he was still the chief senior brother. He had simply lost all face.

The magnificent flame sect's disciples who were guarding the mountain Gate were also stunned when they saw countless beams of light. Then, they rang the alarm bell.

Lin fan was bragging to his teacher about what had happened outside. But when he heard the alarm, he looked up into the sky in confusion.

Teacher, someone's here. This aura isn't right. It's not a good person. Lin fan said.

Tian Xu was stunned.You can sense it just by the aura?

Innate talent. Lin fan was really serious. This was a talent. His sense of smell was really sharp and he didn't really like those smells.

Wu Long floated in the air. He realized that this sect was a little extravagant. The level of luxury of these buildings was even more luxurious than their proud God sect.

Who are you people? Why did you come to the magnificent flame sect? The disciples looked warily at the void.

If they had good intentions, they would definitely come in from the mountain Gate and not fly in directly. This was clearly a provocation.

Magnificent flame sect? Wu Long mumbled to himself and then laughed.Magnificent flame sect, listen up.

The proud divine sect wants to take control of this region. I'll give you all one day to think

These words were exactly the same as what he had said at the black fog sect. All the disciples were furious. They didn't expect such a stupid sect to be so arrogant to the magnificent flame sect. Did they not know who the peak Master of invincible peak was?

Teacher, these people are a little too unbridled. Lin fan said.

Tian Xu's expression turned serious.Disciple, we've never heard of this proud divine sect. It seems like they want to be like the other sects and control the sects and the region. I didn't expect them to come to our magnificent flame sect.

Teacher, let's not talk about this for now. I'm going to meet this guy. He had already thought it through. He wanted to probe and see how deep the foundation of the proud God sect was.

If they were strong, then they were strong. But if they weren 't, then the consequences would be terrible.

How could it be a joke to provoke the nemesis of evil?

Senior brother Lin.

When those indignant junior brothers saw their senior brother coming, they all made way for him and shouted out in anger.

Senior brother Lin, these guys are too impudent!

Listening to his junior brothers 'complaints, Lin fan smiled,junior brothers, calm down. Don't be so impatient. We are the Messengers of Peace. How can we be impatient?

The initially furious disciples calmed down after hearing senior brother Lin's words. Senior brother Lin was right, how could they be so impatient?

Wu Long noticed that the fellow below kept staring at him, causing his hair to stand on end. This made him very unhappy. Who was he, Wu Long? who had ever dared to look at him like that?

Answer me. Did you hear what I just said? Wu Long said in a very overbearing manner. His aura was very different.

I heard it, but this Peak Master would like to ask you a question. How is your strength in the sect? What's the difference between him and the strongest person in your sect? How many major realms? Lin fan asked.

How dare you? I'm asking you a question. Didn't you hear me?

Wu Long was furious. With a crack, his body expanded and he reached two meters tall. His muscles expanded and a terrifying aura exploded out. He landed in front of Lin fan and said arrogantly,Your sect is too weak. If you don't agree with me, you can kill me. But remember, the proud God sect will flatten your magnificent flame sect. No one will be left alive.

Lin fan raised his head. This fellow was a little irascible and wasn't easy to talk to. He would become big and unfriendly.

Senior brother Wu has actually cultivated the sacred body technique to such a realm. This is really The disciples of the proud God sect wanted to praise him, but suddenly, it was as if they had seen a ghost, and they were so scared that they couldn't speak.

Senior Senior brother.

Wu Long turned his head and looked at the junior Brother in confusion, not knowing what they wanted to say.

But all of a sudden, he noticed that there was a black shadow on the ground that was gradually growing bigger and directly enveloped him. His heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

Hey, do you feel that you're very big?

A voice was transmitted into Wu Long's ears. Then, he became a little nervous and slowly turned his head.

When he saw the figure in front of him, he was shocked.

Was he still human?


Lin fan activated his berserk body and slapped down. He grabbed Wu Long's head and lifted him up so that he was in the same line of sight as him.I'm asking you a question. How many realms are there above your cultivation?

You Wu Long swallowed,what do you want to do?

Lin fan clenched his fingers and punched his stomach. Instantly, Wu Long spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt like the blood in his body was about to be spat out.

I'm asking you a question. How many more realms are there above your cultivation? Lin fan asked.

Two Two. Wu Long's forehead was covered in cold sweat, as if he had seen a ghost. Why wasn't the other party afraid of him? even if they weren't afraid of him, they should be afraid of the proud divine sect.

At this moment, Lin fan chuckled out. Two major cultivation States? then wouldn't the peak be the God state?

How dare an immortal state cultivator occupy a sect? there were almost fifty magnificent flame sect cultivators, including the ones who cleaned the toilets, but none of them dared to go out.

Teacher, what do you think we should do? Lin fan asked.

What do you think, my disciple? Tian Xu asked.

Teacher, our magnificent flame sect is the messenger of justice and the existence of peace. If there is no peace, then we will create peace. This proud divine sect seems to like war very much, so we should stop them. Lin fan said.

Then let's go.

Go! Let's go and maintain the peace!

Wu Long was already dumbfounded.

What was going on?

They were the ones who had come to recruit the other party. Why did it seem like the other party was going to annihilate their proud God sect?

[PS: thank you for laughing at the book shortage. Big Boss, 10000 starting point coins.]

[PS: thank you, thousand miles. I'll give you ten thousand starting coins.]