"I'm back here again, but where is here?" I say to myself.
I see a big door, like those in a.. a castle.. I'm in a castle. I see a tall man, with silver hair reaching his waist line and a crown worn graciously on his head, with fancy robes befitting that of a king. He keeps pacing to and fro. There is worry written all over that handsome face of his. There are guards stationed outside the door.
I see another small group of people, three of them to be precise, a male and two female. Dressed in fancy raiments, but not outstanding like that of the tall handsome man.
The next thing, i'm inside the room behind those large doors. A woman, crying, shouting.. She's in labour. Maids run up and down trying to attend to the needs of the physician.
She keeps crying.. Then I saw something worth noticing. Everyone is in awe.. Lightening... Yes.. A little bit of lightening covers the lady.
The maids are all scared, you could see the fear written all over their faces. Then a terrifying sound could be heard outside followed by a terrible lightening continuously, as its about to end....
The cry of a baby... The lady in labor faints..
The physicians are worried, same with the maids..
"Hurry up, we can let her majesty faint.. We must wake her up". One of the physicians, perhaps the head, spoke in haste.
The next thing i'm outside the door again.
I see two figures running towards the king. A male and a female. They get to where the king was and stopped running, trying to catch their breaths. The other group of people move closer to them with worry and concern written on their faces.
Finally... The king speaks.
"What is the matter, why are you running like children?."
The female speaks.
"Your majesty... We are coming from the prophecy room. A prophecy has appeared on the walls of prophecy. "
"Come on don't stop, what does it say. Pheobe.? " Pried one of the females.
" It says,
The one who has embraced the darkness Recking havoc and bringing destruction everywhere he goes.
In the midst of impending doom, lies a glimmer of hope. The Lightening child, fated to end it all."
The big doors open and a female physician rushes out. "Your majesty.. The queen.. "
"What happened to her" said the king panicking
"I'm sorry, the queen is all right. You have a baby girl.. " as she finishes those last words, the king dashes into the room.
There in the arms of the most dazzling lady I have ever seen, lay a beautiful baby girl with hair of silver. On a closer look, she took the beauty of her mother.
"Thank you, thank you so much for everything ". A tear drop escapes the eyes of the king. The queen smiles. "Now now, don't you want to hold your daughter? She takes after her father all right".
The next thing, the queen is shocked like she is hypnotized. Twenty seconds later she blinks her eyes.
"Isabella.. What did you see? "
The big door bursts open and one of the males outside rushes in.
"What is the meaning of this Gregory? "
"They've breached the town, they are heading towards the castle gate your majesty".
"What? "
Then I woke up..
Author's POV
With sweat dripping from her face..
"Why did I wake up now.. What happened to them. How am I related to this dreams? So many questions, who can answer them? "
She closes her eyes, and falls on the bed.
"I better get some sleep"
Her alarm started ringing..
"You've got to be kidding me.. Can't a girl have her beauty sleep.. Come on Isabel.. School time"
She gets up and get ready for school.
In school, she saw Jasper from afar and hurries to meet him.
"Hey bestie"
"Good morning Isa, how do you do?"
"Good morning, how do you do too?. "
Hey smile and continue walking to their cla.s.sroom.
"Hey, you are looking dull.. More of... Huh.. You are lost in thought again.. What happened this time? Its the dreams right? "
"I guess I can't hide anything from my bestie can I? " she lightly hit him on his arm.
" Well i'm glad you know. Now spill the beans".
She starts telling him, then their teacher walks in.
"We'll talk over lunch at the cafeteria". Said Isabel as she takes her seat.
"Well, yeah. But for now, be good. Don't let it weigh you down promise. "
"I promise". They both do a pinky promise and get settled for cla.s.s. soon the teacher starts teaching
During Lunch
"You want lemonade or c.o.ke today? "
" As my bestie, you should know what I like "
"All right, two lemonade please".
They get their snacks and off to an empty table. They start eating while talking, soon trouble comes their way.
" They've got nerves coming this way.. "
"Relax babe" said Jasper. They get to their table. And Desmond pretended as if he didn't see her and hit her drink off the table. It spilled on her uniform.
"Oh how unfortunate. But you gotta clean yourself dirt.".
"The nerve..... "
Ask she gets up to slap Desmond, she hears a loud thud and turned to the direction. Desmond is spread in the ground holding his injured nose.
"Wow that was fast". She said turning to face Jasper. But she sees a different Jasper. She thinks to herself.
"Boy, what murderous intent. I've never seen Jasper like that before... " she stops thinking.
"Take that imbecile and get the h.e.l.l out of my sight". He said pointing to Ryan and the gang.
They carry Desmond and hurried away away.
"Jasper.. " she tries reaching for his hands, as she touches him, he pulls his hands away and looks at her angrily, shock is written on her face and he quickly realized what he has done, closes his eyes, take a deep breath and opens them yet again.
"Isa, i'm sorry I scared you". He touches her hand, and notice she was shaking.
"Babe, please calm down, come we have to get you cleaned up".
He hold her hands and guides her up and they leave the cafeteria..