I Remember Love - 8 My Hero

8 My Hero

Charlie could't help but notice the look on Luke's face as he came forward. The clouding over his eyes clearly said there was something wrong. He nudged the younger kids shoulder. "Come on man! I won!! Could you please not look like I ate your cookies or something?" He looked down at the other kid with his usual c.o.c.ky carefree smile.

Luke took a glance at Charlie a moment and clearing his throat a moment before reverting back to his usual devil may care att.i.tude. Taking Charlie by surprise he jumped on friends back and cheered. "Dude you are f*cking awesome!! I can't believe it!! you took that guy out in only 3 moves!!" He squealed, almost giving away his more feminine behavior. "You're my hero bro that was f*cking amazing!!" Charlie couldn't help but blush at the high praise of his junior. It was almost as though Luke had become his own personal cheerleader, and while he didn't mind the hero wors.h.i.+p, he couldn't help but feel something else was off. Was it him or was it just a little bit too girly the way Luke had glommed onto him like that? [1]

A few more rounds were completed since then, with Luke becoming increasingly more impatient. Between Luke's continued impatience and the spectacle he had just made Charlie was finding himself wanting to dig a whole into the ground. Except, at this point, he felt it would be more expedient if he could just disappear. They were garnering more and more attention from their fellow initiates and the atmosphere was getting more and more unfriendly. Charlie pinched his temples and heaved a sigh. This was going to be the longest night of his life.

Meanwhile while Charlie was ruminating on his own misfortune Hunter hung back from the crowd, his eyes focused on this pair of comrades. His hand scratched at his neck deep in thought, it was evident by their behavior they were close. He a.s.sumed the younger more eager one to be a kid brother of some sort. Still Charlies skills were no laughing matter. Even from this standpoint Hunter could tell that Charlie was not a killer. His att.i.tude had made that evident. What could prompt a man to take a life for another? A slow smile started to form on his lips at the thought. The look in his eyes was devoid of emotion. Hunter had just found a new guinea pig. Leaning over to man beside him he whispered something in his ear. The man then step forward and gestured toward the crowd.

All eyes turned to watch the direction of this call, falling right squarely on Luke and the other on a heavy set man across the room. Finally, the wait was over.