Inverse Sword God - Chapter 9142

Chapter 9142

A low voice sounded, and sadness was written on that beautiful face.

If Lin Xuan was here, he would definitely recognize it.

This is Shen Jingqiu.

Shen Jingqiu never thought that she would meet Lin Xuan here.

Moreover, it would be in this state that he would meet Lin Xuan.

Fortunately, the other party only doubted her.

But he didn't recognize her.

when she was sad.

In the depths of her eyes, a golden light suddenly appeared.

The next moment, a voice rang out.

It turns out that he is what you have been thinking about, that Lin Xuan.

He actually has a large dragon sword, and he can try to recover him and use it for me.

This sentence was also said by Shen Jingqiu.

In her eyes, there are golden mysterious symbols.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and a strange smile appeared.

But soon, the golden symbol in her eyes disappeared.

Shen Jingqiu gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "You dare to fight, Brother Lin Xuan's idea."

You are so nasty.

I tell you, don't hurt Brother Lin Xuan.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

In the next instant, the golden symbol in Shen Jingqiu's eyes reappeared.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Her voice also became extremely indifferent.

Just listen to her say: what? Are you afraid? Sad?

It seems that he is your weakness.

If you want me not to hurt him, that's fine.

Cooperate with me obediently, and I won't hurt him.

Otherwise, I will never forgive him.

You also know my means.

The golden light in Shen Jingqiu's eyes disappeared.

After that, her voice became softer.

She said: I do not allow you to hurt brother Lin Xuan.


In an instant, the corners of her mouth raised a cold smile again.

The voice became cold again: don't worry.

Since it is someone you like, I will naturally not hurt you easily.

As long as you cooperate with me.

Shen Jingqiu returned to normal, she asked: Can I trust you?

In Shen Qingqiu's eyes, a golden symbol appeared.

The indifferent voice sounded again.

of course.

Because I am you and you are me.

I can't lie to anyone, and I can't lie to myself!

The ancestral land of Taixu Dragon Palace.

The golden light is slowly disappearing.

The cracks in the sky are also slowly recovering.

Aning and the dark red dragon, standing under the mountain.

They waited anxiously.

Lin Xuan has been away for a while, what happened?

Just thinking about it, suddenly, the light flashed and the void shook.

A figure appeared in the sky again.

Aning and the dark red dragon quickly looked up.

When they saw that it was Lin Xuan, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, they also soared into the sky.

Lin Xuan, you're fine, that's great.

Anin was overjoyed.

The dark red dragon asked: How is it, have you caught up with someone?

Is she really Qiu'er, that girl?

Qiu'er, how did you become like that?

Lin Xuan shook his head and sighed.

He said: I don't know.

I didn't catch up with her.

Also, I didn't see her face either.

I just suspect that the magical power she used is very similar to what Qiu'er used before.

But is she actually Qiu'er? I'm not quite sure either.

If you want me to say, it's definitely not Qiu'er.

Qiu'er is so cute, how could she be such an indifferent guy?

Dark Red Shenlong said: Don't think about it too much.

After I break through, let's go look for Qiu'er together.


Lin Xuan nodded.

He looked at the dark red dragon and said, "Go ahead and break through."

Next, the dark red dragon climbed the mountain again.

He also came to the Sendai.

His body, hovering there, began to absorb the power of the dragon around him.

&nnbsp;A Ning also rarely quieted down.

Although there is no divine fruit here, you can eat it.

However, the Dragon Dao here is very powerful.

Aning also tried to absorb.

She is ready to fuse the power of the Dragon Path and the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

See if you can form a new force?

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, searched the entire space and the nine peaks.

He was looking for some clues about that mysterious woman.

What is the other party doing here?

Is it to absorb the power of Longdao?

However, he did not feel the breath of Dragon Dao on the other side.

Cultivation has no time.

In the blink of an eye, 500 years have passed.

On this day, the void made a roaring sound like the sky.

I saw that the dark red dragon roared with filial piety, and its huge body enveloped the entire sky.

The aura on his body rapidly increased to an incredible level.

Then, there was thunder in the sky, and it fell.

When I saw this scene.

Aning and Xiaobai quickly jumped off the mountain.

They retreated quickly and came to the foot of the mountain.


This ruffian dragon is about to break through.

Aning exclaimed: Don't say anything in advance.

Almost, she was also shrouded in thunder.

Lin Xuan's figure flickered, and he also left the mountain.

He came to the foot of the mountain and looked up at the sky.

There was a smile on his lips.

The dark red dragon is finally about to break through.

After breaking through to become the second-rank **** king, the strength will be stronger.

The thunder in the sky fell.

The dark red dragon roared with filial piety and confronted it.

This process continued for another ten years.

Ten years later, the Thunder disappeared.

The dark red dragon's body, the shadow emerges, and the sound of filial piety bursts out.

Ha ha ha ha.


The emperor broke through.

This emperor is now also the second-rank **** king.

He was extremely excited, and his body kept moving in the void.

Ouch, so envious.

When can I break through?

In the past 500 years, I have only advanced one level!

Aning said with a small face.

In fact, to be able to break through the first order in 500 years is already very against the sky.

If this makes those strong outsiders know that will probably go crazy.

You must know that they may not be able to advance to the first rank even in 50,000 years.

A Ning was still not satisfied.

And what about Lin Xuan? His cultivation has also improved.

However, there was no breakthrough, not even the first order.

After reaching the third rank, each level increases, and the required strength is stronger.

Moreover, Lin Xuan had been looking for clues before, and he had not practiced with all his strength.

However, next, he is going to practice here.

First, absorb the power of Longdao.

Besides, he also wanted to see, what happened to Xiao Yu'er?

Before, he gave Xiaoyu'er the Peerless Spear and let Xiaoyu'er refine it.

Although, for hundreds of years.

It is not enough to completely refine the entire peerless divine weapon.

But it should be able to refine it a bit!

Lin Xuan prepares to absorb a little first.

Next, Lin Xuan also climbed the mountain.

Sitting on the Sendai, he began to absorb the power of the dragon around him.

Boom boom boom!

The mountain shook, and the surrounding power boiled.

It turned into one dragon after another, hovering beside Lin Xuan.

This kid is really against the sky.

Ordinary cultivation can form such a vision of heaven and earth.

After seeing this, the dark red dragon is also very envious.

With a flick of his body, he changed from a giant dragon to a normal one.

Afterwards, he also rushed over and began to continue to practice.

The power of the Dragon Dao here is so strong.

He must absorb a little more.

And with Lin Xuan, he absorbed the power of the Dragon Road crazily.

This space has also changed.

In particular, the Sendai under Lin Xuan's feet has changed.

It turned out to be starting to rise into the air.

Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.