Inverse Sword God - Chapter 895

Chapter 895

An unusually terrible fierce atmosphere appeared, which immediately made Lin Xuan even more painful. .

Above the Linghai, the small glass-colored sword seemed to feel the provocation of this breath, and immediately shuddered slightly.

On the sword, Guanghua flowed, forming a huge force of devour, as if to eat everything, quickly covering the black little tripod.

The next moment, the horrible fierce atmosphere was swallowed, and Xiaoding Ding made a buzzing trembling sound, as if frightened.

It turned into a ray of light, ran towards Lin Xuan's body, and wanted to leave here.

However, how could the glass-colored sword give it a chance, since it has been activated, there is no reason to close it.

A huge swallowing power instantly shrouded Black Ding, pulling it back.

Black Ding was pulled back at a faster speed and hit the small glass-colored sword, but it did not cause a shocking collision, but instead disappeared without any trace.

At the same time, in the inner space of the mysterious little sword, a black giant tripod appeared and landed abruptly.

As soon as he landed, Xiaoding Ding struggled and seemed to want to rush out, but there seemed to be a mysterious power around him, and he was imprisoned and unable to move.

Moreover, the whole space exudes a breath of famine, completely deterring it.

As the black little dinger melted out the mysterious sword, the fierce spirit in Lin Xuan's body disappeared, his spiritual power was like the ocean, and it instantly recovered, filling all parts of the body.

The familiar and powerful power returned to him.


Lin Xuan was excited, thinking about the scene just now, he still had some fear.

Fortunately, the glass-colored sword is so mysterious that it can suppress the floor treasures.

At the same time, this further aroused his curiosity, what exactly is the glass-colored sword, so powerful.

There is no complete resistance in front of it in its entirety.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, and he vowed that one day he would have to reveal the secret of this mysterious sword.

With a change of heart, his soul power fell into the space in the mysterious little sword, and then he discovered the beast tripod not far away.

This horrible monster tripod has been restored to its original shape at this moment, which is two meters high. It is engraved with all kinds of exotic animals and is lifelike.

Unlike the previous fierce and fierce, the black Xiaoding at this moment was extremely quiet, as if he had fallen asleep again.

Looking at the complete treasure, Lin Xuan's eyes reappeared fiery.

He needs to quickly improve his practice to be able to master this level treasure!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan looked around again.

The space inside this mysterious little sword is very strange. In his current state, he can only walk one or two meters.

He clearly remembered that after the wine master recovered some strength, he rushed directly into the depth of the space.

Therefore, the depth of this space is also one of the places he will need to go in the future.

Of course, the premise of doing all this is to have strong strength. This is also what Lin Xuan is pursuing and eager for most!

The next moment, he exited the space and opened his eyes.

"You're awake!"

Oriental Phoenix exclaimed in horror when Lin Xuan's body surface disappeared.

"Huh? What happened, why only you, the others?"

Soon, Oriental Phoenix told what had happened before, and Lin Xuan's expression sank when he heard it.

Damn Xiao Li, still hunting him down, do you really think he is so good at killing!

Regardless of the price paid this time, the Dragon Soul of the Dragon must be sacrificed and the opponent beheaded.

"Go, go back and support!"

Lin Xuan stood up, took control of the Jin Yu Shen Diao, and flew towards the rear.

The golden feather **** screamed, turned his head quickly, turned into a golden streamer, and flew back along the original road.

Just as Lin Xuan rushed back, Bingling and others had a fierce battle with Xiao Li.

Xiao Li waved the black flag, and three dragons surrounded him, bursting into a strong breath.

On the opposite side, the three of them were pale, all with injuries.

There is no way, the other party is really too powerful, even if the three of them join forces, they are just worthy.

This is already amazing, if I change to other triple respects, I am afraid I can't even compete with one move.

"It is indeed the arrogance of Xianwu College, and it can support so many tricks." Xiao Li held the black banner, and a joke appeared in his eyes.

"I don't know, how long can you persist in this situation?"

"Huh, we can't beat you, but you don't want to hold us!" Bing Ling said coldly, sitting on the throne of ice, like a queen.

"I don't know if it's life or death, since you're looking for death, then I'll send you on the road!"

The next moment, Xiao Li's eyes condensed, and the breath on his body broke out again, like a storm, sweeping the sky.

A low roar sounded, and a powerful figure condensed behind him.

It was a purple python with flickering eerie scales, with a terrifying breath.

This purple snake is Xiao Li's martial arts soul.

After sacrificing Wuhun, Xiao Li's strength soared again. He sneered and attacked quickly.

Waving his arm, a purple python rushed out, like a purple river, hanging in the void.

This punch combines the power of Wu Hun, which is extremely powerful and can suppress everything.

"I fight with you!"

Yang Lin roared and waved his martial spirit yellow mountain peak toward the front.


The sound of terror sounded for nine days, and the two collided, causing a dazzling light.

The next moment, Yang Lin's face changed greatly. He felt that power was like the ocean and the sea. It was vast, as if to tear his martial spirit.

For a moment he couldn't help, but fortunately, Bing Ling and Ye Yan were also shooting at the same time.

The blue throne of ice peaks flickered, forming an illusive blue figure, and flew forward.

At the same time, the purple evil eyes in front of Ye Yan also appeared a purple spiral light, rushing out.


The three shot with all their strength to quickly compete with Xiao Li's martial arts soul.

"Hum, drive me!"

Xiao Li gave a sneer, and there was a slight disdain in the corner of his mouth. The next moment, the purple python martial spirit roared, the huge tail was like a sky knife, and he drew quickly, and drove the three ice-creams fiercely ~ ~ The three of Bingling vomited blood and flew out hundreds of feet before they could stand still, and then their faces were ugly.

A sense of weakness rose from their hearts.

The other party is too strong! And there is a top-level treasure in the hand, and the three of us are not his opponents. Ye Yan said.

"For such a long time, I want to come to Lin Xuan. I should have gone very far. If so, you two will also go. I will stop him for a while." Yang Lin gritted his teeth.

"No, you have to go together! No one can stay alone!" Bing Ling quickly shook his head. If the three of them shot alone, no one was Xiao Li's opponent.

If you stay, it will be death!

"Even if we stay, we can't beat it. We might as well run one more."

"Don't say any more, let's do it together!"

"Huh! Still want to shoot? Let me die!" Xiao Li sneered, stepping on the purple snake and rushing quickly.