Inverse Sword God - Chapter 9097

Chapter 9097

Chapter 9097 Attack! Shangqing City!

Inside Shangqing City.

People looked up to the sky,

When they looked at this scene, they were also extremely frightened.

what a terrible power,

Those dark clouds seemed to cover the world, engulfing everything.

From above the dark cloud, they felt the monstrous divine power and terrifying killing intent.

in the hall,

The wine master raised his head and looked into the distance, he said in a cold voice, come.


The dark clouds rolled, and a thunderstorm sounded,

Countless figures appeared above the dark clouds,

Accompanied by an old voice.

The people of God's Domain listened, opened the city gate, knelt down to greet you, and spared you from dying.

This old voice resounded in all directions.

Not only did the entire Shangqing City hear it, but even those families and sects in the distance heard it.

They were extremely shocked,

The other side, it's really about to do it!

And ready to take the entire Shangqing City.

I don't know, how will Shangqing City react?

Will the people of God's Domain be caught without their hands?

Hmmm, want us to catch up?

How naive!

Our God Realm will not admit defeat.

The wine master snorted coldly, a lingering light appeared in his eyes

He strode out of the palace.

Behind him, Murong Qingcheng and the others followed.

The wine master swayed, came to the sky, looked at the entire Shangqing City,

He said: God's Domain, disciples obey orders.

The originally panicked Shangqing City immediately quieted down.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

The wine master said aloud, you all fight with me!

The Golden Lion King is also roaring in the sky: God's Domain will win.



The crowd roared.


At the same time, a monstrous dragon roar sounded, and the entire Shangqing City burst into bright light.

In the depths of Shangqing City

The earth veins also boiled.

Shangqing City, as one of the ancient cities, has leylines, and it is an extremely terrifying supreme leylines.

This earth vein turned into a giant dragon, roaring in the sky, and terrifying power swept the four directions.

Feeling the power of the Earth Vein Dragon, the geniuses and powerhouses in Shangqing City were all excited.

With this power, they will never be defeated.

The momentum of the crowd condensed into a rope, like a divine pillar reaching the sky, rushing straight into the sky.

In an instant, he flew out of Shangqing City and slammed into the dark clouds.


The dark clouds were penetrated.

Above Shangqing City, a huge vortex appeared.

Countless rays of light pierced the dark clouds.

Huh, dare to resist?

Kill without mercy! There was also a cold voice from the dark clouds,

Immediately afterwards, countless dark clouds rolled over again, and figures came out of the dark clouds.

There are terrifying figures everywhere in the sky and on the ground,

They joined forces to firmly surround Shangqing City.

The entire ancient city was surrounded by water.

Among the many powerhouses, two figures came out together,

Two figures in black robes,

A tall man, he is like a dark night,

He stood there looking down on everything,

The other, a woman in black,

Her eyes are like stars in the dark night, extremely mysterious.

The aura on the two of them was even more like a sea of smoke, above everything else.

When they felt this aura, the people in the Divine Realm were shocked,

This is the power of the third-grade God King,

And there are two third-rank **** kings.

This makes them a formidable enemy,

In their God's Domain, only the wine master can compete with them.

The rest of the people may not be able to compete with the third-rank God King at all.

The wine master also frowned.

He didn't expect that this time the other party's lineup would be so strong,

Two rank three **** kings?

He felt the pressure,

On the side, the dark red dragon also said, how to fight this?

Even if the wine master can stop one, there is still a third-rank **** king.

Who can stop him?

Let me try, Her Lady Queen came out.

said coldly.

The Golden Lion King also roared. I also want to learn how strong the third-rank God King is.

Both of them are the existence of the second-grade peak,

Only one step away from the third-grade God King,

And here is Shangqing City, their home court, and they can fight with the power of the leylines.

The wine master took a deep breath, he said, then it's up to you, you use the power of the earth veins to deal with one of the third-rank **** kings,

Just stop him temporarily.

I will defeat the opponent as fast as I can, and then come to help you.

There was a gleam in the eyes of the wine master,

His eyes seemed to have turned into black holes that could devour everything.

The surrounding void was almost swallowed up,

It can be seen that the wine master is serious, and he has to go all out.

We will also help, and we will not sit still. The other powerhouses in God's Domain are also ready to work hard.

The Gu family, the Ye family, the Phoenix family, and the Five Elements Dilong family are also ready to take action with all their might.

This time, there are too many strong people from the other side,

Fortunately, they got the news in advance and united these families and sects,

Otherwise, the power of Shangqing City alone would not be able to hold it.

Wine Sword Immortal, I will give you God's Domain one last chance.

Obediently, you will be captured, open the city gate, and kneel down to greet you.

The ancestor Ye Tian said coldly.

Jiujianxian laughed after hearing this, God's Domain, never surrender!

If you want Shangqing City, first ask me about the sword in my hand, if I answer it or not!

The wine master, cut the sky with one sword,

A huge vortex emerged, as if it had turned into an endless black hole, swallowing it forward.

Wherever he passed, he swallowed the sky and swallowed the ground, and everything was wiped Hmph, I don't know what is dead or alive.

The ancestor Ye Tian was also angry,

He roared, the people of the Yongye clan obeyed the order and shot with all their strength.

The other nine major families acted by chance.


As his voice fell, the power of the Yongye clan behind him exploded with divine power,

The people of the other nine major families also took a deep breath, and each took out the magic weapon, the formation, and prepared to attack.

The monstrous force swept out,

The whole world shattered in an instant,

The city of Shangqing shook violently.

At the same time, the Golden Lion King and the others also soared into the sky,

War is imminent.


The wine master's swallowing sword energy fell first,

Those people of the Eternal Night God Race resisted,

The power in them is connected together, forming a night.

It collided with the swallowing sword energy,

silent collision,

Devouring the sword energy, devouring the opponent's power madly,

The faces of the powerful people of the Protoss changed greatly,

As expected of the Wine Sword Immortal, with so many god-kings joining forces, they couldn't stop each other's sword.

But at this time, Ye Tian Patriarch made his move.

He wielded a black sword,

This is a peerless divine weapon, called the Dark Night Divine Sword.

A sword slashed towards the sky, slashing above the swallowing sword energy.

Split the black hole in half,

He shouted coldly, "Jiujianxian, your opponent is me,

I want to see how strong your Devouring Sword is.

The wine master snorted coldly, quickly killed the past, and the two fought together.

Another third-rank ancestor, Yexing ancestor, looked at this scene, his eyes flickered,

She did not participate in the battle, but turned to look at Shangqing City,

The next moment, she shot.