Inverse Sword God - Chapter 9095

Chapter 9095

Lin Xuan is not only still alive, but his strength has greatly increased.

More importantly, he was still able to order a third-rank **** king.

This is really incredible.

What has the other party experienced over the years?

He couldn't imagine.

Lin Xuan lowered his head and looked at the God King Bailing.

The corner of his mouth raised a smile.

The next moment, he stretched out his palm and grabbed the head of the White Spirit God King.

His eyes bloomed with a stern reincarnation light.

He wants to read each other's memory.

He has to see, what conspiracies do these people have?

The White Spirit God King roared with filial piety.

The other party wants to read his memory, start joking?

He admits he has lost.

However, he was defeated in the hands of the third-rank God King.

Instead of losing to Lin contestant.

Lin Xuan wanted to use his own power to suppress the power of his primordial spirit.

The other party is too naive.

It is impossible for him to let the other party succeed.

With a roar of filial piety, the God King Bailing rolled his eyes.

He used the power of blood to the extreme.

He thought this might be an opportunity.

You can use this opportunity to counter-kill the opponent.

The eyes of the two collided in the air again.

The power of the two primordial spirits exploded completely.

But in the next instant, the White Spirit God King screamed.

His whole body trembled.

Then, his body froze there.

His white eyes became blank.

He was completely defeated.

At the moment when the eyes of the two collided, he collapsed.

He is not an opponent.

In the end, he had only one thought.

He guessed wrong.

Lin Xuan actually possessed the power of a third-rank **** king.

Has the other party entered this state?

He was horrified, regretful, desperate.

However, it's too late.

In the next instant, his mind rolled violently.

Countless memories were quickly read by an invisible big hand.

The White Spirit God King only felt dizzy.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, was crazy, reading the other party's memory.

Finally, he snorted.

That kind of invisible big hand wave directly wiped out the other party's primordial spirit.

The White Spirit God King fell down and fell.

Zhou Tianshi and the others also took a deep breath.

Although, Lin Xuan was very strong before, which shocked them.

But now they were even more shocked.

Lin Xuan actually raised his hand and wiped out a second-rank top god-king.

What kind of power is this?

This is the power of the third grade.

As expected of Lin Wudi, he is still incomparably defiant.


The other powerhouses of the White God clan saw the fall of the White Spirit God King.

One by one collapsed.

They ran away frantically.

where to go?

Aning and the others quickly chased after them.

Soon, these powerhouses of the White God Clan were all beheaded.

All resolved.

Aning and the others came back with a smile.

Lin Xuan, however, frowned tightly.

Aning asked: what happened?

Lin Xuan said: We have to leave quickly, the situation is not right.

The land of eternity is about to start.

what happened? Need our help? Zhou Tianshi was also shocked.

Could it be that the other shore is going to attack God's Domain again?

That's right, they are going to take action against God's Domain.

I have to hurry back.

Lin Xuan said quickly.

At the same time, he also refused the help of Zhou Tianshi and others.

He said: You are still responsible for guarding this place.

Don't let people from the other side come to this place of resurrection.

They should be, want to seize the power of longevity.

Zhou Tianshi and the others nodded and said, "Don't worry.

We will not let him succeed.

Lin Xuan said: Before leaving, I will give you another big gift.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the six worlds appeared.

The terrifying power of reincarnation erupted.

It turned into a peerless sword energy and slashed into the distance.


In the distant void, in the vast mountains, there are countless palaces.

This place is very scary.

This is the site of the afterlife camp.

Those other families and sects did not dare to approach at all.

However, on this day, a peerless sword energy descended from the sky.

It directly shrouded the death camp, and the sky collapsed.

The death camp was razed to the ground.

At this moment, in the land of resurrection, these families and sects in the borderland were stunned.

Death camp, but the overlord of this place.

It was actually killed.

Where is the holy, moving hand?

They didn't even see each other's shadow.

Only saw a sword qi.

Could it be that someone is shooting across the endless void?

That person must be terrifying.

At this moment, everyone was terrified.

Zhou Tianshi and the others heard a roar in the distance.

They also had guesses.

Zhou Tianshi asked, "Have you taken action against the death camp?"


Lin Xuan nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he put away the six worlds.

He said: I have destroyed the death camp.

They no longer exist.

Your pressure should be much less.

Zhou Tianshi was shocked.

The other Celestial Masters were also stunned.

For them, the death camp is a very powerful enemy.

They need to give their all.

But now what?

It was actually killed by Lin Xuan with a wave of his hand.


So shocking.

Is this what Lin Xuan's strength is now?

Just like a master.

Aning, Ancestor Leiyun and the others were extremely calm.

What is this?

It's just a death camp, and it's not worth mentioning at all.

You must know that Lin Xuan was the one who led them and attacked the Hall of Longevity.

He even killed the Hall Master of Longevity.

That is earth-shattering.

Next, Lin Xuan didn't stop there too much.

He and Zhou Tianshi and others waved goodbye.

Entered, into the space channel.

When the figures of Lin Xuan and his party disappeared.

Zhou Tianshi took a deep breath.

He said: Close the space channel and hit the formation seal.

Boom boom boom.

The surrounding Celestial Masters joined forces to re-seal the space channel.

The entire space was completely quiet.

Eternal place.

Chaos family.

A strong man surrounded by a chaotic aura floats in the void.

He asked in a deep voice: What's the matter?

Is there any news from the Resurrection Land?

He has already sent people to inquire about the situation of the Resurrection Land.

Take a look at the clone of the Eternal Night God King, how was it destroyed?

What kind of changes have taken place in the land of resurrection?

The subordinates said quickly: Qi to the ancestors.

We've delivered the message.

However, there is no response yet.

The powerhouse of the Chaos Clan snorted coldly after hearing this.

What do the white gods eat?

Let the powerhouses of the White God clan come over.

Soon, a third-rank **** king from the White God clan also came over.

He bowed respectfully.

He said: The one who entered the land of resurrection is the White Spirit God King of our family.

He is the second-rank 99th-order God King.

Our third-rank **** king, if we want to go in, we can't do it silently.

It will definitely catch the attention of others.

Only rank 99 **** kings can be sent.

However, don't worry, senior.

The White Spirit God King is very powerful, and his bloodline is even more unparalleled.

It can be said that it is invincible under the third rank.

He should, is gathering information.

Seniors please wait a little longer.

OK then.

The powerhouse of the Chaos Race nodded.

Then wait a few more days.

At this moment, they don't even know that the White Spirit God King has fallen.

Even the powerhouses of the White God Clan have all fallen.

They didn't know the news because these people fell in the land of resurrection.

If you fall in the land of resurrection, you will enter the canyon of resurrection and turn into bones.

Then, resurrect again.

Therefore, these people, the soul jade pendants left in the eternal land, are not broken.

Chaos powerhouse, the White God clan, they did not suspect anything.

And this also bought Lin Xuan back and bought time.