Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8918

Chapter 8918

The Heavenly Gang sword energy on Lin Xuan's body kept erupting.

These sword qi have been raised to the extreme.

In the next instant, everything was condensed in Lin Xuan's hands.

Turned into a peerless sword shadow.

In Lin Xuan's body, the sword energy of reincarnation also emerged.

Fusion on this sword shadow.

Heavenly Slash.

Lin Xuan slashed out with one sword.

The speed and power of this sword reached an extreme.


The crowd didn't see it clearly.

They just felt a flash of sword light.

Immediately afterwards, the sky collapsed.

As if the universe was destroyed.

The monstrous power will engulf them.

No, go back quickly.

They backed away frantically.

They didn't stop until they had exited a long way.

Looking ahead, the void pierced by sword energy.

They were terrified.

too terrifying.

Just the residual power of that power is not something they can bear.

That sword just now was so strong and so fast.

What kind of swordsmanship is that?

do you know?

I don't know, it seems to be the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

No, the Tiangang Sword Art, although its power is unparalleled.

But not fast.

The speed of the sword just now was so fast that I couldn't keep up.

This is obviously not the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

That should be another sword technique of the Samsara Sect.

There was a lot of discussion.

The Samsara Sect was even more shocked.

Because, they have never seen this kind of sword art before.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Fairy Tong Yu was stunned.

At that moment just now, she was in a fatal crisis.

She looked at Aning.

Aning said: This is definitely not the Tiangang Sword Art.

However, it is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

He doesn't know, he really created a sword technique by himself, right?

When hearing this, the surrounding disciples were stunned.

Tong Yu was also stunned.

This is simply unimaginable.

He can also create his own sword tricks, magical powers, etc.

However, what he created is definitely not as good as the unique skills of the Samsara Sect.

The unique skills of the Samsara Sect, that is how many strong people have created and perfected them.

Not at all, he is a second-rank **** king, he can compare.

However, the sword technique currently created by Lin Xuan.

It seems to be even more powerful than the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

This is so outrageous.

This guy's talent is a bit enchanting.

Is this the nine-star talent?

Even Elder Lei Qian was dumbfounded.

Ahead, the sword light that filled the sky slowly disappeared.

Two figures emerged.

The crowd stopped talking, and they looked forward.

Who wins and who loses?

Is Lin Xuan's kendo stronger, or the Nine-turn Star Sword stronger?

The stars in the sky were split open.

The four ancient phantoms of stars also slowly disappeared.

Amu stood there.

His face was pale and his body was stained with blood.

There is a sword mark on him.


Opposite him, Lin Xuan stood there with his hands behind his back, his expression cold.

It seems like an invincible existence.

Amu's face was full of horror, and his body trembled a little.

What happened to that sword just now?

too terrifying!

The momentum is like a broken bamboo, destroying the dry and pulling the rot.

It was broken in an instant, his nine-turn star sword.

As for him, there is absolutely no chance for anyone to escape.

He could only watch this sword and slash at him.

His defense was torn apart in an instant.

Just when he thought he was going to fall.

That sword energy suddenly disappeared.

This is what just happened.

The opponent's kendo is too strong, completely superior to him.

I lost.

Amu came back to his senses and said in a deep voice.

He was not wronged.

At the same time, he said again: Thank you for your mercy.

That's right, Lin Xuan kept his hand.

Otherwise, Amu is not only injured.

The sword just now, even if it didn't kill him in an instant, it would still inflict heavy damage on him.

Even, it will hurt his Dao origin.

It's just for sparring.

Lin Xuan nodded.

He and the other party have no grudges, so there is no need to kill.

There is no need to make enemies.

What kind of swordsmanship was that sword just now?

Amu asked.

He was curious.

This sword is very powerful, but why has he never seen it before?

He should know something about the unique skills of the Samsara Sect.

The sword just now, called Tianji Slash, was a supernatural power created by me.

Create your own magic!

Amu was stunned.

The other people were also in an uproar.

Before, they mocked Lin Xuan.

Feeling that the other party is ignorant, he utters wild words.

Now it seems that it is not like this at all.

The talent of the other party is beyond their imagination.

If one day, my nine-turn star sword can be mastered.

I will fight you again.

After Amu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at the world and asked in a deep voice, "Who else?"

Anyone who wants to challenge, just come out.

I will accompany you to the end.

The surrounding spectators had their scalps numb.

Many people lowered their heads, and some even took a few steps back in fright.

Just kidding.

A kendo genius as strong as Amu was defeated by a single sword.

Who is still the opponent?

They are now completely convinced that Lin Xuan has the ability to kill the Shadow God King.

Not to mention anything else, just that sword.

There were very few people present who could stop it.

The little guy from the Samsara Sect is a bit interesting.

City Lord Huofeng looked at this scene and nodded slightly.

the other side.

In Cang Qi's Sword God's eyes, there was also a chilling light.

There are very few people who can block his sword.

There are very few people who can become his true opponents.

But what about now?

He found an interesting opponent.

This Long Xun deserves his attention.

I really hope to compete with him.

but not now.

He won't be here to compete with each other.

He still has to retain his strength now to capture the companion medicine.

Wait later.

When the matter here is over, find a chance to compete with him.

Perhaps, I can use his sword to hone my swordsmanship.

Take me to a higher level.

Cang Qi Sword God thought in his heart.

The disciples of the Samsara Sect cheered.

Lin Xuan is too strong, it is their honor.

This guy is really outrageous.

This sword technique should come from the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

However, it surpassed the Heavenly Gang Sword Art.

It was incredible.

I wonder if Grandpa will be shocked when he finds out?

While eating the divine fruit, Aning thought.

Fairy Tong Yu beside her, her brain is a little blank.

She thought before that she wanted to learn from Lin Xuan.

Because, she was a little dissatisfied with Lin Xuan.

Later, Lin Xuan refused.

In her opinion, Lin Xuan should have been afraid and refused.

At that time, he was still very happy.

Now it seems that it is not like this at all.

Lin Xuan refused because he was not afraid.

Lin Xuan probably disliked her.

After all, that sword just now was too terrifying.

If it was her, would she be able to escape?

Can she stop it?

After thinking about she felt it was very difficult.

She couldn't stop this sword.

She will definitely get hurt.

Fairy Tong Yu took a deep breath and her expression became extremely solemn.

She felt tremendous pressure.

It seems that I have underestimated the enemy.

My strength must be raised again.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for me to achieve good results in the core disciple ranking competition.

Elder Lei Qian next to him had a different idea.

He was very satisfied and very happy.

At the same time, he also understood.

Why are Chen Tiangang and Elder Tongtian, two ancestors.

They value each other so much.

This little guy has a bright future.

On the Qiankun Indestructible Sect's side, there is murderous aura.

On their side, there is an elder who is no weaker than Lei Qian.

It is called Elder Youlong.

At this moment, his face was full of killing intent.

This child cannot be kept, it must be removed.


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