Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8916

Chapter 8916

This knife was so terrifying, it turned into a crescent-like knife light.

The volley fell, and the heaven and earth were split in half.

The huge magic palm was also split open.

Banyue's knife was like a broken bamboo, and it slashed at the elder of the Demon Race.

This old man of the Demon Race was smashed and flew out, and the sky was stained with blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone was deeply shocked.

This knife is horrible.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath.

This is a peerless knife.

This should be a supreme sword god.

He looked at Elder Lei Qian and asked, "Elder, who is that young man?

Probably a top family genius.

Elder Lei Qian said: I don't know which family he belongs to.

However, I know who he is, his name is Cang Qi.

In this young generation, it is indeed the top swordsman.

Even many veteran masters were defeated in his hands.

His record of fame is to kill the powerhouse of the same realm with one knife.

The disciples of the surrounding Samsara Sect were shocked when they heard it.

Cang Qi Sword God!

This is definitely an incredible genius.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan's eyes shone with a chilling light.

This is the opponent that he can take seriously.

If you really want to compete with the challenger.

Lin Xuan hoped that he was a genius like Cang Qi Sword God.

in the void.

Cang Qi Sword God withdrew the sword.

The figure flickered and disappeared.

The monks around were all discussing excitedly.

But at this moment, the other side is empty.

Suddenly there was a roaring sound.

Another terrifying energy rushed over.

Another battle!

Who is this time?

They look into the distance.

Two laws were discovered, colliding non-stop in the air.

In addition, there is a bright light.

Like a fairy light, it runs through the world.

Seems like a treasure.

Go and have a look.

Many people rose to the sky.

First, they wanted to watch the battle, and they were also curious, what is the treasure?

Is it the companion magic medicine they have been looking for?

Let's go over there too.

Elder Lei Qian said.

After he finished speaking, lightning flashed on his body and disappeared.

Lin Xuan, Tong Yu, Aning and others also moved forward quickly.

Soon, they came to the depths of the forest.

Ahead, a peerless war broke out.

There is a terrible flame on a woman.

These flames formed the appearance of a phoenix, spreading its wings and flying.

The one who fought her was a middle-aged man.

In the hands of this middle-aged man, there is a cauldron.

This should be a divine crystal with many mysterious symbols engraved on it.

Condensed and formed, the appearance of one monster after another.

The middle-aged man urged this cauldron to fight against the flame phoenix on the opposite side.

The flame phoenix spread its wings and flew, forming a sea of fire.

Covered the world.

Killed the phantoms of many monsters.

However, these monsters continued to fly out of the tripod.

Killed again in the sea of fire.

The two sides fought together, it was amazing.

The people around them looked further afield.

They discovered the source of that fairy light.

It was a stone with many cracks on the surface.

The stone skin fell, and the light inside scattered.

This is an avenue **** crystal.

Also a great treasure.

After they are absorbed, they can improve their avenues of power and cultivation.

Many people's eyes instantly turned red.

Some people even want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a move.

Several figures are hidden in the void.

Towards the Great Dao Divine Crystal, he rushed over quickly.

It was about to come to the **** crystal.

But at this time, a cold humming sound came from the void.

Another phoenix phantom descended into the sky.

pierce the void.

The phoenix's claws shredded the figures hidden in the void.

The screams sounded, and several strong men were instantly wiped out.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded.

There are also some people who originally wanted to do it secretly.

However, seeing this scene at this moment, they immediately gave up the idea.

Some people even said: He is the city owner of Tianhuo City, the God of Fire Phoenix.

His strength is very strong.

Better not to offend him.

The battle ahead continued for hundreds of strokes.

In the end, the Fire Phoenix God King won.

He defeated the middle-aged man and captured the Great Dao Divine Crystal.

Another battle is over.

The crowd witnessed another master.

This made them even more shocked.

It seems that there are many strong people who come here to find the companion medicine.

Once the companion magic medicine is found.

It is estimated that the outbreak of the war will be 10 times, or even a hundred times, the current one.

This makes them stressful.

Let's go too, keep looking.

Elder Lei Gan said in a deep voice.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Although there are many strong people, he is very confident in himself.

Just when Lin Xuan was about to leave.

Suddenly, many people exclaimed: Look.

That is Long Xun from the Samsara Sect.

That's right, it's him.

It was him who killed the Shadow God King.

I want to see, where is he holy?

I heard that his cultivation base is not high, and he is a genius who can leapfrog battles.

I also heard that he was a sneak attack and defeated the Shadow God King.

During the discussion, many figures rushed over and blocked Lin Xuan's way.

There are even more people who want to challenge Lin Xuan.

The people around, seeing the challenge, gathered around again.

They are not unfamiliar with Lin Xuan's name.

It can be said that it is thunderous.

Someone said: I heard that someone challenged him before.

As a result, the kid didn't make a move.

Aren't you afraid?

I think it's possible.

It is said that he did not use his own strength to defeat the Shadow God King.

I think so too.

How strong is the Shadow God King, and he is good at the law of shadows.

Even if you lose, there is no problem if you want to escape.

But it has fallen.

This kid must have used some despicable means?

Hearing these discussions, the disciples of the Samsara Sect were very angry.

They want to rebut.

However, Elder Lei Qian said: It is useless to talk too much.

Prove yourself with strength.

After he finished speaking, he patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said to you: It's time to take action.

I see.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Before, in his heart, he could become an opponent.

It should be the Fire Phoenix Divine Phoenix, and the Cang Qi Sword God, such masters.

As for the others, he really didn't care.

However, in this situation, he can't help it.

Must get started.

Otherwise, it will be endless challenges and troubles.

Instead, it's better to solve it once.

Also, this place is fitting.

There are many strong family sects around.

You can witness his strength together.

At that time, no one will question him anymore.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan turned around.

He looked at the four directions, and said in a deep voice: Who wants to challenge?

I will accompany to the end.

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.

The scene fell silent in an instant.

Before they also made fun of each other.

I feel that the opponent has a false name and dare not fight.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the opponent is about to fight.

Could it be that the other party really has the confidence and strength?

For a while, everyone hesitated.

It is very shameful to be defeated in front of everyone's eyes.

They didn't dare to take it lightly.

let me do it.

There are also not afraid.

Now is an excellent opportunity.

As long as they defeat Lin Xuan, they will immediately become famous all over the world.

From a distance, came a tall young man.

He walked like a tiger, and he had a powerful message on his body.

Between walking, his stature became bigger and bigger.

In the end, he turned into a giant.

The people around were shocked.

It is the genius of the giant clan, rewind, their strength is very strong.

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