Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8795

Chapter 8795

Just when Fairy Iceberg was about to hit her hard.

A figure came out from behind her.

stood in front of her.

Brother Long, what are you doing?

Iceberg Fairy was extremely surprised.

Looking at Lin Xuan's back, she frowned slightly.

Don't be brave, hurry up and leave with Aning and the others.

Lin Xuan turned his head slightly and said with a smile, "Senior sister, leave this elder to me.

You deal with other people.


When she heard this, Fairy Bingshan was stunned for a moment.

Not only her, but also Aning and Liu Ruyan were dumbfounded.

Lin Xuan wants to deal with the indestructible elder!

How is this possible?

The gap between the two sides is too great.

Although it is said that Lin Xuan's strength has greatly increased now, he can defeat Xiao Beixuan.

However, the immortal elders are even more terrifying.

The strength should be completely above that of Xiao Beixuan.

Lin Xuan definitely couldn't resist.

Is this kid an idiot?

The new genius across from him sneered when he looked at Lin Xuan.

The mere eighth-order **** kings dare to compete with their elders?

Is this impatient to live?

Xiao Beixuan's face was gloomy, and he stared at Lin Xuan.

At the same time, he said to the elder next to him: Elder. If possible, kill him.

Hearing this, the young genius next to him was taken aback.

Even the elder looked surprised.

To be honest, he had never put Lin Xuan in his eyes before.

In his opinion, this is a small ant.

However, now Xiao Beixuan pays extra attention to this little ant.

Moreover, looking at Xiao Beixuan's attitude, it was gnashing of teeth.

Is there any enmity between the two?


Since you said so, I will never let him go.

The inextinguishable elder did not think much.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan should have offended Xiao Beixuan without knowing how high the sky is.

That's all.

He never thought that Xiao Beixuan was injured by Lin Xuan.

On the other side, Lin Xuan looked at Fairy Bingshan.

He smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry. Leave it to me, no problem.

What else did Iceberg Fairy want to say.

She always felt that something was not right.

Even if Lin Xuan wanted to make a move, she had to stay.

When the two join forces, the odds are even greater.

However, her words have not been spoken.

Lin Xuan waved his palm.

A big seal fell from the sky, directly smashing the void.

A big crack appeared in the cage between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan waved his sleeves.

The six worlds, shrouded in Fairy Bingshan and others, took them to the distance.

Do you really want to go heads-up?

Let me stay and join forces with you. Iceberg Fairy said quickly.

No need, just leave it to me.

I can handle it.

Lin Xuan said confidently.

You stay here and it won't help you.

Iceberg Fairy:

Immortal Elder: ?

He snorted coldly and waved his hand.

Once again, a cage was formed, and it was overwhelmingly caught.

He would not let Aning, Fairy Bingshan and others escape.

However, before the palm fell, it was blocked by a fist.

Lin Xuan punched out, blocking the elder's palm.

Your opponent is me.

Lin Xuan's expression became cold.

In his eyes, there is an amazing light, blooming.

Staring at the elder in front.

Next, he will go all out.

I don't know, now he is using all his strength. How terrible is it?

He was able to block the elder's attack!

The young genius on the opposite side had his eyes wide open.

Eyeballs are protruding.

He had never put Lin Xuan in his eyes before.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan's strength is so powerful!

The elder's random blow is not something that anyone can block.

The 8th-order **** king in front of him can actually block it!


The immortal elder also frowned.

He looked at Lin Xuan again.

He said to Xiao Beixuan and others, "You take action and stop others.

This kid, leave it to me.

He seems to be able to leapfrog battles, and is an incredible peerless genius.

Kind of interesting.

I haven't seen such a genius in a long time.

The inextinguishable elder raised a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

If this is the genius of their sect, it will definitely be a treasure.

It's a pity that the other party is a genius of the Samsara Sect.

He will not let the other party grow up.

Xiao Beixuan nodded, and they rushed over quickly.

The young genius also smiled and said: I will go to the meeting, that iceberg fairy.

After speaking, he swayed, like lightning, and rushed into the distance.

For these people, Lin Xuan did not stop them.

He felt that Fairy Bingshan and others should be able to resist.

Soon, the figures of Xiao Beixuan and others disappeared.

The void fell silent. Only the wind whistled in the air.

Lin Xuan looked at the immortal elder in front of him and took a deep breath.

He is ready to try the limit under normal conditions first.


Around Lin Xuan, six ancient and mysterious worlds appeared.

The powerful power of reincarnation swept all directions.

The inextinguishable elder on the opposite side narrowed his eyes.

The complete power of the Six Paths is indeed a peerless genius.

Your talent is at least eight stars, or even nine stars.

I guessed it right?

If you kill you, you will be able to re-create the Samsara Sect.

The inextinguishable elder waved his sleeves.

Black thunder, overwhelmingly flew over.

This is the immortal thunder.

His strength is indeed above Xiao Beixuan.

The power of these thunderbolts was even more terrifying than Xiao Bixuan's immortal spear.

Lin Xuan roared in the sky, swung the six-path reincarnation fist with all his strength, and killed him.

It collided with the inextinguishable thunder in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sky-shattering voice came, and the force of destruction swept all directions.

The Bingshan Fairy and others who were flying fast also sensed this power.

They turned their heads and stared into the distance, all of their hearts raised.

Can Junior Brother Long do it?

This time, Aning was not in the mood to eat the fruit.

She was very worried.

Iceberg Fairy also had a sad face.

But she said: Junior Brother Long is arrogant.

But shouldn't die.

Since he dared to duel, if he wants to come, he should have some cards!

Even if you can't beat him, it should be fine to escape.

Let's take care of the rest of the trouble.

She has already sensed the breath of Xiao Beixuan and others.

Coming at a very fast speed.

the other side.

Heaven and earth were in chaos, and endless cracks appeared in the void.

In that crack, there are black thunder, and the storm that destroys the world, flickering.

In the void, there are still some broken reincarnation breaths.

These breaths are extremely terrifying.

Ordinary **** kings approaching, I am afraid they will be severely injured in an instant.

The inextinguishable elder held his hands and stood in the void.

Around him, surrounded by black thunder, unleashing destructive power.

He was unhurt.

His old eyes were like lightning.

He stared at a void in front of him.

There, a figure appeared.

A young figure.

I can actually fight against my immortal divine thunder with my bare hands!

You are really amazing.

Young man, you are entitled to speak your name.

In the void opposite, Lin Xuan's face turned pale.

There are also some thunder scars on his body.

I have to say, this old guy is really strong.

Hearing what the other party said, he didn't answer.

Instead, he snorted and killed again.

Chapter 8795 Lin Xuan: Let me come!