Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8777

Chapter 8777

Summer machine, for the first time failed to escape.

he got hurt.

The people around were stunned.

what's up?

Could it be that foreknowledge doesn't work?

Or, Xia Xiaji has no way to judge, what will Lin Xuan do next?

not good.

The summer machine is crazy.

If the state is not right, I am afraid that the deduction technique will also be affected.

Xiangtian had just woken up from a coma and just saw this scene.

His face changed instantly.

on the ring.

Lin Xuan knocked the summer machine flying, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


It seemed that his method was indeed correct.

Annoy each other, make each other crazy.

In this way, the power of the opponent's deduction technique will be greatly reduced.

even fail.

Taking this opportunity, he wants to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

He rushed over at a very fast speed.

He waved the Emperor Seal again and patted it forward.

The void keeps shattering.

A huge crack seemed to split the world in half.

The summer machine also felt the terrible power.

His expression became grim.

Damn, hit the jackpot.

At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed.

Half of the body was broken, and the blood of the gods stained the surrounding void.

If he is hit again, his fate will probably be miserable.

He roared, waved his left hand, and blasted forward.

Above the fist, a terrifying power emerged.

As if opened, a door of reincarnation.


This punch hit the seal of the Emperor.

There was a sky-shattering, roaring sound.

Everyone was so shocked that their blood was tumbling, and they couldn't help but step back.

Some disciples even fell directly to the ground.

They were stunned.

This is too scary.


Liu Ruyan and the others also exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the summer machine can still be blocked in this situation.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

The other palm of his hand was sealed again, forming the seal of the Emperor.

He patted the opponent's head.

The double seals come out together, and the power is amazing.

Xia Tianji roared, but he didn't dodge.

Broken half body, and fast recovery.

Then, he clenched another fist and banged again.

Another force, the power of reincarnation, exploded,

Once again blocked the seal of the emperor.

Moreover, this time, the Emperor Seal was actually shaken back.

Lin Xuan's figure, like a glimpse of light, quickly retreated.

Wherever he passed, the void was struck, one black hole after another.

He didn't stop until he retreated to the edge of the ring.

His arms were shaking a little.

What a terrible power.

The rest of the people also exclaimed.

It's incredible that the summer machine can fight back!

The people in Wangyue Pavilion laughed.

did you see that? This is Senior Brother Xia's strength.

I have already said that Senior Brother Xia is the strongest, but you still don't believe it.

Look, next, this kid is going to be unlucky.

Xiang Tian also smiled, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Six Paths Samsara Fist finally appeared.


After Xia Xiaji shook Lin Xuan back, he waved his fist again.

Above the fist, there are phantom explosions of 6 worlds.

Lin Xuan was shrouded in an instant.

That space was completely turned into chaos.

What kind of boxing is this? It's too scary!

The Six Paths Samsara Fist is the legendary Six Path Samsara Fist.

It is the peerless boxing technique of our Samsara Sect.

The power is not weaker than the seal of the emperor.

Even more powerful than the Emperor Seal.

Those inner disciples are crazy.

I can finally see the legendary Samsara Fist.

Iceberg Fairy's complexion changed.

No, trouble.

Lin Xuan did not solve the summer machine in the previous opportunity.

If you want to defeat the opponent again, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Can Lin Xuan's Emperor Seal be able to stop Xia Xiaji's Six Paths of Samsara Fist?

After a punch, Xia Xiaji withdrew his fist.

He stood there like a **** of war.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the void behind him.

He said: It was quite quick to hide.

The void shook, and Lin Xuan's figure appeared.

Lin Xuan did not have any injuries.

Obviously, he had dodged that blow before.

Six Paths of Samsara Fist, you finally showed it. Lin Xuan looked down and said with a smile.

He didn't seem so surprised.

He had known for a long time that the opponent would know this kind of boxing.

That's right, it's the Six Paths Samsara Fist.

Xia Xianji raised his head, his eyes shone with a piercing light.

He stared at Lin Xuan and said, "I can show this kind of boxing.

You are proud enough.

Any last words?

As soon as the Six Paths Samsara Fist comes out, who will compete?

The boy in front of him is absolutely unstoppable.

Even if the other party has the emperor's seal, they can't stop it.

Because he can also deduce the technique.

These two forces are superimposed together.

It is absolutely possible to suppress the other party's Human Sovereign Seal.

You said it as if you had already won, Lin Xuan sneered.


Those who were watching the battle around shook their heads.

You don't know anything about the Six Paths Samsara Fist. The disciples of Wangyue Pavilion roared even more.

Boy, do you know how terrifying the Six Paths Samsara Fist is?

It's not what you can imagine.

You are now on your knees and admit defeat, there is still a silver lining.

Otherwise, what awaits you will be life rather than death.

The Six Paths of Samsara Fist is the treasure of our Samsara sect.

It's a supreme learning.

Its power is far beyond your cognition.

Look at it, Senior Brother Xia will soon be able to defeat you.

It can even kill you in seconds.

Brother Long, be careful.

Don't be pushy.

Even Iceberg Fairy was a quick reminder.

She didn't want Lin Xuan to be hurt either.

Lin Xuan laughed: Of course I know, Six Paths Samsara Fist is amazing.

Even, I understand the Six Paths Samsara Fist better than you.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Even Iceberg Fairy was stunned.

What does this mean?

Summer machine also frowned.

You know the Six Paths Samsara Fist better than I do?

He laughed angrily.

This kid has got water in his head.

how? Don't believe it?

It seems that no one knows, Six Paths Samsara Fist.

Lin Xuan's voice sounded again.

Hahaha, idiot.

The people in Wangyue Pavilion looked up to the sky and laughed.

Before, they were startled.

However, when I heard this.

They immediately knew that Lin Xuan was talking nonsense again.

Does the opponent know the Six Paths of Samsara Fist?

What are you kidding?

This is the ultimate secret.

To redeem this kind of unique knowledge, a huge amount of points is required.

Even Lin Xuan can get such points.

However, if you want to practice it, it will take endless years.

Even if the opponent is a nine-star talent.

But it can't be done in a short time.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible for UU to read, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be able to punch in the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Summer machine is also dismissive.

Beam jumping clown, I have no time to waste with you.

One punch is the winner.

In his eyes, there was an extremely cold light.

The next moment, his right hand clenched into a fist, and the power of 6 paths exploded.

The phantoms of 6 worlds appeared on his fist.

With a roar, a punch slammed into the sky.


This punch, as if transformed into a dragon of reincarnation, was huge.

6 worlds, to engulf Lin Xuan.


The people in Wangyue Pavilion looked up at this scene and were extremely happy.

not good.

Iceberg Fairy's heart was raised.

Lin Xuan looked at the rushing Peerless Divine Fist and snorted coldly.

The next moment, he also raised his fist and blasted towards the bottom.

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