Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8772

Chapter 8772

Countless pieces of the sword fell on Lin Xuan's body.

A thunderous roar sounded.

It was in ruins there.

got hit.

The crowd exclaimed.

Liu Ruyan and the others were desperate.

The people from the Moon Moon Pavilion laughed.

The battle is over.

No one can survive such an attack.

Crazy Blade looked at this scene and grinned.

This move of his is very powerful, coupled with the unexpected attack.

The opponent couldn't resist at all.

Just when he thought he had won.

In the emptiness ahead, there was a voice.

It turns out that this is your trump card.

It was really unexpected that the long knife could be broken into pieces.

However, he just wanted to use this attack to defeat me.

you are too naive.

While speaking, a figure walked out of the ruins.

It was Lin Xuan.

A mysterious and unpredictable light bloomed on Lin Xuan.

He was not injured, how could it be possible?

When Crazy Blade saw this scene, his pupils shrank sharply.

What are you kidding?

He was attacked frontally, and the opponent was unscathed.

What kind of defense is this?

It's too scary.

For a while, he was a little stunned.

The surrounding spectators were also stunned.

They looked at each other.


Liu Ruyan was amazed.

interesting. Aning ate the fruit with a smile.

The people in the opposite Mochizuki Pavilion were silent.

How can it be like this?

Could it be that the mad sword can't solve the other party?

Be patient.

The strength of Crazy Blade is more than that.

On the ring, Kuangdao snorted coldly.

Countless blades flew back into his hands.

The combination forms a sword of war.

Crazy Blade waved his arm again, shattering the battle blade.

This time, there are more fragments, twice as many as before.

They overwhelmed the sky and killed Lin Xuan.

In the eyes of Crazy Blade, there was a piercing light, staring straight ahead.

He wants to see, how did the other party block it?

Every fragment is like an artifact.

At this moment, countless fragments covered the sky and covered the ground, covering Lin Xuan.

However, Lin Xuan was not afraid.

His palms are imprinted.

Suddenly, the ground of the arena shook.

Countless rocks flew out and landed on Lin Xuan.

Layer after layer, as if wearing countless armors.

Those fragments fell on these armors, making a sound like the sky.

Soon, these armors were torn apart.

However, Lin Xuan had countless armors stacked on his body.

There is also a steady stream of power from the earth, flying in.

Ultimately, all debris was blocked.

It actually used the power of the earth!

Seeing this, Mad Saber's face was gloomy.

I have to see, how far can you use this kind of power?

The next moment, he took back the fragments of the long knife again.

Then, the long knife was shattered again.

A roaring sound rang out.

This time, it's not debris, it's fog.

A metallic mist.

They float in the void with a piercing light.

The people around them felt their scalps go numb.

Summer machine is smiling.

When this move was used, the kid would definitely not be able to resist it.

Even Iceberg Fairy's expression changed.

not good.

A Ning next to him asked: What's the matter?

It is said that Junior Brother Long's earthly power should be able to withstand it.

But Fairy Bingshan shook her head and said, "It's not the same, this kind of metal weapon can not only attack the body.

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If Long Xun absorbs the power of heaven and earth. These metal mists will also follow the power and fly into his body.

Once inside, it will destroy the tree of the avenue in his body.

At that time, Long Xun couldn't resist at all.


And such a thing?

After hearing this, An Ning's expression changed, and the divine fruit in his hand fell to the ground.

She stood up suddenly, with a trace of tension in her eyes.

Liu Ruyan also asked: If you don't absorb the power of heaven and earth, will it be enough?

Fairy Bingshan shook her head and said: As long as Long Xun, use the power of the earth. These metal objects can follow the power of the earth and enter his body.

Unless the dragon seeks to use the power of its own body to resist.

Moreover, it is possible to escape by directly killing this piece of metal mist.

Otherwise, it is dangerous.

Next, I'm going to stop the game.

In Fairy Bingshan's eyes, there was a piercing light.

The tree of the avenue within the body, if broken.

If you want to recover again, it will be troublesome.

She would never let Lin Xuan suffer like that.

Metal mist, like a sea of clouds, rushed over quickly.

Lin Xuan was enveloped again.

And Lin Xuan also used the power of Datong.

Countless rocks covered his body again.

Formed one after another battle armor.

Ha ha ha ha.

When Crazy Blade saw this scene, Yangtian laughed.

He won.

Under the ring.

Summer machine also laughed.

It's over.

Next, this kid will be abolished.

Let the other side live like trash.

Not good, don't use the power of the earth.

Fairy Bingshan exclaimed, and she rushed forward quickly.

Xia Tianji saw this, waved his hands, and the Tianji disk fell.

Like a moat, blocking Fairy Iceberg's way.

Ice Mountain Fairy, a sword slashed on it, and a roaring voice sounded.

The disciples who were watching the battle around backed away in fear.

Someone actually started fighting under the ring.

Go crazy.

At this moment, in the void, there was a cold hum.

Immediately afterwards, a large palm fell.

Suppress all power storms.

Who allowed you to do it here?

Asura Hall's rules, have you forgotten?

If you want to do it, go to the ring.

Under the ring, don't make a move.

While speaking, an old man appeared in the void.

The people around them saluted: I have seen the elders.

Fairy Bingshan said quickly: Elder, I will admit defeat in place of Long Xun.

Please end the game.

I'm afraid this can't be done. Unless Long Xun admits defeat.

Otherwise, the game will continue.

The elder in the sky said lightly.

Iceberg Fairy widened her eyes.

She raised her head suddenly and exclaimed: You are not Elder Shura!

The person responsible for guarding the Asura Hall should be Elder Asura.

Wearing a blood-colored robe, the murderous aura on his body is very cold.

Like a **** of Shura.

But no matter how terrifying the opponent's aura was, they would still abide by the rules of the Asura Hall.

According to the rules of Shura Temple.

As friends of Long Xun, they were in danger when Long Xun was in danger.

They can ask the elders to stop the game.

Elder Shura is not here, and I will take care of him instead.

Asura Hall, the black-robed old man in the sky, said lightly.

Senior Sister, it's useless, he is a member of Wangyue Pavilion.

A Ning next to him said in a low voice.

When Fairy Bingshan heard this, her heart sank.

Mochizuki Pavilion, are you so prepared?

Even the elders have changed?

In this way, I am afraid no one can stop the game.

Aning said: Do you want to ask my grandfather to take action?

Even if the ancestor of Tiangang came, it was already too late.

At this time, the next summer machine laughed.

That kid has absorbed the metal mist.

The tree of the avenues in his body may have been shattered.

No one can save him.

This is the fate of opposing our Mochizuki Pavilion.

After listening to those around, the scalp tingled.

Is Long Xun finished?

A genius with nine-star talent, has it fallen like this?

Wangyue Pavilion is too scary!