Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8602

Chapter 8602

This black flame appeared very suddenly.

It exceeded everyone's expectations.

The leader of the Immortal League became excited when he saw this scene.

Haha, it's time to fight back!

Lin Xuan didn't seem to feel the black flame.

did not dodge at all.

Not even the consciousness of counterattack.

He just urged the power of the Dragon Sword and the Reincarnation Sword madly.

to wipe out the breath of the sea of blood.

Just when the black flame was about to hit Lin Xuan.

Suddenly, behind Lin Xuan, a black whirlpool appeared.

directly swallowed the opponent's flame.

There was a boom, and the remaining flames retreated quickly.

It seemed that Lin Xuan would have a helper!

Since it's here, don't leave.

The black whirlpool quickly chased after him.

seems to have turned into a huge black hole.

will swallow all the flames.

what's the situation?

The leader of the Immortal League, while furiously resisting, while investigating.

When he saw this scene, he was completely stunned.

Lin Xuan was unscathed.

How can it be?

Damn it, Jiu Jian Xian did it?

How did the Jiujianxian know that the Fire Lotus God King exists?

is indeed the wine master!

Others stared at the fairy league, but the wine master kept staring at Lin Xuan's battlefield.

Jiuye knew that behind the fairy league was the other shore.

In this decisive battle, Bi An cannot sit back and watch.

There will definitely be strong ones who observe in secret.

At this time, maybe he will take action against Lin Xuan.

So, he kept staring.

As expected.

He guessed right.

The strong man on the other side, do it!

is there too, the previous scene.

The black flame, retreating quickly.

Then, it turned into a huge black lotus.

to resist the engulfing of the black hole, and bloom continuously,

This is a figure wearing a flame robe.

His expression is extremely solemn.

He gritted his teeth and said: Jiu Jianxian, you dare to ruin my good deeds!

The fire lotus **** king is desperate.

Just now, that was a great opportunity for a sneak attack.

Once succeeded, Lin Xuan can definitely be hit hard.

However, he was stopped by Jiu Jianxian.

really mad at him.

Hmph, the other side of you is still as despicable as always.

only sneak attacks.

But, I won't let you succeed.

I have known for a long time, you guys are behind the scenes.

Come on, let me see, how strong is your flower from the other shore?

The sword spirit on Jiuye's body soared to the sky, as if he could swallow the sky and the earth.

Fire Lotus God King also has a solemn expression.

Facing Jiu Jianxian, he did not dare to be careless.

The two confront each other.

The terrifying breath collided, tearing the sky apart.

On the other side, Lin Xuan continued to attack the sea of blood.

He sneered and said: Don't expect others to save you.

No one can save you.

You are still stunned, what are you doing? Still not doing it?

The leader of the fairy alliance roared frantically.

Those strong men of the Immortal League also roared when they heard this.


They rushed over quickly, and they were in battle with God's Domain in an instant.

The swallowing gods took orders, followed me and swallowed them.

Xuanbing Protoss, listen to my orders.

The ancestors of the Protoss roared.

They are all allies of the Fairy Alliance.

At this moment, they attacked with all their strength and slew towards God's Domain.

Here in God's Domain, naturally, he is not a weak one.

Faced with the crazy counterattack of Xianmeng, they quickly resisted.

The ancient family, the Ye family, the alliance of heavenly masters, the palace of the gods.

Ten Thousand Swords Palace, Tiandao Tower, etc., powerful family sects, crazy shots.

The world was shattered instantly.

Those who watched the battle from the heavens and the world, fled frantically.

The entire starry sky, I am afraid it has become a battlefield.

They stay here, they will be wiped out.

fled to a very far place, they looked at the battlefield with lingering fear.

Someone sighed: The decisive battle has finally begun!

The allies on both sides are too strong.

Either they are all powerful protoss, or they are top sects.

Yes, I feel that most of the universe is involved.


There are more than ten protoss on the fairy league.

Here in God's Domain, there are many allies.

Moreover, they are all top-notch.

The heavens and myriad worlds, although there are many protoss, and some ancient sects have revived.

But at this moment, most of them are here.

Looking at the terrifying battle! The corner of Jiuye's mouth raised a smile.

He looked at the Fire Lotus God King again and said: This time.

We will let the fairy league be wiped out.

will also let you on the other side, all the layouts fall short.

Hmph, you think too much.

Although, you are well prepared.

But do you think that we are not ready on the other side?

In addition to those protoss, I also brought a group of masters.

After finishing speaking, the black lotus at his feet bloomed quickly.

The huge lotus petals seem to cover the whole world.

Many lotus seeds quickly condense and form.

These lotus seeds flew high into the sky.

There are countless mysterious lights on them.

Click, click.

A crack appeared on a lotus seed, and it split slowly.

Then, came out from inside, a figure.

The breath on his body is extremely tyrannical.

turned out to be a two-step **** king!

Click, click.

Nine lotus seeds split one after another and came out from the inside, nine two-step **** kings.

Their breath is very tyrannical.

As soon as appeared, it swept the world.

Those who fought in the distance were also stunned.

The Golden Lion King stopped in an instant.

He turned his head and looked around.

There was a shock in his eyes: how could it be possible?

How come there are so many two-step kings?

Which protoss is this?

It's not just him, the Queen, and the other people in God's Domain.

was extremely shocked.

Murong Qingcheng and others also had a trace of worry in their eyes.

However, thinking of Lin Xuan's hole cards, they felt relieved again.

Murong Qingcheng, with the Phoenix tribe, quickly slammed forward.

Nine two-step **** kings who came out of the lotus seeds.

quickly, rushed to the direction of the sea of blood.

No one blocked it.

They were very relaxed, and they came near the sea of blood.

Ha ha ha ha!

The leader of the Immortal League became excited when he saw this scene.

It is indeed the other side, one shot, there are nine two-step kings.

This lineup is quite strong.

Besides, there is one of them, the breath of the Second Step God King, which is only a little weaker than him.

Such a lineup can definitely stop Lin Xuan.

Even, Lin Xuan's current state may not be able to stop him.

When he looked at Lin Xuan, he said triumphantly: We still have more cards.

Didn't you say that no one can save me?

Now, they came to rescue me, can you stop it?

As long as Lin Xuan shoots and these nine two-step kings fight.

The leader of the Immortal League can escape in an instant.

As long as he can escape from Lin Xuan, he will survive.

He has a way of revenge.

Lin Xuan didn't even look at them, the nine powerful **** kings.

He said in a cold voice: I said, no one can save you from heaven and earth.

The leader of the fairy alliance sneered disdainfully.

Is there any helper for Lin Xuan?


Jiu Jian Xian, was stopped by the Fire Lotus God King.

As for those strong in God's Domain, they were all stopped by the people of the Immortal League.

Including, the Phoenix clan that Murong Qingcheng had brought was also stopped.

The leader of the fairy alliance looked around.

Who else can help Lin Xuan?

there is none left.

is really gone.

Thinking of this, he settled down.

He said to the nine mighty **** kings: You do it, attack him for me.

Nine two-step kings, fast, killed Lin Xuan


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