Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8600

Chapter 8600

This scene is really shocking.

Those **** kings around were stunned.

This is really, you can pick the stars with your hand!

Besides, I treat the stars as stones.

What kind of handwriting is this?

Next, look at this Lin Xuan, can you resist it?

The power of the stars themselves, plus the divine power of the heavenly tyrant body.

What a terrible power!

Thousands of stars, whizzing and rushing over.

Lin Xuan's formation shook in an instant.

The stars in the formation seemed to be crushed.

Lin Xuan yelled coldly, and used the swordsmanship on his body to the extreme.

Holding the Dragon Sword Soul in his hand, he roared up to the sky.

I have a sword that kills everything in the world.

Kill me!

At this moment, he displayed the strongest kendo.

He and the whole formation seem to be fused together.

Those stars around, bloomed with the brightest and most dazzling light.

It was another shocking duel, thousands of stars were shattered.

some split into two halves, some turned directly into ashes and dust.

Lin Xuan broke out of the Xinghai.

The peerless sword formation enveloped the huge body of the leader of the fairy alliance.

The leader of the fairy alliance madly resisted.

But, he was pierced by the Great Dragon Sword Soul in an instant.

He made a miserable sound.

Immediately afterwards, countless stars of swordsmanship began to pierce his Heavenly Dominant Body.

His divine body keeps splitting, blood staining the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

In the end, they saw that the Heavenly Overlord Body of the leader of the Immortal League had suddenly shattered.


The dark red dragon, when he saw this scene, he laughed happily.

The people of God's Domain all cheered.

Okay, they won!

It's not easy.

That is the leader of the fairy league!

is currently the strongest of the heavens and the world!

Just a look made them desperate.

Such a person was defeated by Lin Xuan!

is incredible!

Next, that is, a decisive battle with the entire fairy league.

They are all ready.

And the people of Xianmeng stayed in a daze.

what's the situation?

The leader is defeated, is it true?

This is impossible.

Although, they saw it with their own eyes.

But they still feel like they are dreaming.

How could the leader be defeated?


Lin Xuan's mouth also raised a smile.

finally defeated the opponent, but it is not easy!

In that blow just now, he used all his power except the Samsara Sword.

This smashed the opponent's body.

Next, he will try his best to kill the opponent.

However, this is not easy.

Defeating the opponent and beheading the opponent are two difficulties.

The other powerhouses of the Fairy League will not sit idly by.

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked into the distance, he saw the wine master.

He raised his hand to signal the wine master to let the wine master lead the attack.

But at this time, in the monstrous blood.

came, an angry voice.

Damn it, go to hell.

The sea of blood rolled quickly, rushing out from the inside, countless **** rays of light.

They turned into blood-colored chains, and quickly moved towards Lin Xuan and killed them.

Lin Xuan Cui moves the sword array low-end.

But this time, his sword formation was pierced.

These blood-colored chains are terrible.

directly penetrated some stars around him.

How can it be?

Lin Xuan was also shaken out by this force.

Qi and blood rolled, his complexion changed drastically.

Before , the opponent's Heavenly Dao map was added with supernatural power.

couldn't resist his sword formation.

But, now the opponent easily penetrated his sword formation.

This is incredible.

What kind of power is this?

Jiuye saw Lin Xuan's signal and originally wanted to lead people to attack.

But when he saw this scene, he stopped again.

He frowned tightly.

The dark red dragon, even more exclaimed: What's the situation?

Hasn't already won?

How could that guy be able to fight back?

What kind of power is this?

is the power of blood! Ye Wudao said in a deep voice.

He also has a super bloodline.

He can feel the **** breath released in the sea of blood ahead.

how terrible!

That's right, this is the Heavenly Blood.

Moreover, it is the Heaven's Overlord's blood that is desperately attacking in a state of anger.

The leader of the Immortal League is completely crazy.

He didn't expect that he would be seriously injured.

Even the Heavenly Tyrant Body would be shattered.

He has no more means.

He is the only one left, the last resort.

That is, try your best to destroy the opponent.

Cangtian Tyrant, blood is his strongest method.

It's just that this means of consuming blood is the last hole card.

Once it is cast, it will kill 1,000 enemies and self-damage 800.

But now, he can't take care of that much.

No matter what price he paid, he had to kill Lin Xuan.

In the sea of blood, 36 blood-colored chains came out.

Each chain is covered with **** runes.

with a mysterious and terrifying power, overwhelmingly killed.

Lin Xuan's formation was torn apart in an instant.

Even Lin Xuan was blown out by several chains.

Those chains want to tie Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan waved the big dragon sword and split these chains into the air.

He started to fight back, severing several chains.

However, the broken chain flew back into the sea of blood.

When appeared again, it was restored to its original condition.

However, the sea of blood is indeed weaker.

Obviously, this kind of recovery consumes a lot of blood power.

The leader of the Immortal League naturally knows this too.

He wants to suppress Lin Xuan before the bloodline power is exhausted.

36 to the chain, rushed crazy.

began to overwhelming, besieging Lin Xuan.

Even if Lin Xuan possessed the big dragon sword, at this moment, he was actually suppressed.

He fell into a disadvantage.

When everyone looked at this scene, they were dumbfounded.

Before , they didn't expect that the leader of the fairy league would lose?

Now, they didn't expect it either. Lin Xuan is gaining such a big advantage.

will be suppressed!

It seems that the battle is not over yet.

Until the last moment, no one knows the final result?

The battle ahead is even more terrifying.

Lin Xuan kept dodging.

If you can't avoid it, use the big dragon sword to contend.

The sound of shaking the sky came from time to time.

He repelled a few more chains.

It's no way to go on like this.

This power is really too strong!

have to find a way to solve the other party.

The leader of the Immortal League opposite, also thinks this way.

In this state, he can't last long.

Must be a quick fight.

Lin Xuan holds the big dragon sword in hand, and in a short period of time, it is difficult for him to suppress the opponent.

do not care!

The leader of the Immortal League, made a crazy decision.

He turned into a sea of blood and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Apparently wants to swallow Lin Xuan directly.

Use the power of blood to suppress it.

The sea of blood was flying quickly in the air.

Wherever passed, the void kept shattering.

His speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Lin Xuan.

Seeing, Lin Xuan was about to be swallowed.

Lin Xuan roared and waved the big dragon sword, stabbing forward.

pierced in an instant, in a sea of blood.

The entire sea of blood was pierced.

The sea of blood rolled fiercely, and a roar of pain came from inside.

But soon, the 36 chains fell down.

They fell on the big dragon sword and bound it.

Then, began to restrain Lin Xuan's arms and body.

Lin Xuan was **** instantly.

The sea of blood rolled and formed, the face of the leader of the fairy alliance.

a huge face, looking down at Lin Xuan.

A hideous and proud voice sounded: Although, a lot of price has been paid. But I still caught you.

Next, look at me, how can you torture you to death?


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