Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8598

Chapter 8598

This nirvana sword world, like a dark cloud, quickly swept all over the place.

It came in an instant, in front of that huge body.

It has already begun, covering this body!

The sky overlord body shook slightly under this power.

The lord of the fairy alliance, coldly snorted: Your strength is not enough to hurt me.

Once again, he took a picture of the palm of Heavenly Promise.

The palm hits directly, in this world.

Started frantically, tearing up this nirvana sword world.

In this lifeless world, strong winds, lightning and thunder.

Void appeared, with big cracks.

It seems to be broken at any time.

The leader of the fairy league, with disdain!

What annihilation sword world? Vulnerable.

He continued to shoot, wanting to completely tear the world to pieces.

But before long, his face changed, and even his pupils shrank sharply.

Damn it.

He quickly retracted his palm.

It turned out that it was when he destroyed the Netherworld Sword Realm.

The power of extinguishment was also madly transmitted to his palm.

His original vigorous and powerful palm, at this moment, turned out to be withered.

It was as if it had become a corpse.

There is no life.

The shattered nirvana sword world swept once again.

Gradually, shrouded the indomitable body.

The leader of the fairy alliance took a step back, smashing the world.

He finally knew how terrible this Nirvana Sword Realm was.

He didn't dare to resist.

He let out an angry voice.

This is not an ordinary roar, but an ancient magical power, the sound of thunder from the sky.

This voice rushed forward with countless lightning and thunder.

Collide with the Nirvana Sword Realm.

The world-destroying power swept the world.

The leader of the Immortal League, taking this opportunity, retreated again.

He stepped across the endless void and came to a safe place.

When he turned around and looked around, the Nirvana Sword Realm in front of him had disappeared.

Do you think that with this kind of magic, you can defeat me?

it is ridiculous!

The leader of the Immortal League sneered, then lifted the sole of his foot.

Towards Lin Xuan, he stepped heavily on it.

This foot is so heavy that it can crush everything in the world.

At the same time, he made a sound of thunder in the sky.

A dark shadow appeared on Lin Xuan's head.

It fell quickly like a dark cloud.

And in all directions, there was a terrible thunderous voice.

His escape route was all blocked.

Lin Xuan has no way to retreat, and can only resist hard.

Taking a deep breath, the six powers of Lin Xuan's body exploded again.

He waved his fist,

Six reincarnation punches! Shura reappears!

There was a **** breath on his fist.

A punch was blasted, as if it had opened up, a blood-colored world.

Coming out of it, a blood-colored figure came out.

Wearing blood-colored battle armor, with a pair of blood-colored wings.

There is a monstrous murderous aura on his body.

As soon as he appeared, he let out a stern roar.

He was like a demon **** rushing out of the Asura Hell.

Towards the dark shadow in the sky, he rushed quickly.

He stuck out a pair of **** paws.

This paw grew rapidly in the air.

In the end, it was like two big scarlet nets.

Severely, he grabbed the sole of the opponent's foot.

With a bang, the forces of the two collided.

The devastating breath swept the Quartet.

The soles of the lord of the fairy alliance stopped in mid-air.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't land anymore, and landed downward.

The leader of the fairy league was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan could actually block it!

At the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth, a sneer was raised.

Reincarnation! Datong! Shield Mountain!

Beside Lin Xuan, countless mountains appeared, covering all of him.

To counter the thunderous sound.

There was another thunderous roar.

The ancient sound of thunder was blocked by the underground road.

Lin Xuan had no worries about the future, and urged the Shura Phantom with all his strength.

The Shura Demon King, gaining Lin Xuan's power, roared up to the sky.

His two paws were raised toward the sky fiercely.

Originally, the feet of the leader of the Immortal League stopped in mid-air.

But now? It was shocked.

Not only that, but his huge body also fell to the side.

How can it be?

He could actually shake my body!

The leader of the fairy alliance was stunned.

Just a Shura Phantom, how could it be so powerful?

With a boom, Lin Xuan rose into the sky.

He came in an instant, in front of the Shura Demon King.

Shura killed his life.

Lin Xuan volleyed with his right hand.

This Asura Demon King turned into a **** Asura Demon Sword.

Under Lin Xuan's wave, he stabbed at the huge body fiercely.

This sword is extremely terrifying.

Has the murderous aura of Shura Dao.

And he also possessed Lin Xuan's indestructible power of the great dragon.

not good.

The complexion of the leader of the fairy league changed.

He is huge, and once he falls, it is difficult to dodge.

Today's plan can only be hard to resist.

The power of the Great Dao on his body rolled, and countless mysterious and ancient symbols appeared.

Cover his body.

It was as if putting on an old armor.

These ancient symbols have just been condensed to form.

With a deadly sword, he stabbed it fiercely.

With a bang, the sky fell apart and the earth cracked.

The ancient symbols, spinning fast, bloom with the most dazzling light.

The blood-colored long sword was blocked.

The leader of the fairy alliance breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that.

Thought in his mind.

But in the next moment, the **** sword aura changed.

Above, the shadow of Demon King Shura appeared.

He actually made a sound similar to a dragon roar.

Makes the power of this sword greatly improved.

With a click, the ancient symbol was crushed.

The blood-colored sword aura broke through the defense of the Heavenly Overlord's body.

Penetrated into this divine body.

Subsequently, the power of Shura Dao opened.

This demon king is like a fish swimming in the sea.

Entered into the sky overlord body.

Started frantically, destroying the meridians and blood in the opponent's body.

The leader of the fairy alliance made a stern voice.

The huge body trembled unexpectedly.

Then, rolling in the void.

A lot of **** mist flew out of him.

It seemed that the blood of the gods had been evaporated.

His huge body was also sunken a little bit.

All this shows that the Heavenly Tyrant Body is being tortured madly.

Even the power is being swallowed.

Damn it, kill me!

The leader of the fairy alliance roared frantically.

The blood in the body exploded, forming a blood fire!

Furiously chasing the Demon King Shura.

In the end, it was wiped out.

But he was still injured, and moreover, he suffered internal injuries.

You dare to hurt me!


The lord of the Immortal League looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

The murderous aura on him formed a storm of extinction.

A pair of eyes stared at Lin Xuan firmly.

No one has ever made me feel so embarrassed.

you are the first.

I will make you better than death.

I underestimated you before.

Next, I will let you know, our Heavenly Overlord, the strongest power.

With the voice of the leader of the fairy alliance fell.

In the opponent's body, a monstrous breath erupted.

On him, those ancient and bright symbols actually flew up.

Floating in the air, quickly gathered together.

It seems to have formed, an ancient picture scroll.

Feel this terrible power.

Everyone trembled.

Even the wine master frowned.

He stubbornly stared at the picture scroll.

I'm afraid this should be the opponent's hole card, right?

The outcome will be determined soon.