Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8591

Chapter 8591

Lin Xuan understood when he heard the words of the Hallmaster of the Eight Desolations.

When he attacked the Eight Desolate Immortal Palace, he indeed split the underground palace with a sword.

From inside, many strong men were released, among them, there was Misty Sword Fairy.

Lin Xuan doesn't know much about other strong players.

However, being with Misty Sword Fairy, it shouldn't be too weak if you think about it.

With this strength, Lin Xuan's odds of winning are a little bigger.

For the next period of time, Lin Xuan practiced silently.

The Lord of the Eight Desolates, let Misty Sword Fairy take her to tour the heavens and the world.

She also has a certain understanding of this universe.

She also knows how terrifying the fairy alliance they will face!

It is really a giant.

Time passed so quickly, and finally, it was time for the decisive battle.

Lin Xuan, Jiuye and others have sent messages to those allies in God's Domain.

Ye Family, Ancient Family, Heavenly Master Alliance, Shenhuo Temple.

Phoenix family, Tiandao Tower, Ten Thousand Swords Palace, Bahuang Immortal Palace and so on.

It has all begun to gather strength!

They knew that a war would break out soon.

Some strong men who were practicing in retreat walked out of the palace one after another.

In addition, the geniuses who experienced outside have also received orders from the family sect.

Returned one after another.

At the same time, the heavens and worlds seemed to be tense.

Many people are aware of it.

A depressed breath swept in.

Calculating the time, the time for the decisive battle between the Immortal League and God's Domain is really about to come.

It is estimated that the world will be upended in time.

Following the action of God's Domain, the immortal alliance seemed to have taken action.

The fairy alliance actually gave to their allies, those **** races and ancient families.

Sent a message.

Those protoss and ancient families also summoned their forces one after another.

The atmosphere in the heavens and worlds is becoming more and more tense.

Swallowing gods.

The few remaining powerful people of the Sky-Swallowing Clan gathered the people together.

He said: Lin Wudi and the ancient family have severely damaged our Protoss.

We will repay this grudge.

Now, finally let us wait.

Soon, Lin Xuan will fight decisively with the leader.

At that time, he will definitely be suppressed by the leader.

Even be beheaded.

At that time, we can take revenge.

Hearing this, the people of the Sky-Swallowing God Race clenched their fists.

The killing intent in their eyes was undisguised.

In addition to them, the same is true for ancient soul protoss and Xuanbing protoss.

The other side.

Ancient home.

The world of the ancient family has recovered a lot.

Various buildings, mountains and rivers, have restored their original appearance.

However, the whole world has been deserted a lot.

The previous battle also suffered heavy losses to the ancient family.

Gu Tianyun, gathered all the disciples of the Gu family together.

He said in a loud voice: If the immortal league is not eliminated for one day, our ancient family will have a crisis for one day.

We must cooperate with Young Master Lin to destroy the Immortal League.

Our ancestors can rest assured that we will go all out.

The disciples of the ancient family said one after another.

Gu Tianyun nodded, then looked at Gu Santong and the other old men.

How is your recovery?

The power of the bloodline has recovered a lot, and the Void Mirror can be used again.

Gu Santong and others said.


When Gu Tianyun heard this, he nodded in satisfaction.

He looked into the distance, waiting for Lin Xuan's call.

The Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, they were driven out by the Dragon Palace.

They look forward to fighting side by side with Lin Xuan.

Once they win, then they have a chance to return to the Taixu Dragon Palace.

The Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

The King of Ten Thousand Swords, looking at the misty sword fairy returning from outside.

He respectfully said: The disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace have been assembled.

Can do it at any time.

Misty Jianxian nodded.

The King of Ten Thousand Swords thought for a while, and then said: But this time he shot.

We will never have any retreat.

If you win, it's better to say.

If it loses, then the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords will be forever lost.

Misty Jianxian turned his head and stared at the King of Ten Thousand Swords.

She said: I know what you are thinking. Also know your concerns.

However, I have decided to advance and retreat with Young Master Lin.

The Phoenix family.

Murong Qingcheng, together with several ancestors of the Phoenix tribe.

Discuss what's next.

Several ancestors looked at Murong Qingcheng and said: Qingcheng. This time, we are betting on the future of the family!

When they said this, their expressions were extremely solemn.

In fact, they didn't have much contact with God's Domain before.

The reason for helping is because of Murong Qingcheng.

This time, it's not just simple help.

They will completely stand on the side of God's Domain.

Hexianmeng, and even the other side tore his face, a showdown.

If you win, then naturally you don't need to say anything.

Once they lose, the end of their Phoenix Protoss will probably be very miserable.

These ancestors were under tremendous pressure.

Murong Qingcheng took a deep breath and said very seriously: ancestors, please trust Brother Xuan.

He will definitely win.

Several ancestors nodded, but they were still worried.

Can Lin Xuan really defeat the leader of the Immortal League?

Ye family.

Heavenly Master Alliance.

Eight Desolation Palace.

Shenhuo Temple.

Heavenly House.

All in action.

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

He pushed open the gate of the palace and walked out.

He let out a dragon roar, which spread throughout Shangqing City.

The originally quiet Shangqing City immediately became lively.

Among the halls and pavilions, a group of figures rushed out.

They quickly gathered together.

The Golden Lion King, the Queen, the Dark Red Dragon, Yan Ruyu and so on.

They all appeared one after another.

Even the wine master walked out of the The wine master's breath was a bit more tyrannical than before.

Apparently, it absorbed a lot of eternal fire.

Looking at these people, Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He took a deep breath and said: Everyone, the time for the decisive battle has come!

Haha, it's finally here, I can't wait a long time.

The dark red dragon looked up to the sky and laughed.

The Golden Lion King, the Queen, they said: This time, we must destroy the Immortal League.

The wine master took out the gourd and looked at Lin Xuan with a smile while drinking.

Unknowingly, the little guy has grown to such a point!

He was very pleased.

Lin Xuan brandished the heavenly sword, the sword pointed at the sky.

He said loudly: Everyone, are you willing to fight with me?




The sound is getting louder and louder, sweeping the world.

In the end, all the heavens and all realms seemed to have heard this roar.

It seems that the cold universe is boiling.

It didn't take long for Lin Xuan's voice to resounded through the world.

In the vast universe, another icy voice came.

This is the voice of the ancient three links.

The fairy league attacked my ancient home, not revenge, and vow not to be human.

My ancient family, I would like to join hands with God Realm to punish the immortal alliance.

Ye Jia is willing to join forces with God's Domain to punish the Immortal League.

The Alliance of Heavenly Masters is willing to join forces with God's Domain to punish the Alliance of Immortals.

Ten Thousand Swords Palace, is willing to join forces with the Alliance of Heavenly Masters.

Tiandaolou, is willing to join forces with the Heavenly Master Alliance.

One after another voice sounded between the heaven and the earth.

These sounds appear in different corners of the universe.

Subsequently, they gathered together again.

Lin Xuan rose into the sky.

He was full of spirits and his eyes were biting.

He raised his arms: Everyone, follow me!

Xianmeng, here I am!