Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8579

Chapter 8579

In the vast universe, there is a huge world of stars.

Around it, there are three stars revolving around it.

This is the place where the ancient home is currently located.

The original place of residence of the ancient family was on Zangdixing.

However, with the power of their family recovering.

Their strength has become very strong, and their sphere of influence has rapidly increased.

Today, although the ancestral land is still Tibetan Emperor Star.

But they are already in the universe, and they have opened up another family.

These few stars, Chen World is their new creation.

At this moment, in the ancient world.

Those disciples of the ancient family lived a peaceful life.

They are an ancient family with ancient blood and inheritance.

Just practice well.

However, this day, the situation has changed.

A black light flashed across the universe.

quickly flew towards the ancient world of stars.

When he came nearby, it turned into a huge whirlpool.

headed forward and swallowed it.

This vortex is like a black hole.

He swallowed everything, even some light was swallowed.

In the world, those disciples of the ancient family looked up at the sky.

looked at the sky, dimming at a very fast speed.

They were terrified.

what happened?

This is no ordinary dark cloud.

They felt the pressure of the black cloud over the city.

In the black breath, there was an extremely terrifying power.

as if to swallow them.

Boom boom boom boom.

Many elders rushed out from all over the ancient world.

These elders, looking up at the sky, their expressions became extremely solemn.

They said loudly: All the disciples of the ancient family, all return to the city palace.

Don't come out.

In addition, open the formation.

Inform the strong of our family.

Also, be ready to open the Void Mirror at any time.

Open the space teleportation array, ready to teleport at any time.

Keep in touch with God's Domain Shangqingcheng.

voices sounded one after another.

These disciples of the ancient family began to act quickly.

Some went to inform the strong, some went to open the formation.

even more to assist the elders, awaken the Void Mirror.

Although I still don't know who the enemy is?

But, I'm afraid there will be a big trouble.

The black atmosphere in the sky is getting more and more terrifying.

Finally, the entire void was enveloped.

The world of the ancient family has completely dimmed.

It's so dark, you can't see your fingers.

But at this time, on the land of the ancient family.

charged up one after another, the beam of light soaring into the sky.

They illuminate the surroundings and pierce the darkness.

This made many disciples of the ancient family feel a little relieved.

Who is ? Dare to attack their ancient home?

Just when they were puzzled, a loud voice came from the sky.

The ancient family listened and handed over the Void Mirror.

Forgive you not to die.

Otherwise, step down the ancient house and let you all die in ashes.

In this voice, there is a cold killing intent, and infinite arrogance.

didn't pay attention to the ancient family at all.

The ancestors of the ancient family became extremely solemn after hearing this.

Those who come are not kind!

Patriarch, what should I do?

Those strong men of the ancient family looked at an old man.

This old man has white hair and a fairy wind.

His name is Gu Tianyun.

He said in a deep voice: The ancient family is a barren ancient family, and it is impossible to bow your head and admit defeat.

If you want to fight, then you can accompany you.

However, just in case, I still notify Shangqing City in advance.

Let them be ready to support at any time.

Got it, let's go now.

The two elders turned and left.

The hall in the distance, they are ready to pass the message.

However, the darkness in the sky has changed.

In the darkness, black lines appeared.

formed, a mysterious seed.

That seed melted into the void.

It grew rapidly, and then turned into a black lotus.

This black lotus is getting bigger and bigger, it covers the whole world.

Its petals, after opening, directly block the space.

Ha ha ha ha!

In the sky, an arrogant voice came again.

I want to ask for help, it's useless.

Your ancient world has been sealed.

Not even a fly can fly out.

Besides, there is no news, it can spread out.

You die this heart.

Now, can you catch it without holding your hands?

was sealed? This is impossible!

The strong of the ancient family cried out coldly, they didn't believe it.

If it is another family, it may be sealed.

Their ancient family, that is the void family.

What they do best is the power of space.

They can tear open the void easily.

Who can seal them?

It didn't take long for the two elders who passed the message to come back.

makes their faces look hard to see the extreme.

They said: Tianyun ancestor, it's not good.

Our news seems to be blocked.

I feel that this space seems to be blocked.

There is a mysterious power that stops us.

The disciples of the ancient family changed their expressions greatly after hearing this.


real or fake?

This is impossible.

let me try.

A powerful **** king of the ancient family, ran away.

He tore open the void, and instantly condensed, forming a space gate.

He walked in and teleported.

Not long after, a broken voice came from the void.

The **** king before, regressed back, his face pale.

He gritted his teeth and said: Teleportation was also blocked.

This world is really sealed.

how could it be like this?

The disciple of the ancient family, completely desperate.

Tianyun ancestor's brows were also frowned tightly.

It seems that the other party came prepared.

Where are you sacred? The ancestor Tianyun asked coldly.

just let you die to understand.

In the void, a powerful figure appeared.

At the forefront is an old man in a black robe.

He walked out of the black hole, releasing a powerful devouring force from his body.

Behind him, there are countless black figures.

is like a black demon god.

Besides, there are other strong ones.

There are so many, at a glance, it is endless.

Moreover, the number of **** kings is very large.

Even, there are second-tier **** kings.

Is that so many?

When they saw this scene, the people of the ancient family took a breath.

The enemy is far more terrifying than they thought.

They also recognized each other.

Swallowing Heaven Protoss, Xuanbing Protoss, these are all members of the Immortal League.

It's It's done to them!

Damn it!

You Xianmeng, do you want a decisive battle with God's Domain?

there is a question from the strong of the ancient family.

No, we are mainly attacking your ancient family.

Don't even think about it, let the people from Shangqing City come and help!

It is impossible for them to know what happened here.

And, even if they knew it, they couldn't come.

The leader of the Immortal League stared at Shangqing City in person.

No one can save you.

There is only one way before you.

That is, bow your head and surrender.

In this way, your ancient family still has a chance to survive.

I want my Gu family to bow their heads, you are dreaming.

My ancient family is a barren ancient family, descendants of the Emperor of Heaven.

How is it possible, bow your head to you?

The disciple of the ancient family listened to the order, let me fight the enemy bravely.

Gu Tianyun, the ancestor of the ancient family, soars into the sky.

Behind , countless disciples of the ancient family followed.


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