Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8412

Chapter 8412

The ancient battlefield is endless, with a monstrous aura of killing.

On the four sides of the battlefield, there are four tall stone tablets each.

The record on this stone tablet is not magical powers.

is the name.

everyone's name.

Every name is followed by a string of numbers.

represents their respective points.

The next second level will be ranked according to points.

Only those who are in the top ten can win.

Defeat an enemy and earn one point.

After entering this battlefield, a token will appear in everyone's hands.

This token will record their respective achievements.

At the same time, everyone needs to engrave their names on this token.

In Lin Xuan's hands, such a token also appeared.

He engraved his name.

found one side of the token and showed his name.

On the other side of the token, zero is displayed.

In other words, his current points are zero.

At the beginning, everyone's points were zero.

Everyone is the same.

As the battle begins, the ranking will change.

This battle lasted for a year.

One year later, the final ranking will be formed.

The top ten will successfully pass the test and join the six reincarnation sect.

It is said that the higher the ranking, the more rewards you get.

Everyone will desperately hit the top ten.

even hit the first.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a dazzling light.

He rose into the sky and flew into the distance.

It didn't take long for him to meet someone.

There is a terrible **** breath on this person, with a **** long knife on his back.

He was walking with Shura.

When I saw Lin Xuan, the man in blood armor was extremely excited.

Great, I finally met a prey.

Boy, behave with your hands, I'll give you a happy one.

I'm afraid you don't have this skill.

You will be my first point.

Lin Xuan blasted forward with a punch.

Looking for something dead.

The man in the armor on the opposite side snorted coldly, and the long knife in his hand was chopped off.

A earth-shaking voice sounded.

This knife turned into a **** river.

This sword technique is very scary, called the killing sword technique.

It was he who learned from the stone stele at the first pass.

Although, I only reached the first level.

But it is definitely a kind of extremely terrifying supernatural power.

This kid in front of him is impossible to resist.


This knife collided with Lin Xuan's fist.

In the next moment, the knife light shattered.

This fist was like a broken bamboo, and it slammed the man in the armor.

This is impossible, how can your fist be so strong?

The man in the armor can't believe it.

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

This punch hit him, and his body split in an instant.

At the same time, there was a terrible force that enveloped him.

made him unable to recover at all.

No, damn, what power is this?

The man in the armor screamed, turned into a white light, and disappeared.

One punch to kill in seconds.

This is a man in armor, he didn't even dream of it.

Everyone has the same cultivation base, even if the winner can be distinguished.

It will be separated only after a great battle.

Unexpectedly, someone unexpectedly killed him with one move.

Even Lin Xuan was surprised: The power of Xiao Liudao Shenquan is so powerful!

It seemed that he was the right choice to cultivate this supernatural power.

I just don't know, did the other party really fall?

Or is it eliminated and out of the Void God Realm?

never mind.

Lin Xuan didn't think much, he continued to set off, looking for the second goal.

Soon, they sensed that there was a terrible roar from all around.

Obviously, those people have met.

The war broke out completely.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan experienced several battles.

At the beginning, he met two people and they fought there.

The two men fought earth-shattering.

As soon as he passed, the two people left immediately.

Obviously, both of them have combat experience, for fear of being attacked.

However, not everyone is like this.

Lin Xuan met two people, beat them, and joined forces and killed him.

was easily solved by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's small six-dao **** fist is very powerful.

Although, everyone is the same cultivation level.

But the gap in combat effectiveness is very large.

Lin Xuan easily killed a few enemies.

His little Liudao Shenquan is also becoming more and more proficient.

His points are getting more and more.

His ranking is also increasing at a very fast rate.

During the 4 weeks on this battlefield, there was a tall stone monument that recorded the ranking.

At the same time, in the void, there is a dominating eye, looking down below.

stared at the entire battlefield.

also stared at the record on the stone tablet.

And the other end of this eye is in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Sect.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Sect, the disciples in it, are all watching the ranking on the stone tablet.

Look at him, the one named Lin Xuan, his ranking has improved so fast.

In just a few days, it went from 800 to 300.

He is very strong.

I don't know, which family sect is he from?

Which one of the six is going?

I think it might be Shura Dao.

Asura Dao, the advantage in this battlefield is very big.

There was a lot of discussion.

This guy, it's not bad to be in the top 100.

However, there is no way to enter our six reincarnation sect.

If you want to go in, you must be in the top 10.

At his current speed, he should not be able to reach the top 10.

I heard that this time, a few incredible geniuses came.

The talent is very powerful.

I don't know, how are they doing this time?

Are you talking about Afei?

Look at the first battlefield.

In the ranking there, ALFY is already number one.

The entire ancient battlefield was divided into four parts.

In each part, there is a stone tablet, and the recorder is ranked.

Finally, the 4 stone steles merged to form the final ranking.

Everyone looked at the first stone monument.

found that the number one above was indeed a person named A Fei.

They were surprised: This Afei, is it the genius of Shura Dao?

That's right, it's him.

In addition to him, there are several top geniuses.

Heavenly asked quietly.

Ningbei on the earth.

There is also Dragon Three from the Eight-Armed Dragon These few people are very strong.

As for who is the first?

I think it should come from among a few of them.

Everyone hurriedly searched for the names of these people from the stone tablet.

They discovered that these people are the first in their respective battlefields.

is indeed a legendary genius.

It seems that this time, it is very possible to join their six reincarnation sects.

For a while, they continued to watch the battle.

At this time, someone said: Look at it.

That Lin Xuan who had been promoted very quickly before, his ranking stopped.

more than 280 people.

Is it the limit?

As I knew, he could not enter the top 100.

A few days later, they discovered that Lin Xuan's name had not improved.

has dropped instead.

directly dropped to more than 500.

A disciple said: It seems that Lin Xuan was just lucky before.

met some opponents, all of whom were relatively weak.

At the beginning, he was very high in the rankings.

Next, all he met were some masters, who kept losing.

is relatively low.

turned out to be like this.

I thought it was a dark horse, and I was looking forward to it.