Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8406

Chapter 8406

The face of the Lord of the Holy Fire became very ugly.

The opponent's speed is too fast, she can't lock the opponent at all.

One of her hearts sank.

is like lightning, rushing quickly.

He wants to solve the Divine Fire Hall Master, this is a potential threat.

However, on the way, he was stopped by a sword.

Lin Xuan displayed a peerless sword.

The big dragon sword burst out with terrible power and slashed in the air.

killed Tiance.

Tiance sneered and quickly dodge!

He is not bound by the golden chains.

The opponent never wanted to hit him.

Although, he avoided the sword.

However, the lingering power of that energy still made him tumbling.

His speed was affected.

Good opportunity, do it quickly.

Lin Xuan roared.

The Lord of the Gods Fire, quickly attacked.

The three chains came to Tiance in an instant.

shrouded Tiance's feet and head.

Damn it.

The roar of Tianqiqi.

Unexpectedly, the two cooperated so well.

However, this time, with only three chains, his hands can still move.

He hasn't lost yet.

He yelled up to the sky, trying to tear these chains apart.

However, Lin Xuan's next sword slashed over again.

Lin Xuan merged with the Great Dragon Sword, once again transformed into a divine dragon, and slashed down in the air.

Stop it for me.

I said, Lin Wudi, I will not lose in the same place.

Tiance's eyes are red.

The invisible power around him quickly condensed.

This is the power of the few blood vessels left in his body.

At this moment, all erupted to resist.

Because he knew that Lin Wudi had no power anymore.

After this sword, the opponent will become extremely weak.

can no longer be a threat to him.

As long as he blocks the sword, he will win.

There are countless blood lines on his hands.

A monstrous sacred fire broke out.

With both palms facing forward, he grabbed it hard.

blocked the sword in an instant.

A sound like the sky shook the sky, an aura of destruction swept across the sky and the earth.

A crack appeared on his arm.

But he still grabbed the sword.

Lin Wudi, you have lost, you have no chance.

Tiance was extremely excited.

He caught the strongest sword.

Next, he will fight back.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, not worrying at all.

He said coldly: Who told you that I only have a big dragon sword?

Reincarnation sword, come out.

A roar sounded, and the six worlds instantly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

summoned the reincarnation sword.

A peerless sword shadow fell from the sky and slashed towards the opponent's head.

The six reincarnation aura above opened directly, a six-door door.

can reincarnate everything.

Once hit, I am afraid it will fall instantly.

Tiance felt the fatal crisis.

Damn it, how could it be like this?

Can this kid also summon the Reincarnation Sword?

Moreover, the power of this reincarnation sword is so terrifying.

He also saw inside the Reincarnation Sword, several pieces of Reincarnation Sword appeared unexpectedly.

It's over, careless.

Now he is in a dilemma.

If he uses both hands to resist the sword of reincarnation.

Such a big dragon sword would pierce his body with a single sword.

will kill his remaining blood.

In that way, he will definitely die.

But, if you don't resist.

If the Samsara Sword hit his head.

His primordial spirit, I am afraid it will fall apart and be wiped out in smoke.

That way, he will fall.


This is a real lore.

He has no retreat, he can only choose to resist a sword.

is to contend with the dragon sword? Or is it to contend with the sword of reincarnation?

He doesn't have much time.

Between the electric light and flint, he decided to contend with the sword of reincarnation.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan still relied on the big dragon sword.

Although the Reincarnation Sword is powerful, it is still not as powerful as the Dragon Sword.

With his soul, he may not be able to resist it.

Even if he is severely injured, he may not die.

Thinking of this, the power of his primordial spirit exploded to resist the sword of reincarnation.

is extremely stupid.

Lin Xuan's sword of reincarnation is not weak at all.

The sword fell, and it instantly slashed on the opponent's head.

stabbed the opponent's soul.

The primordial spirit began to fight back frantically.

However, he soon collapsed.


How can your reincarnation sword aura be so powerful?

Heaven's strategy was really blinded, and he was horrified.

He felt that a fatal crisis had swept over him.

The sword of reincarnation pierced his soul.

He was hit hard.

At the moment of crisis, a villain flew out from the center of his eyebrows.

At an extremely fast speed, it flies into the distance.

Where to go?

Lin Xuan sneered.

Reincarnation Sword, turned into a door of reincarnation, completely enveloping this soul.

The soul wants to escape.

However, the power of reincarnation has already engulfed him.

This is an extremely terrifying force, and he cannot escape.

It was as if he had entered, in the swamp and quagmire, his speed was getting slower and slower.

Besides, he flew backwards towards the door of reincarnation.

Half of his body has entered the gate of reincarnation.

The remaining other half, frantically resisted.

That smiling face became extremely hideous.

He stared at Lin Wudi fiercely.

He said: You can't kill me.

You killed me, the heavenly tyrant, will never spare you.

threaten me?

Lin Xuan sneered, unmoved.

I am not threatening you, I am telling the truth.

In addition to me, our Heavenly Tyrants, there are more powerful ones.

Our young master is also awakening.

It only takes a hundred years, and the young master will wake up.

When the time comes, he will rule the world and sweep everywhere.

The strength of the young master is much stronger than mine.

A look in his eyes can kill you in seconds.

Forgive me, I plead with you, let the young master spare your life.

This is your last chance.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, urging the reincarnation sword again.

The gate of reincarnation, completely swallowing the opponent's soul.

No, Lin Wudi, you will regret it.

The young master will avenge me.

I am waiting for you in hell.

The sound stopped abruptly.

In the sky, there is only one door of reincarnation, blooming with a terrible breath.

The single door of reincarnation slowly closed.

Then, dissipated between heaven and earth.

The broken void is also slowly recovering.

A mess around seems to have been destroyed countless times.

Lin Xuan closed the eyes of Samsara, his face extremely pale.

He has no power anymore.

This battle is really too difficult!

He took out the **** pill and recovered quickly.

At the same time, Xiaobai and Xiaoyuer were summoned to protect him.

finally won.

On the other side, the Lord of Shenhuo also fell to the ground, breathing a sigh of relief.

She doesn't have much power anymore, and the power of her blood is exhausted.

It may take a long time to recover.

Lin Wudi, thanks to me this time, you can kill him.

I lost so badly, how can you make up for me?

There is a lot of fire from the heavens in our God's Domain, and I will give you some at that time.

This Divine Fire Hall Master is indeed strong enough, and the power of the bloodline is also amazing.

And this time, the other party did help a lot.

Lin Xuan will not be stingy, and will try his best to help the other party and recover.

After all, the crisis has not been resolved.

Although Tiance is dead.

But the last words of the other party made his scalp numb.

The Heavenly Tyrant Clan, not only awakened the Tiance one.

Other strong men are still awakening in Ding.

Moreover, it seems that the opponent's young master is also awakening.

Once you wake up, who can suppress each other?