Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8238

Chapter 8238

In the eyes of everyone, the phoenix phantom in front of Murong Qingcheng unexpectedly appeared with the tenth pair of wings.

And when this pair of wings appeared.

A sacred light appeared in the entire phoenix phantom.

It really seemed to be a peerless beast that had crossed the ancient time and space and came back to life.

A supreme phoenix divine might swept the world.

At the same time, there was a phoenix ringing resounding through the sky.

Everyone looks stupid!

Ten-winged phoenix.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a ten-winged phoenix!

Those elders are crazy.

What does this mean?

This means that Murong Qingcheng is qualified to attack the realm of the peerless **** king.

Peerless God King, what a supreme existence is that!

How could they not be crazy?

Those young disciples were even more shocked.

At this moment, Murong Qingcheng seemed to be standing above the Nine Heavens.

That is the existence of the Nine Heavens Goddess, the existence they look up to.

At this moment, they felt that they had become extremely small.

They felt a huge blood pressure.

I'm afraid this era, the strongest genius of the Phoenix Protoss.

It's Murong Qingcheng!

It is estimated that the entire Phoenix Protoss will devote the power of the entire clan.

Support Murong Qingcheng at all costs.

It turned out to be a ten-winged phoenix!

The elegant woman in the palace was also stunned.

This was completely beyond her expectation.

She didn't expect that Murong Qingcheng's talent would be so strong!

Even Murong Qingcheng herself was taken aback.

Is her bloodline so powerful?


She was extremely happy.

Turning around, she smiled.

With this smile, the world lost its brilliance, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Behind Murong Qingcheng, colorful phoenix wings appeared, lightly waved.

She is like a nine-day fairy, falling in the palace in the distance.

She smiled and said: Aunt Fengya, I didn't shame you, right?

Feng Ya, the elegant woman, took a deep breath.

She said excitedly: No, Qingcheng, do you know?

Your blood is the strongest one at present.

Next, the entire Protoss will fully support you.

Murong Qingcheng was in a daze.

Only now did she understand that her bloodline was so important.

However, this is also good.

Before, she didn't have too much ability to help Lin Xuan and God's Domain.

Now, she was finally able to use the power of the Phoenix God Clan.

Go help Lin Xuan, go help God's Domain!

That's great, she is so happy.

Next, the Phoenix Protoss held a grand ceremony.

Murong Qingcheng was even more held in the palm of his hand, like a moon held by the stars.

This ceremony took a long time before it ended.

When the curtain ended, Murong Qingcheng felt very tired.

However, she was very happy, and her heart was very sweet.

She wants to tell Brother Xuan the good news and share it with Lin Xuan.

Before, their Phoenix Protoss had been conducting tests.

This process took a long time.

Next, is the ancient ceremony.

It took a long time.

What happened outside, Murong Qingcheng, is not very clear.

Even the vast majority of people in the Phoenix Protoss didn't know it.

When this ancient ceremony is over.

Those elders only began to investigate the situation outside.

This probe doesn't matter, they are dumbfounded.

They did not expect that so many things happened during this period.

Moreover, they are all shocking events.

It's incredible that someone has become a king of gods!

Moreover, this person became the **** king. There was a big battle with Lin Wudi.

As a result, this person was actually injured by Lin Wudi.

Lin Wudi actually injured a **** king!

This is even worse!

They are no strangers to this Lin Wudi.

They had heard countless legends of Lin Wudi.

Only this time, it was even more shocking.

However, what surprised them was.

Lin Wudi had no way to break through, the realm of God King.

When they got the news, they were dumbfounded.

Such a talented young man has no future!

What a pity, right?

Suddenly, the entire Phoenix God Clan was extremely shocked.

Whether it is the elders or the disciples, they are all talking crazy.

The news is too shocking.

When Murong Qingcheng received the news, he was also stunned.

How could it be like this?

False, it must be false.

Brother Xuan is so powerful, how could he not be able to break through?

She hurriedly asked people to collect more detailed information.

With Murong Qingcheng's current status.

Soon, someone sent a detailed message.

After Murong Qingcheng finished watching, his face became extremely ugly.

This result is the result agreed by all the gods.

In other words, in this era, all **** kings believed that Lin Wudi could not break through.

What Lin Wudi cultivates is the power of the gods.

This kind of power is unparalleled in the ages, and no one has ever practiced.

Lin Xuan's cultivation has gone against the sky.

But it is a pity that this kind of power cannot break through and become a **** king.

Heaven and earth cannot tolerate.

Those people around also heard sighs.

However, Murong Qingcheng was even more sad.

She said: No, I have to find Brother Xuan.

I must help him.

Murong Qingcheng wanted to go, but was stopped by someone in the end.

Murong Qingcheng said: Aunt Fengya, I told you.

Brother Xuan is my husband, and I retreat together with him.

Nowadays, my husband is in trouble, it is impossible for me not to help.

Feng Ya said: I know, I won't stop you.

You don't have to worry too much.

It's already happened, and it's no use rushing now.

I have someone to accompany you.

Today, Murong Qingcheng's bloodline is the top bloodline.

Never allow any problems.

Soon, several powerhouses of the Phoenix clan accompanied Murong Qingcheng and left the family.

Go to God's Domain.

After arriving in God's Domain, UU read and Murong Qingcheng met Lin Xuan.

She asked Lin Xuan, is it true?

Lin Xuan said: At present, there is indeed no sign of breakthrough.

However, it does not mean that I will not be able to break through in the future.

I think it should still not have enough power.

Others are still being explored.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was not hit, Murong Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

She said: Brother Xuan, why don't you come back to the Phoenix Protoss with me?

This time, the Phoenix Protoss had a lot of power to awaken.

Also awakened several ancient halls.

There are many old books in it, maybe there are clues to breakthroughs.

Lin Xuan asked: Is it troublesome for you?

Murong Qingcheng shook his head and said: No.

My current position is very powerful, equivalent to the goddess of the Phoenix Protoss.

Lin Xuan was surprised: Qingcheng is already so powerful!

It seems that Qingcheng has also had adventures over the years.

That being the case, Lin Xuan no longer hesitated.

He followed Murong Qingcheng and returned to the Phoenix God Clan.

Along the way, several elders of the Protoss secretly protected.

Their eyes fell on Lin Xuan from time to time.

They are also very curious, what kind of person is Lin Wudi?

They could feel the invincible sharpness in Lin Xuan.

I have to say that very few people in the same realm are Lin Xuan's opponents.

This is really an invincible existence of the same rank.

Even, they can leapfrog and injure the King of God.

But it's a pity, if the other party can't become the king of gods.

It stops here.

Those geniuses in the future will surpass Lin Wudi.

Especially Murong Qingcheng, will be destined to become a peerless **** king in the future.

Thinking about it this way, they felt that Lin Xuan was not worthy of Murong Qingcheng.