Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7931

Chapter 7931

Nether Valley.

In one place, there are these caves.

Standing in the cave, some people in white robes.

The one at the head was a very handsome man. He looked very young.

He was sitting there, his eyes closed slightly, his palms forming a strange mark.

It seems to be practicing.

Suddenly, there were several broken voices in his sleeves.

The handsome man opened his eyes,

With a wave of his hand, seven jade pendants flew out from the sleeves

At this moment, these seven jade pendants were all broken.

Seeing this scene, the handsome man frowned.

Those other people also took a breath.

"Did it fall? Damn it, who would dare to kill our people?"

They are really angry.

Someone said: "After all, this time, we are dealing with the heavens and the world, and it is normal to meet some masters."

"It seems that some people have avoided the wind of Netherworld."

The handsome man said, "Next, you have to be careful. More and more masters will come."

"At that time, those top geniuses and some veteran strong will come."

"Maybe, there will be a son of God."

"Don't fight against them, use the wind of the Nether."


"My son, don't worry, we understand."

The people in white robes around nodded quickly.

The handsome man, named Mo Tianji, said with a smile: "This time, I will give out false news. Let the strong from the heavens and the world come here."

"Once you come, you can use up their strength. When the time comes, there will be fewer opponents when competing for the Dragon Fruit."

"Besides, these are all fat sheep, take their storage ring!"

"It's definitely a treasure, enough to make anyone jealous."

"Hurry up and act, you can't fool them for too long."

"During this time, collect as many storage rings as possible."

The people under him moved quickly.

Mo Tianji's eyes flickered, and with a wave of his hand, he took out another map.

That map, only part of it, is not complete.

Mo Tianji looked at the map and said in a deep voice, "There is another reason, I hope to attract other people who have maps."

"In this way, we can find the real dragon fruit."

No one knew, where is the Dragon God Fruit?

The reason why the news came out was that in Nether Valley, it was just these people who arranged the game.

Next, these white-robed people, with the help of the wind of the underworld, pitted a group of strong men.

Captured their storage ring.

Gradually some people discovered the problem.

After all, those who can come here are not fools, they are geniuses and strong men.

They frowned and said, "After searching for a long time, they didn't find any news about the dragon fruit."

"Yeah, it is said that many people from the Dragon Clan are here."

"They used their own dragon blood, and they didn't seem to sense the whereabouts of the dragon fruit."

"Obviously, Dragon God Fruit is not here."

"Damn it, we were deceived. Someone is delivering false news. It's a trick to turn the tiger away."

"The real powerhouse is already taking the dragon fruit."

Voices of exclamation and discussion sounded,

Many people left Nether Valley one after another.

Those outside were also shocked.

Dragon God Fruit is not here, where is it? Who passed the fake news?

Don't let me know, otherwise, I will slap him to death.

Many people roared again and again.

They had some companions and some clansmen, and they fell into Nether Valley.

They are very angry.

They looked around, but they didn't seem to know exactly who had passed the news?

Get out of here and continue to search for the whereabouts of the Dragon God Fruit.

In the Nether Valley,

Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

He also possessed the powerful Dragon Dao power, and he didn't sense it either.

Plus, he also heard some rumors,

It seems that Dragon God Fruit is really not here.

He is going to leave.

On this day, he met three people in white robes.

The breath of the three people was very similar to the one he had met before.

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled, he was thinking, is this the news released by these white-robed people?

He killed the seven people before, and he didn't have time to read the memory.

This time, he was going to catch these people and read their memories.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan made a move.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a palm of one hand fell in the sky, as if to cover the entire sky.

On the palm, with vast power, it is as if countless heavens are falling.

The three white-robed men flying in the air immediately stopped.

They looked up at the sky with shocked faces.

Someone is attacking them, who is it? Go to death.

In their eyes, there was a bitter light.

A sea after another was formed, surrounding them and resisting.

They said coldly: "Who is it? You dare to do something to us, don't you want to live?"

No one answered.

The palm in the sky fell down and directly tore open the sea of souls.

Shoot the three people to the ground.

The three white-robed men screamed again and again, and their bones were broken.

They were suppressed by a palm.

The next moment, they saw a young figure appearing in front of them.

"who are you?"

"What a strong Dragon Dao breath, are you from the Dragon Palace?"

This person is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stared at these three people, and an extremely terrifying light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He used the Eye of Heaven and began to collect the memories of the three.

The three people resisted fiercely, and there were mysterious runes in their eyes, flashing.

Lin Xuan was surprised. He found that these white-robed people were all master pupils.

The pupil technique is very clever, even related to blood.

But what?

Lin Xuan owns, but the eyes of reincarnation.

No matter what the other party is displaying? He was not afraid of it.

Sure enough, the pupil skills of the three people couldn't resist.

The runes in their eyes shattered and their eyes bleed.

Soon, Lin Xuan got some information, and he was very surprised.

The first information is the layout here.

Sure enough, it was the means of these white-robed people.

Moreover, the news of the Dragon God Fruit was also from these white-robed people.

These are false news, in order to seize the storage ring.

At the same time, he also got another shocking news.

These white-robed people turned out to be from the Soul Race.

The soul race is also one of the ancient **** races!

Very powerful.

Soul pupil technique is terrible,

No wonder these people are master pupils.

People who don't know the soul race, are they aware of the whereabouts of the Dragon God Fruit?

Lin Xuan wanted to continue his investigation.

He saw a figure deep in the memory of these people.

He was a man in white robe, very young.

The next moment, the white robe figure also seemed to look up and stare at Lin Xuan.

The eyes of both parties, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com seems to have traveled through time and space, staring at each other for an instant.

With a boom,

The three white-robed men screamed, their souls were instantly broken.

They fell.

Lin Xuan also snorted coldly and shot out with a palm.

In the palm of his hand, there was a piercing light that shattered the void.

He stood up and took a deep breath: What an amazing pupil technique.

This should be the top genius of the Soul Race, the bloodline is extremely extraordinary.

He could even threaten him through the void.

It seems that these white-robed people have some power in their bodies.

Once the memory is read forcibly, these forces will explode, killing the white-robed man's soul.