Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7929

Chapter 7929

The news of Dragon Fruit came out.

It's not just Taixu Dragon Palace.

The people of the heavens and all realms have learned about it.

All of a sudden, countless people boiled,

This is a kind of legendary fruit.

Whoever can get it can greatly increase their strength.

Especially those who are about to break through are even more excited.

Legend has it that this dragon fruit has a magical effect.

That is, ignore the bottleneck and directly break through.

You know, it is not easy to break directly into a new realm.

For example, some people want to break through from the true **** to become the true god.

Not only is it necessary for your power to reach the limit of a true god, but also a certain talent.

Even some luck.

Some people are stuck on the edge of a breakthrough, and it is difficult to break through for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is a normal thing.

Not everyone can make a natural breakthrough.

A person's talents, aptitudes, bloodlines are different, and the difficulty of deciding to make a breakthrough is also different.

Even sometimes, the blood is too strong, which is not a good thing?

Because the stronger the bloodline, the harder it will be to break through this level.

Of course, once a breakthrough is made, it will be the Dragon Nine Heavens and the leaping over the Dragon Gate, and there will be an earth-shaking change.

Lin Xuan now has more than 14 million Taoisms, and she is very close to the first watershed.

However, his bottleneck has also appeared,

It is very difficult for him to cultivate with this amount of less than 1 million.

To be honest, Jun Tiance said before that Lin Xuan could break through for hundreds of years.

This is in the most ideal state.

The real situation is not easy.

Especially Lin Xuan's cultivation is still the power of the gods, and it is more difficult than others to break through.

Even more difficult.

Of course, if you can get the Dragon God Fruit, all these difficulties will no longer exist.

Lin Xuan could easily break through and reach the first watershed.

Of course, those other people who get the Dragon God Fruit can also break through their own difficulties.

It is precisely because of this magical reason that countless strong men are crazy.

The great gods of all major families have taken action.

These people are very powerful and have cultivated endless years.

They have been trapped in their own state for many thousands of years.

Even, someone has been trapped for millions of years,

They want to go one step further, it is as difficult as the sky.

But now, it has found an opportunity.

How could they not be moved?

Suddenly, countless people rushed towards Jiuyou Land.

Nine Nether Land, Nether Valley.

It is said that the Dragon God Fruit appeared in Nether Valley.

Outside Nether Valley, countless figures appeared.

These people come from all heavens and all realms,

There are powerful ancient gods and some immortals.

There are even some shrines and so on.

Of course, the strongest is the people of the ancient gods.

They are stronger than the ancient gods.

These people are surrounded by powerful divine fire and immortal energy, with monstrous laws, descending from the sky.

When they arrived outside Nether Valley, they did not dare to enter easily.

This Nether Valley is also a land of legends, very terrifying.

The ghostly breath inside is terrifying,

It is said that there is a certain degree of danger when Dachengzhen enters.

After these powerhouses came, they explored near Nether Valley.

They quickly inquire about news, and some even exchange news.

However, they only knew that the Dragon God Fruit had appeared in Nether Valley.

But specifically, they are not very clear. There is very little news and they need to be investigated.

On this day, Lin Xuan descended from the sky,

He also came to the outside of Nether Valley.

Looking at the countless figures ahead, he narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, so many people came,

It seems that competition is great.

After Lin Xuan arrived, he did not rush in, but quietly inquired about the news.

He used the Eye of Heaven to display the power of the soul to the extreme.

I heard many people talking,

However, the information received is very small.

It turns out that these people only know a rough idea and don't know the exact news.

After waiting for 5 days, finally someone became impatient.

They have already begun, entering the Nether Valley.

They are not very afraid of joining hands.

A group of people killed in Nether Valley.

Lin Xuan also followed in, following these people, he was very safe.

He didn't make a rash move, but cautiously waited and watched for 4 weeks.

I don't know, this time, how many Protoss powerhouses will come?

After flying for about a long time, they completely entered Nether Valley.

The surrounding ghostly aura diffused over, surrounded by some black clouds.

Released, an extremely cold breath.

Everyone used their strength to resist, and they continued to move forward.

However, while flying, Lin Xuan frowned.

In his eyes, there is an extremely harsh light, blooming.

The next moment, his expression changed, he turned and left.

What he displayed was the Xingzi Jue, and the speed was extremely fast.

Not long after he left, in 4 weeks, some black storms suddenly appeared.

These winds are extremely terrifying, and there are black laws in the wind, flickering.

These laws, with an extremely cold aura, instantly blew from all directions.

Some warriors, shrouded by this wind, appeared black frost on their bodies, and they turned into ice sculptures.

Those other people were blindfolded when they saw this scene.

A true **** said: "Get out of here."

Open the sky with both hands, tear the void away,

However, it didn't work.

This true god, after being enveloped by the black wind, also turned into ice.

What power is this? It's so terrible.

Those other people were also stunned.

They found that these black winds,

Wherever he went, the world was frozen.

Everything turned into black frost.

An old man of the Dacheng level exclaimed: "Is it possible that this is the legendary Nether Wind?"

"Damn it, run away."

After speaking, he turned around and fled.

Those other people also flee madly.

They don't know well, what is Bai Nether Wind?

Soon, they understood that this is an extremely terrifying force.

Many strong people have been frozen,

Many of these are true gods.

There are even some, great gods.

They are also enveloped by the wind of the netherworld,

Their bodies are also frozen.

In the end, the old man who escaped first was also shrouded.

He was very decisive, his soul, escaped.

He survived.

Looking at the frozen body, the old man's soul, his face was desperate.

The next moment, he turned around and fled: it was terrible.

This Nether Valley is really mysterious and dangerous at every step.

It's no wonder that Dachengzhen God dare not come in easily.

This time they came in to investigate due to the large number of people, but unexpectedly, they still couldn't resist it!

The others, those who fled, also exclaimed.

Their faces are pale,

Fortunately, they escaped fast.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xuan frowned tightly: This place is so dangerous!

It seems that you have to be very careful next.

After shaking his body, he left and flew towards the distance.

But not long after they left, the wind of the ghost disappeared.

These winds come quickly and leave quickly.

After these winds left, a group of people wearing white robes flew over quickly.

These people, looking at the frozen figure, raised a sneer at the corners of their mouths.