Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7924

Chapter 7924

Lin Xuan's other dragon claw grabbed the opponent.

With a click,

Patriarch Qingyun's body was torn apart and turned into a blood mist.

There was a scream,

Patriarch Qingyun was really stunned.

The opponent is too strong, strong enough to make him desperate, he is not an opponent at all.


He fled madly.

Want to go?

Lin Xuan sneered: Don't you think it's too ridiculous?

He continued to shoot, and the dragon's tail flicked, like a peerless heavenly sword, splitting the world.

Shroud the opponent again.

Patriarch Qingyun was beaten out, he was already desperate, but he was no opponent at all.

"How can it be? How can you be so tough?"

His eyes were red: "Are you really Lin Wudi?"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and spit out a sword rain.

Patriarch Qingyun was desperate, he knew that he was no opponent at all.

However, there was a touch of madness in his eyes,

He said: "It's not that easy to kill me."

The next moment, he waved his hand and broke directly, Qingyun sword.

This is an extremely terrifying artifact.

The Qingyun sword was disconnected, and a devastating force swept across the world.

Lin Xuan's figure was shrouded by this devastating force.

On the other side, Patriarch Qingyun was also beaten out. He vomited blood and suffered more injuries.

Even the primordial spirit was injured and almost fell.

However, he laughed.

He said: "I think how do you resist?"

What if the opponent is Lin Wudi?

The destructive power of Qingyun Sword could not be resisted by the opponent.

As long as the opponent is injured, the opponent can't bear it, the flames of the furnace.

At that time, he could kill the opponent.



The blood of the gods fell and penetrated the world.

Lin Xuan's figure walked out of the devastating kendo storm.

He was indeed injured.

There were several cracks in the Wushen body,

Especially in the palm of the hand, the bones appeared.

But that's it.

In a critical moment, he used the big dragon sword, an invincible force.

Fight against that devastating kendo power,

Resisted, a lot of destruction aura.

"How is it possible? You are still alive! You still have so much power!"

Patriarch Qingyun, when he saw this scene, he completely collapsed.

He was so scared that his body trembled.

With a plop, he knelt to the ground.

Even the Qingyun sword is broken, is he still an opponent?

Lin Xuan did not spare the opponent either, offering a big dragon sword, and slashed forward with a sword.

Longxing Jianying swallowed the opponent.

The opponent was wiped out.


Lin Xuan let out a sigh of relief and waved his hand, grabbing two things from the opponent.

One is a jade pendant with divine blood, and the other is the other's storage ring.

The blood on this jade pendant is very mysterious.

Lin Xuan carried him, and immediately felt that the power of the surrounding flames was much smaller.

At the same time, he opened the storage ring again,

He sighed, there was not much good stuff in it.

It seemed that the Qingyun patriarch was also very cautious, and he didn't bring too many good things before he came.

In addition to this Qingyun sword, in the storage ring, the most is the pill.

All are recovery medicines.

Lin Xuan took out all the pills, and then kept the storage ring away.

Falling into the sea of fire, it instantly turned into a mass of scrap iron.

Lin Xuan swallowed these pills, and his injuries recovered quickly.

Qingyun World,

The great elder is waiting anxiously, and the other elders are also gathered together.

They have already learned that the previous news, the patriarch went to the refining furnace.

Is it too dangerous?

I don't know, how is the situation?

Suddenly at this time, a broken voice came from the hall.

They turned their heads and looked around.

It turned out that there was a jade pendant in the main hall, which was the soul jade pendant of the Qingyun patriarch.

At this moment, the jade pendant was broken and turned into countless fragments.

When they saw this scene, all the elders were shocked.

The Great Elder was also stunned there.

Patriarch Qingyun, is it gone?

How could it be like this?

What is in the forge? Why did the patriarch fall?

Isn't the mad **** dead?

He has many questions in his mind, but no one can answer him.

And the elders in the rear screamed.

"Do not!"

"Impossible, I don't believe it."

The news of the death of Patriarch Qingyun spread throughout the world in an instant.

Qingyun World was stunned,

Their patriarch, the master of this world, has fallen.

Are you kidding me?

The patriarch, but the strong in the second watershed, how could he fall?

Qingyun World was stunned.

The news reached the Qingyun Pagoda, and those strong men who pushed the formation were also shocked.

How could it be like this?

They knelt down immediately and said, "Ancestor, please take action, the crazy **** may not die."

"There has been a shocking change in the furnace."

In front, sitting a figure,

This is a woman, very young.

The face is very beautiful,

She is Ziqing.

Hearing this, Ziqing opened his eyes.

Her eyes are extremely old, like the vicissitudes of life.

These eyes, impossible, appeared on a young man.

However, it has now appeared.

Ziqing said: "I know, I didn't expect this guy to be so weird."

"I want to see, what is his secret?"

Ziqing's voice also became old.

To be precise, this is no longer Ziqing.

He was taken away by his ancestor.

Now this figure is the ancestor of Qingyun.

The strength of Qingyun ancestor has recovered a lot, at least better than the previous skeleton state.

Of course, the peak has not yet been restored.

However, he is confident that within 3000 years, he will be able to return to the top.

Of course, if he can get the power of the mad god, he will be able to return to the peak within 500 years.

Qingyun ancestor said: "Notify the other six veins to restart the furnace."

The elders, go to deliver the message.

Soon, the other six worlds also learned,

They were stunned.

what's the situation? Also restart the furnace.

How long has this been, what is Qingyun World doing?

It didn't take long for them to get an even more shocking news.

Patriarch Qingyun is dead!

what's the situation? Who killed the other party?

In the world of Blue Moon, the patriarch of Blue Moon was stunned.

There are a group of elders under him, who also looked at each other.

Chief Lan Yue asked: "Is the news reliable?"

The elder under his staff replied: "It is Qingyun World. It should be true that it passed it personally."

"Now, the new patriarch is the great elder."

Patriarch Lan Yue took a deep breath, and he was blinded: What is going on?

Did the great elder start suddenly?

impossible? No matter how strong the Great Elder is, it is impossible to destroy the Qingyun Patriarch.

Who is doing it?

They guessed and guessed, without a clue.

The patriarch Lan Yue said: "Don't guess, UU read and go to Qingyun World, then you will know."

Patriarch Lan Yue took the people and went back again.

Not only him, but people from several other worlds are also coming quickly.

Soon they got together,

The other six patriarchs all came next to the great elder.

Have asked,

How did the former patriarch Qingyun die? What happened?

"What is it that you are hiding from us?"

The Great Elder gave a wry smile, he didn't know how to explain.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

"It's a crazy hand."