Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7859

Chapter 7859

The arrogant young man is also blinded.

The reason why he dared to jump out was because there were countless elders sitting in the hall behind him.

No one dared to act in front of these elders.

No matter how arrogant this crazy **** is, he dare not.

But, he still underestimated the other party.

Kuangshen shot directly, and made him kneel on the ground, which is a slap in the face.

"you wanna die."

Many people in the hall were angry and rushed out.

They said coldly: "Crazy God, do you dare to do it? Believe it or not, I will suppress you now?"

"How about doing it?"

Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind him, and said with a cold smile: "I am Suzaku Xingjun."

"He is a little disciple! I can be presumptuous in front of me, and he is challenging me."

"The prestige of the star is not allowed to be challenged?"

"I punish him, why not?"

Lin Xuan's voice was sonorous and powerful, spreading everywhere.

Everyone just remembered that Lin Xuan was still Suzaku Xingjun.

sits in the Suzaku galaxy and holds 40 million stars in the world.

This status is more terrifying than ordinary elders.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "What? I haven't been here for a hundred years, is this dragon palace becoming more and more unruly?"

Everyone has scalp tingling.

Those who belong to the Promise True Dragon line also have ugly faces.

"Well said, some people are indeed getting more and more unruly." The person in the line of the Five Elements True Dragon responded,

They fully support the mad god.

"That is, my little disciple, dare to challenge Xingjun."

"I didn't directly kill him, it's already a shame."

"If you dare to be presumptuous, you will be wiped out."

"Come back, don't be ashamed." Inside the hall, a powerful elder said coldly.

People from the line of True Dragon Promise returned to the hall one after another.

On the battle dragon platform, an elder referee said: "Please go to the lower stand to rest, Lord Mad God."

"There is no need to rest, I am here just to challenge."

"Dragon Valley, I want a place, who opposes?"

When said this, everyone was in an uproar again.

The other party is really aimed at Shenlong Valley, but the other party is too arrogant, right?

I just want a place.

You know, those other talented disciples are fighting for a spot.

has to go through numerous selections and battles.

Suddenly, someone refused to accept it: "I object."

A young genius came out,

He is a member of the Wuji Yulong clan.

They support the Promise True Dragon line, and naturally they will suppress Lin Xuan.

Especially these young geniuses, who have just risen recently, have expanded to the extreme.

don't take everything into consideration.

In their opinion, the mad god, even if it is Suzaku Xingjun, what about?

That was a hundred years ago,

One hundred years ago, the other party was lucky and had not experienced a big change.

If you are now competing for the name of the star, the opponent has no chance at all.

The one who came out was the true **** of Xiaocheng, only one step away from the true **** of Dacheng.

His name is Long Yufei.

He came to the battle dragon platform, stared at the crazy god, and said: "I will challenge you."

"I want you to know that times have changed, and you are in the past tense."

"You have no right to be arrogant anymore."

"No matter how the times change? The strong are always strong." Lin Xuan said proudly.

"Really? I have to see, are you strong?"

Long Yufei sneered, and rushed over quickly.

Beside him, there are countless water droplets, and every droplet turns into a water dragon phantom.

30 million water dragons slammed forward instantly, covering Lin Xuan completely.

Thousands of water dragons kill.

Those people around all exclaimed: As soon as Long Yufei came up, he would kill him!

I don't know how to resist this crazy god?

I heard that he had slept for 100 years and missed the best opportunity to practice.

He is behind now, not at all, the opponent of the late Tianjiao.

Watch it, he will lose badly.

was shrouded by the phantom of 30 million water dragons, Lin Xuan was still not afraid.

He used Long Dao Wu Shen Jue to open the sky with one punch.

There was a boom, 30 million water dragons were shaken,

The void in front of him was punched through.

Lin Xuan rushed out directly,

was another punch, killing Long Yufei.

The powerful dragon power swept across the world, like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Long Yufei's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that his strongest supernatural power would be ripped apart by the opponent in an instant.

More importantly, his body is completely suppressed now.

All the sights in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a fist.

A fist sweeping the world.

With a boom, Long Yufei was blasted out, blood-stained the sky, and fell directly into the ring.

"What? Lost!"

Everyone was in an uproar,

They are all dumbfounded,

The arrogances around stood up one after another.

Those rising talents, like a big enemy: how is it possible?

Long Yufei is a very famous genius among them.

Now, can't you even stop the opponent's punch?

Is this crazy **** so powerful?

"He really slept for a hundred years?"

"I think he is a lie, he must have practiced secretly in the past 100 years."

"He might be a great god."

Various exclamations and discussions sounded.

Jun Xiaoyao and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

Then, they stroked their palms and laughed.

Crazy God, it seems to have become stronger.

People from the line of the Promise True Dragon, their expressions are ugly.

The stronger the mad god, the more angry they are.

Someone said: "What he used just now was the Long Dao Wushen Art, right?"

"That's right, it's this kind of magic trick. This guy seems to have cultivated and is stronger than before."

"So what? No matter how strong he is, he is not Long Tatian's opponent."

"It's just that he is not qualified to practice this kind of magic trick, and in the entire Dragon Palace, only stepping on the sky is qualified."

"Look for an opportunity, you must abolish him."

Lin Xuan looked around and asked coldly: "I want a place in Shenlong Valley, who opposes?"

His gaze, like a heavenly sword, swept in all directions.

Many geniuses lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at them.

For a moment, the world was silent, and it was terribly quiet.

But at this moment, an old voice broke the silence.

"I object."

Everyone looked up and looked into the distance,

This time, it turned out to be an elder.

On the side of the Promise Real Dragon, there is a white robe elder sitting with snow white hair.

He said coldly: "You can't enter the Dragon Valley."


White-robed elder said: "Crazy Do you remember that you once challenged Long Tatian?"

"Said that we will fight Long Tatian within a thousand years."

"Yes, I said that now, there are still 800 years left."

"Then you are not qualified to go in."

The white-robed old man sneered coldly: "You are a waste of entering the Dragon Valley."

"Because 800 years later, you will definitely die."

As soon as I said this, many people's faces changed greatly.

Even Long Xiaoyao's pupils shrank sharply.

Not good, this matter, I am afraid it will not be easy to solve.

Other people also talked: "Yes, he offends Big Brother Long Tatian, he will definitely die."

"A person who has no future, what is the use of entering Shenlong Valley?"

"It would be a waste of him to go. It's better to give up the quota to someone else."

"Boy, you who have no future, what are you still jumping here?"

"Hurry up and enjoy the last 800 years."

The people on the side of the Promise True Dragon all sneered.


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