Inverse Sword God - Chapter 757

Chapter 757

The reckless forest roars from time to time, and countless lights flash.

Accompanying it is a horrible energy wave.

With the appearance of the monsters on the list, the freshman assessment has become polarized.

Those weak warriors simply couldn't pass, while those mighty warriors ran all the way and rushed to the mountains quickly.

On the cloud, the elders of Xianwu College are watching the scene below.

"A bit interesting, these little guys are stronger than expected." The elder of Xianfengdaogu laughed.

Elder Hua narrowed his eyes: "Hum, I think they should know my reminder now."

"But later, there are still surprises!"

A group of people looked at the mountains below and kept talking.

In the mountains below, Lin Xuanshi exhibited the identity of the terrace, the speed increased to the extreme, quickly avoided the monster attack, and left with Murong Allure.

Gradually they approached the top of the mountain.

However, the environment here is more dangerous, and almost all the monsters appear!

And Lin Xuan and Murong have great skills, or they really can't deal with it.

call out!

A rapid sound of breaking air sounded, and the horrible sharp force pierced Lin Xuan's heart.


Murong poured out a lotus wave to block the attack.

Afterwards, the two looked back alertly.

There, there was a monster, covered in scale armor, with a spike on its head, flashing cold mansions.

Around it, there was a glimmer of light, like the light of fast flying, the flickering light of uncertainty.

The monster stared at Lin Xuan, the light on his body flashed even more, and finally he became translucent and rushed quickly.

"What is this!" Lin Xuan was shocked, he had not seen such a monster.

The floating light beast is good at hiding and assassination attacks, very tricky! Murong said in a deep voice.

As I was saying, the floating light beast had already rushed up, fluttered, and disappeared into the air.


Lin Xuan frowned and moved quickly.


The next moment, where he had stood, a sharp thorn appeared, piercing the void.

Lin Xuan's pupils shrank. This attack was really weird. Fortunately, his soul was outstanding and he could perceive it in advance.

However, although the floating light beast is weird, it is not enough to hurt.

The sword air in the body surged, forming a sword field with a diameter of three feet beside Lin Xuan, and quickly rotating.

Swords of energy are in full swing, intertwined, and can kill everything.

With this sword air field, Lin Xuan was not afraid of the assault of the floating light beast.

On the other side, Murong Qingcheng is surrounded by nine petals of lotus, forming a light curtain, which is equally powerful.


The floating beast was attacked several times by both men.

"Fuck, are you addicted?" Lin Xuan was annoyed when she saw Fuguang Beast refused to give up.

Subsequently, he pulled out the Fengying Sword, a sword swinging out.

"Red Storm!"

Countless sword qi surge, forming a huge horror storm, sweeping all around, the horrible sword qi vertical and horizontal, kill everything.


Puff puff!

The floating light beast is weird, and it is just a star demon general. In terms of attack power, it is simply not comparable to Lin Xuan.

Therefore, when it was surrounded by the heavenly sword gas, it was quickly pierced.


The illusory body emerged, and it was plunged to the ground with countless lightsabers.


Lin Xuan retracted the sword and hummed coldly.

At this time, Murong Qingcheng next to her face changed slightly, she quickly reminded Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan turned his head and saw the void in the side fluctuate again.

Of the four floating light beasts, three of them are only one star monster general, and the bigger one reminded in the middle is two star monster general.

Such a lineup, combined with that weird attack, is really terrifying.

When Lin Xuan saw this, he whispered, "Why?"

Murong Allure sighed: "Let's go, our goal is not them, but the top of the mountain."


Lin Xuan nodded, he could completely kill these floating beasts by showing his hole cards, but this time it was not a hunting game, but a battle of speed and time.

So the two looked at each other and left quickly.

The body flickered, like two Changhongs, disappearing quickly.


In the rear, the four-headed beasts saw Lin Xuan escaping, but they roared, their figures became transparent, and they quickly chased them up.

Fortunately, both of them have exquisite body styles, which is how to get rid of the floating light beast.

In the end, the two finally left the mountainside and reached the top of the mountain.

Seeing the top of the mountain right in front of them, they were slightly relieved.

But the next moment, a terrifying roar came from behind, followed by several powerful breaths.

Lin Xuan turned back and saw Xiao Li, Lan Bai, Oriental Phoenix and others rushing out of the forest. Behind them, they were powerful monsters!

It seems that they have been attacked by the demon general. Lin Xuan's eyes flickered.

Soon, he frowned again, because the demon behind him would not stop attacking, but continue to chase after him.

In this way, Lin Xuan and the two will also fall into siege.

After seeing Lin Xuan, Oriental Phoenix was happy, showing a sly smile, and flew directly to this side.

"Damn! This crazy woman!"

Lin Xuan's scalp was numb and quickly left.

Wrapped by so many demons, it is not a joke.

These days of arrogance did not resist, but chose to retreat and set off towards the top of the mountain.

Lights lit up, like countless meteors across the sky.

Finally, a group of people came to the top of the mountain, but did not see Admiralty, it seems that they still need to look for it.


Lin Xuan looked around, and when he was looking for Admiralty, a harsh sound came suddenly from the back side, accompanied by a terror force, stabbed at him.

"Be careful!" Murong exclaimed.

Lin Xuan was also sinking in his heart. He turned quickly and pulled out the Fengying Sword at the same time, sweeping out.


The terrible attack in the rear hit the Fengying Sword, forming a terrifying impact sound, as if a hundred thousand mountains hit it, that force made Lin Xuan change color.

He snorted coldly, and a stronger spiritual power erupted again, and his body fluttered at the same time, removing this force.

Lin Xuan's shape changed, Lin Xuan removed the terrorist force, and fell gently like a feather.

Then, his eyes were cold, like, and he stared forward.

"If you want to die, I can do it for you!"

Lin Xuan's voice was cold, the other side was too vicious, not only sneak attack, but also wanted to knock him down the top of the mountain.

He stared at Zhou Xu, with a murderous spirit in his eyes, sharp and terrifying.

"Look for death? Then see if you have that qualification!"

Zhou Xu sneered, fluttering, stepping on Lin Xuan's head.

A powerful force fell from the sky, covering Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan blasted out with a punch, and his golden fist burst into the sky with a thunderbolt, like an angry dragon.

The two collided, another terrorist energy broke out and shattered the ground.

"Not good, lunatic!"

The surrounding warriors' faces changed greatly, and they left the cliff side and ran towards the center.