Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7722

Chapter 7722

Lin Xuan continued to walk forward,

This area is very vast.

Lin Xuan is ready to go to the front, and when he arrives, he will go ahead.

He must get the things inside.

It was at this time that Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, and he turned to look away.

He found a figure standing there, a woman, with a dragon horn on her forehead.

The face of the other party is extremely cold, this is a dragon girl.

is the dragon dance saved by Lin Xuan not long ago.

Dragon Dance felt, she turned around and saw Lin Xuan, she was slightly surprised.

Lin Xuan changed his face, which was different from the previous one.

However, Dragon Dance recognized it in a flash.

The dragon blood in her body shook quickly.

There is only one reason for this change, and that is the Dragon Sword!

is not just her, beside Dragon Dance, there are some strong dragons,

Among them, there is a middle-aged woman.

This middle-aged woman, dressed in a black robe, was actually painted with a golden dragon and spreading teeth.

seems to tear apart the sky.

On the other side's head, he even carried a crown, which was made of keel.

This woman is extremely extraordinary,

She also brought a group of men.

are masters of the dragon family.

At this moment, they all felt, and turned their heads to look around.

They stared at Lin Xuan.

A young man took a breath and was shocked.

Who is this guy?

In front of him, the dragon blood in my body was shaking,

My dragon soul seems to want to surrender.


Except for the extremely terrible dragon elders, they have this kind of reaction.

But at the moment, they felt a terrible suppression on a strange man.

This shocked them.

Mysterious woman with a crown, also sneered.

She said: The legendary dragon sword!

This should be the invincible Lin.


The woman with the crown is ready to start.

next to Dragon Dance, but came out and said: Senior, spare him once.

He saved me before.

Long Wu briefly recounted the things she met before,

After listening to the woman with the crown, her eyes narrowed.

She said lightly: Well, then I will spare him once.

Finally, several people withdrew their eyes and even left the place.

can't stay there, uncomfortable with weak strength, powerful, can't help wanting to start.

might as well leave.

Lin Xuan also narrowed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

It seems that the people of Taixu Dragon Palace are really extraordinary.

He has changed his breath, and ordinary people simply cannot recognize him.

However, the people of Taixu Dragon Palace recognized them instantly.

is because of the Dragon Sword Soul.

When he was in the Dragon Palace, Lin Xuan used the identity of a mad god, but he did not dare to use the Dragon Sword Spirit.

even put the Dragon Sword into the ancient land.

It seems that what I did before is correct.

But now, he doesn't care.

Lin Xuan stood here and waited,


The flames on the six ladders disappeared slowly.

Everyone is also excited, the strong, has already begun.

The level of the true god, began to act.

The first thing to do is to become the true God. They set foot on the ladder.

As long as you walk to the end of the ladder, you can reach the Crystal Palace.

This ladder is not narrow, but extremely wide. Even if there are more people, it does not appear crowded.

At the beginning, few people could pass by.

Those who were under the true **** tried it, but retreated.

An old man sighed: No way.

Although that mysterious flame is gone, the steps above the ladder still leave a hot breath.

This kind of breath, above the true god, can resist.

Those below the true **** can only wait until we cool down before we can enter.

Wait until it cools down, how long?

By that time, I am afraid that the treasure will have been long ago. Those seniors of the true god, have you taken it away?

It seems that we have no chance at all.

Young land fairy, shook his head and sighed.

Even those old men also said: No way, who makes us weak?

At this time, a distant sound of a roaring dragon roared, an ancient chariot, flew over.

This chariot swept in the low altitude, flew to the roof, and flew directly towards the ladder.

When I saw this scene, those around me were shocked.

Who is this? What a big show, I didn't get off.

He wouldn't think, just drive the chariot and climb the ladder, right?

Is it too arrogant?

Be quiet, do you want to die? Do you know who it is?

That is the person from Taixu Dragon Palace,

is a young master of the True Dragon family in the Taixu Dragon Palace.

is Master Longfei,

His blood, but extremely terrible, status, very powerful.

General disciples of the Dragon clan must kneel and kowtow in front of each other.

Is so scary?

Those martial arts around were shocked.

saw Long Fei sitting on the chariot, surrounded by phantoms of various beasts.

The other party is like a young god, strong to the extreme.

Around the chariot, there are other powerful dragons, who followed the chariot and climbed the ladder together.

Click, click,

The hot ladder was suddenly covered with frost.

A woman wearing an ice and snow robe walked up.

the other side,

The stars in the sky shook like a sea of stars.

appeared again as a dreamlike woman,

These are the strong people of the Protoss.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

Xuanbing God Race, Star God Race, Swallow God Race, Fire God Race, Dragon Palace have strong people coming.

entered a different ladder.

It seems that these people are bound to win.

It was at this time that the sky and earth were dark, and my fingers were out of reach,

Everyone's scalp is numb.

They This is the power of the swallowing clan. They either retreat or crawl on the ground.

didn't dare to contend with this power at all.

Lin Xuan stood up, and looked up at the sky,

He saw the light of reincarnation in his eyes, flashing.

He saw that in the darkness, there was a man in a black robe and black hair flying.

is flying fast.

This man, singing all the way, is like a bamboo shooter, and the speed is almost to the extreme.

This man is called Ye Changge, who swallowed the gods, a top genius.

Before Lin Xuan, he had seen each other when he was outside Tongtian River.

At first, I just looked at it from afar,

Now compared with the original, the other person's breath is stronger.

Obviously, during this time, the other party had some adventures in Tongtianhe, and their strength improved.

It didn't take long for the darkness to disappear and the light to emerge again, and everyone was relieved.

The breath just now is really terrible, and it is worthy of being a Protoss, they are extremely envious.

If they have this kind of strength, just fine, they can go in and compete for treasure.

At this time, in their ears, there was a laugh.

How? Dare not go in? What you lack is courage, let me give you courage, go in.

With this sound falling, those martial arts around shook their bodies.

They were dizzy and they closed their eyes as if they were asleep.

When the eyes opened again, there was a mysterious flame in their eyes, which appeared.