Inverse Sword God - Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Several figures withdrew from the void and fell down the mountain road.

At the same time, there were more than ten warriors surrounded and surrounded Lin Xuan.

These people have a cold face and a strong breath, they are all respected!

On their chests, there was a round of red sun, as if rising.

"It's Zhou Xu's, they're from Xuritang!" Murong Qingcheng said beside him.

"Zhou Xu?" Lin Xuan frowned slightly. He remembered that there was a sharp-spirited young man in the True Spirit Hall at the beginning.

He had almost forgotten the original incident, but did not expect the other party to do anything at this time.

"Boy, whoever knows, just stay still!"

Ten figures hummed around, and stepped out at the same time, his breath erupted, sweeping around like a wave.

These people are all respected!

This is too horrible. The ten lords together, even the two lords, can't carry it!

Now, these people have joined forces to block Lin Xuan.

The new students coming from behind were equally shocked. They didn't stop, they passed here and left quickly.

They don't want to be affected, they don't want to get ahead, so they go very fast.

"Boy, the first place in this freshman conference is our brother Xu, don't think about it!" One of them, a young warrior hummed.

"Brother Xu?" Lin Xuan sneered. "If he is so confident, he won't stop me!"

"Hmm, Brother Xu didn't take you seriously, this time I just wanted to teach you!"

"Give me it!"

The young man gave a cold drink, and then the figures rushed out quickly.

"Go!" Lin Xuan said to Murong Qingcheng next to him.

Then the two men's breath erupted and blasted around quickly.

Murong's palms danced and wrapped five people nearby. Lin Xuan also pulled out the sword of wind and shadow, and the horror sword was shining in all directions.

The outbreak of the war, the horror of spiritual power surged, thousands of miles away, forming a special place, those newborns and monsters did not dare to approach.

The sword qi is like wind, and the rapid magic power comes to a warrior in an instant.


The warrior condensed the armor, and his fists blasted out at the same time.


However, he underestimated Lin Xuan's sword light, and cut his defense in an instant, leaving a sword mark on him.

If it wasn't for the mercy of his men, this sword would be enough to kill him.

Lin Xuan has entered the realm of the Supreme Master, becoming a true Supreme Master, and his strength has reached the dual master.

Therefore, in the face of these respected people, he has no pressure.

Four swords stabbed, and the four respected men stepped back with injuries, panic in their eyes, and dared not fight again.

In the field, only the young man who spoke before was left.

The young man, named Yin Feng, was strong and had reached the summit of a respected man. This time, under the order of Zhou Xu, he came to block Lin Xuan.

With a helper in his hand, he didn't even look at Lin Xuan.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they can't be their opponents.

But now, just for a moment, the four warriors were able to fall, and he was the only one left.

"Hum! Boy, I'll let you know how good I am!"

Yin Feng roared, his fists waved, and Wu Wu was used for the first time!

Above the fist, two rays of light condensed, a blue light formed a horror storm, and a brown light, like earth rocks.

This Yin Feng actually realized two attributes.

"Try my double kill!"

The terror spirit surged, and the two attributes carried terrorist offensives and began to flock to Lin Xuan.

"Dual attributes?" Lin Xuan dismissed a smile. If the other person was someone, it might be effective, but there was no chance to meet him.

In his hands, more than dual attributes!

Therefore, in the face of Yin Feng's attack, Lin Xuan did not have any fear.

The next moment, the Fengying Sword waved, and a fiery red sword burst out.

The fire was shining, the heat wave was soaring, and there were golden arcs around the flame.

The intersection of thunder and fire was terrifying.

"What, thunder attribute!" Yin Feng's pupils shrank, he did not expect that Lin Xuan turned out to be a dual attribute.

It is ridiculous that he didn't know at all that the attributes of thunder and fire were just two of Lin Xuan's many attributes. As he took off the truth, he didn't know if he would faint.

The thunderous sword thundered, one sword cut away Yin Feng's attack, and then quickly blasted on the opponent.


Yin Feng threw back blood and fell to the ground, his eyes terrified.

He didn't expect that he would be defeated in one move.

At the same time, Murong Qingcheng also stopped, and at her feet, five respected men mourned.

Ten honored men lost in an instant.

The new students passing by saw this scene and their eyelids jumped wildly!

"Zhou Xu, right, since you are provocative, don't blame me for being rude!" Lin Xuan's voice was cold. Instead of paying attention to the ten guys on the ground, he looked towards the distant peaks.


In the footsteps, Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng left again.

Just as Lin Xuan hit the mountains, the other directions, there were also a few strong figures, leading the crowd, running towards the mountains.

One of them was erect, with a strong breath, like a murderous sword.

"What Lin Xuan is just a clown jumping beam. This new student is my first!" Zhou Xu's eyes bloomed, and he had infinite confidence.


In the distance, a terrifying sword lights up and splits a monster.

Xiao Li looked indifferent and set off quickly towards the top of the mountain.

"Lin Xuan, I look forward to fighting you!"

The other side, Oriental Phoenix, Blue and White, Shen Yaotian, and others, were all shocking.

The mountains are very high and dangerous, and after boarding the mountain road, Lin Xuan found that they could not be emptied because the air was too dangerous.

Therefore, he and Murong Qingcheng chose the ground.

In the forest, a pair of sharp claws emerged, grabbing at two people.

The sword light flickered and it was annihilated.

At this time, dozens of dark green vines approached Lin Xuan silently, like a poisonous snake, waiting for time.


Suddenly, these vines erupted and entangled Lin Xuan quickly. The branches were stinged with poison stings, which could make the honorable warrior easily die.

In an instant, Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng were entangled and quickly pulled back.


Two huge brown petals ~ ~ suddenly opened, as if two horrible mouths, with sharp serrations on them, biting at them.


Lin Xuan snorted, his body armor flickered, shattering the vine, and at the same time he punched out with horrible flames, forming a fire beast and burning the ogre flower.

On the other side, a crystal lotus flower emerged from Murong Qingcheng, and the dream was so great that he split the other away in an instant.

Subsequently, a nine-petal lotus flower flew around, forming a terrifying spinning force, chopping all the plants within a 100-meter circle.

"What a scary woman!"

Lin Xuan wiped his sweat and walked up quickly.

"It's almost halfway. Most of the monsters here are also monster generals." Lin Xuan said in a deep voice. "I don't know what terrible things there will be."

"I always feel that the reminder of Elder Flower seems to point." Murong Qingcheng said.