Inverse Sword God - Chapter 746

Chapter 746

The young man in gray clothing was violently abused by the people of Longjiange and made a miserable voice

In the sky, the greedy wolf's face was somber and even with a hint of fear.

"Dare to offend the greedy wolves, no one can save you!" The ghost's voice was murderous.

"Offensive to Dragon Sword Pavilion, no one can save you either!" The cold voice sounded again.

"Look for death!" The ghost was furious, five fingers turned toward the sky, and five thick fingertips were sprayed, shooting all around.

Each one is as rough as a mountain, sharp like a magic gun, extremely sharp, and penetrates the void.

However, these attacks hit the void and stirred up a fierce storm, but failed to force the opponent's figure out.

"Offending Dragon Sword Court, you will be punished accordingly!"

"Now atonement!"

The sound was violent, countless lightsabers appeared in the sky, and the sword gas flickered into the sky.

Each lightsaber shines coldly. Although it is condensed by spiritual power, it is horrible and does not even need to be weak.

As soon as dozens of lightsabers came out, the situation changed color, and the endless horror was permeated.


In the next moment, all these lightsabers were cut off towards the greedy wolf society.

"No, run away!"

The greedy wolves were scared with green face and scalp.

The breath was so terrifying that they could not resist it.

Wraith was angry and counterattacked too, but with too many lightsabers, he couldn't even care.



Violent impacts and screams sounded, and with each sound, a greedy wolf was cut off.

The members of the Greedy Wolf Club who fell to the ground were surrounded by Wang Li and others, and they were mad.

In just one moment, all but the ghosts in the sky were cut off.

The people below were shocked, as if dreaming.

The ghost's face was even more ugly, and he screamed angrily. Who are you, get out!

You do n't even know who I am, how dare you lay wild here? A disdainful voice sounded.

Then a figure emerged.

"Boy, it's you!" The ghost was frightened when he saw it.

The people below were even more stunned: "Lin Xuan? How is this possible!"

"When has he been so powerful? He can fight the double respect!"

"Oh my God, is he still fresh?"

Countless people marvel.

The ghost was also shocked. He stared at Lin Xuan and suddenly lost his voice: "You broke through!"

"Holy Lord, this is impossible!"

He screamed with horror.

A few days ago, the opponent was still the ultimate martial artist, but in more than ten days, he broke through to the realm of the Supreme Master?

This practice speed subverted his perception.

"It's impossible, not even Peerless Tianjiao!" You ghost didn't believe it.

"Don't guess my affairs with your waste head." Lin Xuan dismissed. "Aren't you looking for me, I'm here."

The sound was bland, but it was overbearing.

But the ghost stopped, and didn't do anything.

"Why, dare not?" Lin Xuan sneered. "You are deliberately thinking about it. You squatted in the Xinsheng District for more than ten days, didn't you just want to do something to me?"

"No more daring now?"

"What is the difference between a person like you and a timid waste!"

"Boy, don't be proud!" Ghost's face was gloomy. "Although you broke through, it is not dangerous to me at all!"

"I'll let you know the difference between the One and the Two!"

"Gap?" Lin Xuan laughed. "I will let you know how ignorant you are!"

"Presumptuous, let me die!"

The ghost drank angrily and raised his hand to attack.

A huge purple-black skull appeared in the sky, surrounded by purple-black magic, like a **** demon, with a scorching body.

The two eyes were cold and flashing purple, which made people scary.


With the action of the ghost, the huge purple and black skeleton also moved quickly, and a pair of ghost claws shattered the world and grabbed Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan's palm pinched and quickly burst out.

On my fingertips, countless fiery red breathes surrounded and rushed out quickly.

Subsequently, a huge Suzaku flew from Lin Xuan's fingertips, flying wings, for over nine days.

The wings are spread out, there are hundreds of feet, and the whole body is bathed in flames.

After the completion of the artistic conception of fire, the power of this Suzakuyin is even stronger, as if to burn everything in the world.

The fiery red Suzaku is as high as a mountain, with a blazing light, rushing upward, the sharp claws wings tremble, as if opening up the earth, carrying infinite power.

boom! puff!

After being torn off, Suzaku Xingying tore the huge purple skull, and then turned it into a blaze of fire, burning it down.

The wind blew through, only the powder drifted down.

Spectre's pupils shrunk, and his stunt was cracked like this?

There was fear in his heart.

The ghost wants to retreat because the opponent is too evil.

But Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance at all, Suzakuyin hit again, and quickly blasted over.

The fire was fiery, as if a round of sun was running through the void.

The ghost cannot escape, but can only resist it.


Suzaku slammed **** the ghost, and then a powerful energy shock erupted.

The ghost only persisted for a moment and then flew out.

In the air was left **** red blood.

One shot, the double respect loses!

The people below were stunned, and Lin Xuan's strength was completely beyond his expectations.

Especially those who are greedy wolves are desperate.

"Impossible!" The ghost stood up hard in the void, his eyes full of shock and horror.

"Boy, I won't spare you!"

He resentfully said, and then a lot of purple and black gas rose from his body, trying to escape.

"Want to leave, don't you think it's too late?" Lin Xuan sneered, "The person who hurt me at Longjiange just wanted to leave like this?"

He grunted and pulled out his sword.

Sword of autumn, wildfire Sugawara!

Above the sword's edge, countless flames burst out, Teng Teng beating, and quickly moved towards the sky.

Soon, the entire sky was a sea of fire, and the terrible heat wave was melting in all directions.

One sword blocked the world.

It's time to settle your bills!

Lin Xuan stepped out, as if shrinking into an inch, came to the ghost in an instant, with five fingers like a sword, stabbing into the purple and black magic.


The next moment, the ghost screamed.

"I have transformed into an unreal body, how could you hurt me?" He screamed in horror.

"I said, don't think about me with your wasteful head!" Lin Xuan disdain, "On your strength, you dare to move the Dragon Sword Pavilion, it's really death!"

He clenched with five fingers, instantly making the ghost more miserable.

Soon, the ghost re-emerged as a human.

"Boy ~ ~ You dare to touch me, will the greedy wolf let you go!"

"Stupid!" Lin Xuan snorted, "Don't talk hard, because I don't intend to let go of the greedy wolf!"

His fingers popped out, and a sharp sword flank agglomerated above his fingertips.

"Dare to touch my brother, you have to pay the price of blood!"


Jian Mang swallowed and pierced into the ghost.

"This sword was stabbed for Wang Li!"


"This sword was stabbed for Liang Wei!"

Puff puff!

"These three swords were stabbed for the three Hao brothers."

Lin Xuan stabbed a sword for each name, and soon there were eleven lightsabers on the ghost, running through the body.