Inverse Sword God - Chapter 742

Chapter 742

Mountain of flames, terrifying heat waves everywhere-

The warrior in the state of His Holiness cannot survive here.


At the foot of Lin Xuan, a crack of red stone suddenly burst, and a red beam of light spewed up, carrying countless heat waves.

Lin Xuan's figure flickered, and she suddenly appeared 100 meters away.

The next moment, the place where he had stood before was covered by countless melts, and the hot melt air bubbles rolled and cracked.

"It's really dangerous!" Lin Xuan's heart lingered, and that melter, even if the Supreme Master encountered it, was uncomfortable.


In the distance, the sound of a terrifying sound sounded, and an endless flame burst out, forming a fire crow, and fluttered into the sky.

Then, a figure rushed up to fight it.

"There are still people!" Lin Xuan looked at the war in the distance, slightly surprised.

"It seems that they should be disciples of Xianwu College.

Lin Xuan marveled that originally he thought he was the only one willing to come to this kind of ghost place. Now it seems that there should be many powerful martial arts practitioners here.

Looking back, Lin Xuan didn't delay, but turned into a light, and ran towards the depths of the Flame Mountain.

Finding a place with a strong aura, Lin Xuan clothed a defensive formation and then began to cultivate.

The Flame Mountain is very large. Lin Xuan's current position is still on the periphery, but the spiritual power is already very strong.

Moreover, the main reason is that the heat in front is doubled. Unless he casts the Red Lotus Warframe, he will not dare to go at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Xuan decided to practice in situ, and when the practice was promoted, he set out to the depths.

The Dark Red Dragon was not with Lin Xuan, but found a place to practice alone.

The snow-white monkey was holding a treasure tray and began to look for the surrounding spiritual fruit.

Lin Xuan did not practice immediately, but was fully aware of the surrounding fire attributes.

He has realized the mood of fire, and has reached the level of Xiaocheng.

Now, he wants to borrow this place and break through to the realm in one fell swoop!

It seemed to feel Lin Xuan's mood of fire, and all the flames around him were beating up, as if activated.


Countless flames gathered to form a flame demon monkey, more than one meter tall, with red fire flickering, and fierce eyes stared at Lin Xuan.

"This is ..." Lin Xuan was surprised, he didn't expect this kind of thing to appear here.


The flame demon monkey roared and grabbed at Lin Xuan.

The speed was fast and the fire flickered. The flame demon monkey came to Lin Xuan, a pair of sharp claws waved, and countless flames roared.

Lin Xuan snorted. The palm of his hand was also covered with a layer of flame and patted toward the flame demon monkey.

The two collided with each other, making a squeaking noise.

The next moment, the flame demon monkey melted under the palm of Lin Xuan's palm, turning into a crimson-sized flame, which quickly fell into Lin Xuan's body.

"this is!"

Lin Xuan was shocked. He felt that after the flame entered the body, there was no riot, but it turned into the purest energy.

At the same time, he felt that his mood of fire was stronger than before, and it was more handy to cast flames.

"Is it the fire essence?" Lin Xuan knew that in some special places, the energy between heaven and earth would produce spirituality and contained pure magical power.

The flame demon monkey before is probably a kind of fire spirit.

Thinking of this, he is even more excited. If he encounters more fire spirits, he may soon cultivate the mood of fire to great consummation.

However, the fire essence is very rare. Except for the flame demon monkey that he just met, Lin Xuan didn't see anything else.

In this way, Lin Xuan practiced and promoted cultivation while learning about the mood of fire.


The surrounding fire properties were activated, forming countless flames, and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

This is the result of Lin Xuan mobilizing Changshengju to absorb Reiki.

Lin Xuan opened his defense and resisted with all his strength.

Bang bang

Those violent flames hit Lin Xuan, shaking his body and turning his face slightly white, but he still gritted his teeth to exert his longevity.

Suddenly, those flames changed into the purest spiritual power and got into Lin Xuan's body.

With the development of the longevity tactics, those spiritual powers rotate in his body in a specific route and become his spiritual powers.

With the increase of the flame power, Lin Xuan felt that the power in the body was more solid and stronger than before.

"It is indeed the Flame Mountain, so much can be improved in such a short time!"

Lin Xuan rejoices, madly urges Changshengjue.

At the same time, he had the elixir of ordinary fire properties in the storage ring and also took out some elixir and served it together.

This time, he must break through to His Holiness!

Soon, Lin Xuan took out a crimson fruit with a dark pattern on it.

This is a thousand-year-old spiritual fire. The fiery fruit was obtained in the lost land.

The next moment, he served the fiery kingdom.

The fiery fruit melted at the entrance, turned into a pure energy, and flowed into the body.

At the same time, there was a heat.


The energy contained in the thousand-year spiritual fruit is very huge. At this moment in Lin Xuan's body, it is completely excited and dispersed, like a fire wave.

At the same time, more flames hit the outside world, and those flames no longer existed alone, but formed a cluster, like a stalk of flame fork, piercing Lin Xuan.

Numerous fire attributes and auras are crazy and explode on Lin Xuan's body surface.

For a time, a lot of spiritual power poured into Lin Xuan's body.

These auras and the energy of the fiery fruit combine to form a more powerful energy shock.

"not enough!"

Lin Xuan drank, and if he wants to make a breakthrough, he must have more powerful energy!

"Big Dragon Soul, change!"

The next moment, a sword air floated above his head and turned into a dragon head.

The dragon's mouth opened, forming a powerful devouring force, and began to devour the surrounding aura of fire attributes frantically.

The Great Dragon Soul is extremely powerful, and the devouring force formed at this moment is even more powerful.

Countless flames gathered to form a sea of flames, and flew towards Lin Xuan.

Most of the sky was dyed red, and the sea of flames covered the sky.

This horrible scene caught the attention of other practitioners in Flame Mountain ~ ~ Many people looked up at the red sky in the distance.

"Who is sacred in the end, causing such a great momentum?"

Many people's eyes are condensed, and this horrible sea of fire is no longer what they can counter!

You know, the flame mountain is extremely dangerous. The flame here is not ordinary flame, but it is spiritual!

More fierce than the flames of the outer world.

Under normal circumstances, the warriors under the supremacy did not dare to come in, and even if they were strong, they did not dare to attract so many flames at once.

This is obviously playing with fire!

In an instant, Lin Xuan was wrapped in thousands of fires.

The horrible heat torched his shirt, revealing his muscular body.

On that skin, a peculiar pattern of grains quickly formed, forming a glamorous lotus flower.