Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7564

Chapter 7564

God Territory got a lot of cultivation resources, and then they began to use this cultivation resources.

Lin Xuan and others were surrounded by Lin Zhan and listened to him talk about these years.

Lin Zhan only gave a rough idea, and everyone was shocked.

Lin Zhan said: I can give you some advice. At the same time, I can also take out my breathing method.

However, this breathing method, in order to cooperate with the cultivation of God's tactics, and requires a strong fighting spirit, not suitable for everyone.

However, it can give you some inspiration.

Next, Lin Zhan displayed the magic formula and his breathing method.

Between breathing and breathing, his blood was constantly boiling, as if to break for nine days.

Everyone was shocked, is this the awesomeness of the Huanggu tribe? It's really too strong.

Even Lin Xuan was very surprised. This is the breathing method of God of War.

He ca n't learn directly,

However, he can be greatly inspired.

That incomparable fighting spirit allowed Lin Xuan to create a sword technique.

Of course, everyone 's avenue is different, and everyone ca n't walk into the avenue of the Lin Zhan, they can only realize it.

Ye Wudao was very excited. The way he walked was similar to Lin Zhan.

Especially when the other party breathed out and breathed out, the formation of the fighting intention made his body tremble.

He felt that the blood inside his body was boiling too.

Lin Zhan also felt this scene. He looked at Ye Wudao and said: Next, you can practice with me.

Thank you senior.

Ye Wudao was excited.

Lin Xuan stayed in Shangqing City for a while, and then he left.

After seeing the power of breathing, Lin Xuan even wanted to get the breathing method of the dragon.

The magic tactics he is practicing now are Dragon Dao Wushen tactics, if combined with the breathing method, the power will be more terrible.

Back in the Nine Netherlands, he first went to the deserted area, prepared to hunt a few deserted monsters, and then returned.

In this way, no one will doubt.

Just two days after entering the barren area, Lin Xuan felt a call.

The disciple token in his hand radiated a trace of light, and from inside, a low dragon roar sounded.

This roar of dragon, and its mystery, Lin Xuan was very surprised after listening to it: this is Dragon Language.

And it is a signal for help.

This is a distress signal sent by a disciple of the Dragon clan when they encounter danger outside.

Anyone with a Dragon token can receive this signal.

who is it?

Lin Xuan was surprised, he quickly used the token, discerned the direction, and flew towards the distance.

The barren ancient area, inside the virgin forest, has a figure flying fast.

This is a phantom of a flying dragon with a figure in it, which is Dragon Dance.

Before the Dragon Dance, search in the barren area.

She is looking for a magic medicine to practice with her next breathing method.

Later, she met Mo Yuanzi and hunted down all the way. Even halfway, she also met Lin Xuan.

After that, she was separated from Lin Xuan,

She continued to search for the magic medicine, but now, she was even pursued.

After the Demon Son returned, he brought the Dacheng True God of the Devil God Clan, and two Dacheng True Gods.

More importantly, there is also a wild ancient beast of the level of a true **** who is also chasing her.

The three great gods, Dragon Dance couldn't resist.

Dragon Dance is not Lin Zhan. He did not have the cultivation practice of becoming a true god, nor did he have the power to fight against the sky.

She was injured under the attack of three great gods.

She can only escape.

This matter is going to spread, it has been very shocking.

You know, Dragon Dance can escape alive, it is already amazing.

Ordinary Xiaochengzheng God, even the palm of Dachengzheng God, ca n't stop it,

Not to mention running away.

Dragon Dance also tried hard to escape.

She looks ugly.

If a great true god, she is not afraid.

With her strength and hole cards, she can compete with each other.

Three great gods, she is really not an opponent.

Even worse, these three guys didn't seem to plan to give up and hunt down her all the way.

Dragon Dance had no choice but to send out Dragon Words for help.

At the same time, she cast a secret method and escaped completely, the other party's exploration range.

The three great true gods stopped, and the two great true gods of the Demon God Clan were unwilling to continue searching.

At the same time, they sent a lot of men,

As for the wild monster, he turned and left.

The dragon dance was hidden, and she was so badly injured that she could no longer escape.

She can only hide, hope those people can't find it.

At the same time, she also expects the dragon masters to come quickly.

However, this dragon language cannot directly summon the people of the Taixu Dragon Palace, but only the people nearby.

If there are no dancers in the Dragon Palace near the Dragon Dance, then no one will help her.

Damn it, it's so careless,

Mo Yuanzi, you wait, I won't let you go.

There are Devil God Clan, you also wait for me to become a true God, I will cut you all under the sword.

Long Wu snorted,

The next moment, he concealed all his breath.

Half a day later, there was a sudden movement outside, and Dragon Dance was startled.

She sneered coldly: Who is it?

She was inside a mountain range, and at the moment, the mountain range cracked.

Dragon Clan disciple, Mad God, are you asking for help?

Mad God, it's you!

Dragon Dance is also very happy, and finally there is a strong dragon.

However, when she saw that it was a mad god, her face became ugly, with a trace of disappointment in her eyes.

The other party can't even enter the Three Dragon Gates. Can such a person support the Demon God Clan?

She doesn't believe it.

Sister Dragon Dance, it's you!

Lin Xuan was also very surprised. He didn't expect that she was the one who asked for help.

The reason why you are ready to shoot is because you want to contribute.

He rescued the dragon dancers, thinking that coming to the Dragon Palace would not treat him badly.

Only by accumulating more contributions, Lin Xuan can enter the Three Dragon Gates.

When he flew all the way, he also expected that it would be best to be a master.

Lin Xuan was very happy when he saw the Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance, but a disciple of Three Dragon Gates, has a limitless future.

Saving Dragon Dance is definitely Tianda 's contribution.

It seems that this time, he can really enter the Sanlongmen.

You help me guard, I want to recover from my injury.

Long Wu said.

She does not believe that the other party can save her, she still believes in herself.

However, the presence of the other party can help him a lot.

The voice just fell ~ ~ but there was a terrible magic in the distance, flying over.

When I saw this scene, Long Wu's face changed: bad, was it found?

Lin Xuan also turned his head to look around, he narrowed his eyes: this is the breath of the demon clan.

He had just returned from Shangqing City and had seen the power of Demon God Clan.

The breath in front of me, although terrible,

However, it is not a fear.

He asked: Sister, who hurt you?

Three great gods.

Long Wu gritted his teeth.

Looking at this breath, it does not seem to be the power of the Great God.

It seems that they can't find me, they can only send their men to look for it all over the place.

This also gave me a chance. Long Wu sneered.
