Inverse Sword God - Chapter 738

Chapter 738

"Do you really want to join my Majesty?" Lin Xuan asked in a deep voice. : /

"Yes!" Said the King's family member, "We are a family of alchemists, and we should be able to help the Emperor.


Lin Xuan frowned. He formed strength and would absorb more and more members. Dan medicine is an essential cultivation material.

Although he is also a Mingdan division, with his own power, it is impossible to make many elixir.

And he doesn't have that kind of free time.

Now that there is a family of alchemy surrender, it can't be better.

"Since you are willing to join, I have no reason to refuse." Lin Xuan said, "But there is one point, I want to make it clear in advance."

"Once you join my Majesty, you cannot betray!"

"This is my bottom line!"

"If you dare to betray you after joining, I promise that your end will be worse than encountering the Blood Yuan Gang!"

All in all, Lin Xuan swayed a strong momentum, like a peerless killing sword, hanging over everyone's head.

The lord of the Wang family and a group of elders trembled suddenly, his eyes showing horror.

Too strong, they are too weak to resist.

At the same time, they were extremely happy in their hearts, guarded by such strong men, and their royal family would be absolutely safe in the future.

"Now, for your last choice, would you like to join?"

"Engong rest assured that my royal family is not a person who is ungrateful. Since he is willing to join, he will never betray him!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded. "From today onwards, your King of the Lion Moon City belongs to His Majesty's Family of the Dragon Sword Pavilion!"

"In the future, your safety will be protected by the Dragon Sword Pavilion!"

"Longjian Pavilion." The Wang family muttered.

"Thank you, Lord Ge!" Said Wang Jia, congratulatory.

Others also pay respects.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan waved his hand, and then he released the dark red dragon, letting him arrange a defensive formation in the royal family.

He went to Tianze City and will take over from Fei.

He originally wanted Yu Fei to develop in Tianze City, but now he has a better choice.

Better development in Lion Moon City!

The next day, Lin Xuan brought Yu Fei back.

"Boss, is this your newly accepted family?" Yu Feiwang looked to the royal mansion below with a look of amazement.

"Well, you will stay here and develop with the Wang family."

Soon, Lin Xuan took Yu Fei to meet the Wang family owner and several elders.

Lin Xuan left a few Danfangs for the Wang family to make.

After seeing the Wang family and several elders, they were shocked.

The elixir recorded in this prescription is mostly related to cultivation, and the effect is very amazing. I don't know how many times better than the prescription in their prescription!

A few people looked at each other, shaking their hearts, it seems that they still underestimated Lin Xuan.

Not only is it powerful, but it is also able to come up with such exquisite Danfang, which is definitely not a mortal.

It seems that their royal family was right this time!

"One hundred bottles of elixir above, I will send someone to pick it up in half a month."

"As for other elixir, you can give it to family disciples or sell it." Lin Xuan said.

After hearing that, the Wang family owner and several elders were excited.

This elixir in hand will definitely increase the level of his royal family!

"The patron master rest assured that you can complete the task!" Said Wang Jiajia.

"Well, first of all, Longjiange is also in the early stages of development. When it matures in the future, I will send someone to assist you."

"Try to make you the first family of Lion Moon City as soon as possible."

"First family!"

The owner of the Wang family was short of breath, and they did not even think about it before. After all, although their family was also a big family, they could not even rank in the top three.

But now, Lin Xuan promised them to be the first family, how could they not be excited.

They had no doubt at all, after all, Lin Xuan shocked them too much.

"Also, the one I brought Yu Fei, you have good arrangements."

"Relief, we understand!"

Later, some things were arranged, and Lin Xuan left with the dark red Shenlong.

Flying all the way, Lin Xuan finally returned to Xianwu College.

After beheading Tu Tian, he can get 27,000 soul points and can be exchanged for Xiao Ling Dan.

By then, he can directly break into the half-step lord state.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan hastened his pace.

"What, you're done!"

An exclamation came from the mission hall, which immediately caught the attention of the people around.

"Tu Tian's head is really Tu Tian. You completed the Samsung mission!" The deacon in charge of the mission was shocked.

He didn't expect that the boy in front of him could really accomplish such an impossible task.

You know, there were a lot of excellent disciples who took over this task, but they never returned.

He had reminded Lin Xuan before, but the other side insisted on receiving, and he was not in control.

But I did not expect that the other party was really done!

"Samsung Mission!"

Those students around were shocked when they heard it.

The Samsung mission is very difficult. Generally, only those who are more than double respect dare to take over, but a freshman, dare to take up such a mission, and has succeeded!

In a group of dull, shocked, envious eyes, Lin Xuan received 27,000 souls.

He then left the mission hall.

The next step is to go to the Zhenling Temple. Only when you get there can you redeem Xiao Ling Dan.

Lin Xuan has been to the Zhenling Temple once, so it can be regarded as a light road.

However, halfway through, he happened to meet Murong.

"Well, you're back?" Murong Qingcheng was surprised, "How is the mission?"

"It's done, and it's been very rewarding!" Lin Xuan laughed.

The beheading was really good this time. Not only did he get the spirit value, he also unexpectedly got a pair of spirit-level best gloves.

Most importantly, he took over an elixir family!

It can be said that Lin Xuan is very satisfied.

"Looking at you, you should get something good!" Murong turned his eyes and turned, "You guy is really amazing, Samsung tasks can be completed so easily."

"Hey, luck." Lin Xuan scratched his head. "Are you going to the Zhenling Temple, just one."

The two walked side by side toward the real spirit hall.

Although he had been there once, but saw the Zhenling Temple again, Lin Xuan still felt shocked.

Magnificent and mysterious, like a fairy hall, landed on the earth.

This is a huge hall, several hundred feet tall, just like a giant mountain of gods and monsters, and people can only look up.

In and out of his hall, countless colleges went in and out, very busy.


Lin Xuan's heart was excited ~ ~ Murong Qingcheng quickly followed.

The two walked quickly towards Zhenling Temple.

There are many disciples in the Zhenling Temple every day, and usually no one pays attention to others.

But this time is different. All those students and disciples nearby stopped and looked in the same direction.

There, there were two figures.

Lin Xuan and Murong allure.

Of course, these eyes are all on Murong.

No way, Murong is so beautiful, just like a peerless fairy, ethereal and beautiful.

The unconscious glass of the crowd's eyes drew away.

"What a peerless beauty, but this face is very raw, is it just a freshman?"