Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7348

Chapter 7348

Ren Tianyue followed them all the way and wanted to see where Lin Xuan went?

But unexpectedly, the other party went to the Jedi!

For a moment, they all thought that their eyes had been spent, and they repeatedly confirmed that they found that the other party had actually entered.

Is this kid crazy?

This is their first idea,

But then, they felt wrong.

This kid will never go in for no reason. It is quite possible that the last piece of Destiny Stone is inside the Jedi.

Hum, he must have died a lifetime after he went in.

We went directly to the resurrection point and waited for him.

Scorpio said coldly.

Several other true gods have the same idea, and they dare not go in if they are killed.

Ren Tianyue was extremely curious, she said: Do n't you really want to see what is in the Jedi?

The seven of us joined forces, and the strength is always better than that kid. He dares to go in. What are we afraid of?

Besides, falling in it, we should be able to respawn,

Anyway, I have been reborn once, and it's okay to lose some strength.

When they heard this, Scorpio was really god, and they changed their faces.

Xiao Qiushui also came out and said: Don't act lightly. Before I came, I had explored some information here.

It seems that the true **** who entered into it, not everyone can be born again. It is estimated that half of them disappeared.

Never been born again.

As for those who were born again, it seems that their memories are incomplete, and they can no longer say what they experienced in it?

It can be seen that the power in this Jedi is more terrible than we think.

That is the power that is completely above the true God.

When I heard this, the faces of several other true gods changed greatly: it was too dangerous to kill them.

Ren Tianyue's brow was also tightly frowned, but she was still very curious, she really wanted to go in and see.

They disagree and temporarily stop there.

On the other side,

Lin Xuan walked in.

After entering, they felt a heavy force and fell on them.

On Lin Xuan's body, a brilliant light broke out, which was the power of Jiuyang's deity and the power of the great tunnel.

Extremely thick and brilliant.

However, this light can only illuminate a few meters around, and no matter how far away, it is extremely dark.

They seemed to have entered into eternal darkness.

This place is really scary enough.

Wan Yaoxi shook his body and said cautiously.

Xu Tianding mainly bloomed continuously, and then gradually grew larger. He said, "If you two come in, I will fly with you."

Go, this guy's strength is not ordinary, with the power of the void, we go in.

Wan Yaofan said.

Lin Xuan was also curious when she heard it, and she also entered Xutianding.

Xu Tianding's divine power bloomed, and he rushed forward quickly.

Surrounded by boundless darkness, they could see nothing. I don't know what direction it was flying in.

Do not know how much forward.

Lin Xuan counted their time. Three days later, Xu Tianding made a shocking sound.

They seemed to have hit something. Xu Tianding was shaken back. Lin Xuan and Wan Yaoxi were also shaken from the inside.

Their blood was rolling.

Lin Xuan exerted his strength and suppressed the blood,

The wan enchanter next to him yelled: I rely, what?

I said flimsy, can you do it?

Xu Tianding also complained with a look: How do I know what's ahead?

Not to mention a mountain, even if it is a sky, I can tear it apart.

However, I was blasted back, the things in front must be extraordinary!

Xu Tianding was also very surprised. The true **** couldn't bear his blow. There was something in front of him.

What is it?

Lin Xuan created a combination of ten suns and 10 suns, turning them into eternity and illuminating the world.

He patted it with one palm,

This sun, like a meteor, leapt out and flew forward.

Want to light up the darkness.

The front was indeed illuminated, but it was like a wall blocking the way.

what's the situation?

Wan Yaoxi exclaimed.

Lin Xuan also said: go, look over.

The three walked cautiously forward, and finally, they came forward.

Lin Xuan reached out and looked forward, and it was as hard as a stone wall.

He exerted his strength, but found that it could not be broken at all.

Xu Tianding also attacked again, however, was shocked back again.

If it was said that he was unprepared and Zhenfei flew out, but this time, he took the initiative to attack.

But the result was still the same, he was still bombed.

I can imagine how terrible this wall ahead!

Maybe it's not a wall, it's a mountain, right? There could be a huge mountain.

Let's find out.

The three of them, Lin Xuan, began to fly along the left and right. They wanted to see how vast the things ahead were.

At the same time, Lin Xuan displayed his reincarnation and looked carefully, but found that this thing was extremely dark.

There were no runes on it, and there were no traces.

Half a day later, the three flew back again. After meeting, Lin Xuan frowned.

For a long time, none of them flew out and were still stopped by this thing.

It is conceivable how big this thing is.

More importantly, they know that this is not a mountain, because the mountain must have some edges and corners.

None of them, however.

It looks like a wall, extremely neat.

Lin Xuan is going to try with the Dragon Soul ~ After all, if I fly around, I don't know how long it will take.

At this time, the Wan Yaoxi next to him exclaimed: I know, is this the legendary wall of gods?

God wall, what is it?

Lin Xuan was so surprised that he had never heard of it.

Xu Tianding took a breath: No, is it really this thing? Turned out to be here!

It is indeed Jedi, and it is really terrible.

Two, what exactly is the wall of gods?

Lin Xuan was extremely curious.

Don't you know?

Well, let me explain it to you. Actually, I am not sure.

All I know is that there is a legend that the endless land of gods and demons fell, and their powers converged to form the wall of gods and demons.

When you meet the demon wall, it's best to turn around and leave, but don't try to think about the past.

Because there must be terrible power there,

What a terrible power to think of the endless fall of gods!

There is such a legend!

Lin Xuan was surprised.

However, if he couldn't get through, he would not find the Destiny Stone Shard, let alone the Xuantian Sword.

They must think of a way.

He asked: Did the legend say how to get there?

It really does.

Wan Yaoyu said: That's the challenge.

The wall of gods and monsters was formed after the fall of countless gods and monsters, which has the power of countless gods and monsters.

If you want to challenge, there will be the magic power of the year.

Beat it and you will be able to pass.