Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7302

Chapter 7302

Lin Xuan was extremely surprised. His flame was a magical fire. How terrible his strength was.

The other party was able to resist it.

It's incredible.

The Snow Fairy on the opposite side was even more surprised, but she was a true god.

She is a genius and can fight beyond the ranks.

However, she couldn't help it, a young man under the true God,

It's incredible.

More importantly, she just showed it, but it was extremely cold.

Thinking of this, she frowned slightly,

It seems that it must exert even more terrible power.

The icy atmosphere of the body became even more terrible, forming a celestial armor, blooming with crystal clear light.

That chill made the dark red Shenlong look very different,

Although he stayed in the six worlds.

However, he can still feel the horror of this power.

The only thing he can do now is to quickly collect the matrix forces around him.

The flames around Lin Xuan were even frozen.

I have to say that the power of extremely cold ice is really too strong.

He cast the Xingzi sword at an extremely fast speed, avoiding the ice, and then he took out the Xunxian Sword, and the power of Xun was blooming on it.

The terrible killing intention, with the indestructible strength, headed forward and severely chopped over.

Wherever I went, those ices were split in half by a sword.

What a terrible swordsmanship, this guy is a top swordsman,

The drifting snow fairy didn't dare to take the slightest care.

The previous Warframe men, and the Zijin Condor, were defeated by the opponent's swordsmanship.

Now when she sees this scene, she is like an enemy.

In her eyebrows, a snowflake formed, and the four immortals on her body were condensed and rotated, turning into four icicles.

Floating beside her, forming a snow and ice world that can freeze the heavens and the world.

Any attack by forces close to her was frozen.

As Lin Xuan's sword approached, the speed even slowed down, and endless frost appeared on it.

This surprised Lin Xuan very much: the cold of the other party was really unexpected!

He grunted coldly, and a radiant light broke out above the sword, enough to cut everything out.

Those ices are breaking fast,

Piaoxue Fairy has taken advantage of this opportunity to dodge these Kendo attacks.

Wan Jian Chaozong.

Around Lin Xuan, thousands of swords of qi appeared, facing the front, severely chopped the past, and the whole world was chopped again and turned into nothingness.

This time, even those villas shook violently.

The Dark Red Dragon draws a large amount of formation power, and this villa can no longer support it.

In some places, cracks have appeared.

The drifting snow fairy can only be urged as much as possible, and the 4 immortal icicles around her,

She wanted to freeze everything and imprison everything.

Finally, Piaoxue Fairy struggled against Wanjian Chaozong,

She receded to the rear, her face turning pale.

Dozens of sword marks appeared on the ice armor of her body, almost broken.

I'm afraid she'll be hurt if she fights again.

Looking at each other, the more war, the more brave,

Her ice, it seems that she can't help each other, can only protect herself.

The people outside the villa in the distance were stunned when they saw this scene.

This young man is too strong, can he suppress the true God? It's incredible.

Lin Xuan was holding the Xianxian sword, pointing her sword forward, and said lightly: It seems that you are not my opponent.

Leave it, otherwise, you won't end it.

Snow drift fairy, angry,

The ice crystal on the eyebrow is even brighter.

The four icicles around Xiandao spin around quickly, blooming with a terrible atmosphere,

There were ice needles from above.

With an order, these ice needles flew over.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, his face changed, and he didn't dare to take the slightest care.

Before, he had seen the dreadfulness of the ice needles and was able to penetrate everything. Even the soul of the true God, if he was not careful, he would be injured.

It was an ice needle,

At this moment, the vast number of ice needles falling down, I am afraid I can kill the true God.

Incarnate as a dragon.

Lin Xuan growled in the sky, and endless scales appeared on him. Those were formed by the invincible sword gas.

In the blink of an eye. Lin Xuan turned into a dragon, Zhangya dancing claws, hovering between heaven and earth.

His dragon claws waved, and the dragon's tail wobbled, killing the ice needles in the sky.

The jingling sounds sounded, and each time the collision, Jin Ge iron horse, deafening.

No, run away.

Those who watched the battle ran away like crazy.

Those who fled slowly were hit by those needles, or the stabbing sword gas,

Immediately died.

The villa in front of it shook violently, and terrible black holes and cracks appeared around it, turning it into a void, as if it were a world-breaking ground.

After a blow, Lin Xuan turned into a human form again, standing between heaven and earth.

His expression was cold, like a peerless sword god.

On the other side, Fairy Snow retreated to the back, her armor was completely broken, her body was **** and her face pale.

Fortunately, the moment she started, she started to escape,

Otherwise, her body is already broken.

This guy seems to have the power to kill the true God.

Do you have to fight again?

Lin Xuan asked coldly.

Although I turned into a dragon just now, it was mainly used for defense and did not attack.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to stand here in complete integrity.

However, if the other party is obsessed, continue to fight ~ ~ he will not keep his hand,

He will fully use the power of the Great Dragon Soul.

Biaoxue fairy frowned tightly, what did she just want to say?

Suddenly, her face changed, and she looked up into the distance.

The next moment, she urged four icicles to condense to form a snow and ice world, resisted deadly, and at the same time, quickly retreated.

The sky suddenly darkened, with extremely dreaded arrows flying down, like the same meteor flying sword, descending from the sky.

With the light of Zijin and the vast power, the whole villa was enveloped in an instant.

Everything in the villa is broken,

A terrifying voice came, and the endless void was torn apart.

In the six worlds, the Dark Red Dragon is also startled. He no longer collects the power of these formations, but quickly dodges.

The six worlds, all shaking quickly, seem to be broken in general.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Xuan appeared beside the dark red dragon.

Give full force to the reincarnation eye to condense the six worlds.


Boy, is the woman outside so terrible?

The Dark Red Dragon asked in shock.

Not that woman, someone else,

Looks like this, it should be the people of the Condor family.

How are you collecting?


Everything that can be collected is difficult to collect here, except those in the woman's hands.

it is good.

Lin Xuan nodded: Then you stay here, then, I am going to leave.