Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7272

Chapter 7272

Lin Xuan naturally felt a huge crisis, he roared: a sword flying outside the sky.

In front of him, a sword shadow appeared, turning into a peerless flying fairy, and severely chopped forward.

Split the ice into a crack,

He rushed forward.

The half-month Yupei in the back was very anxious, however, it did not follow up, what seemed to be afraid?

Lin Xuan walked forward, and soon he stopped again, even frowning tightly.

He felt scalp,

Because he found that there were several figures in front of him.

Several very old figures stood there.

Under their feet, there are some ice cubes scattered around,

Obviously, these people were frozen here before.

However, the elapsed time was so long that even the ice broke apart.

Lin Xuan carefully displayed her reincarnation, and after careful investigation, she found that there was no breath on the figures in front of her.

Did it fall?

Lin Xuan sighed: Unexpectedly, these people are also from all heavens and earth, came to the land of resurrection,

Then, was this ancient ship flying to a distance?

Are these people frozen because of the half-month jade pendant?

Lin Xuan speculated that these people are likely to want to explore this ancient palace like the true **** before.

Then, when I met this jade pendant, she was frozen.

Thinking of this, he sighed, and he was about to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he froze. He was stiff, and his face even changed: bad.

Lin Xuan immediately carried out six reincarnations and surrounded him. The six worlds bloomed with incomparable light.

The next moment, the six worlds felt shaking, and even cracks appeared on them.

How did this happen?

Lin Xuan was really stunned: it was **** that cracked.

This is the world with the strongest in the six worlds, and it is broken.

At the same time, Lin Xuan felt that his eyebrows seemed to be cracking, and there was a force to tear him apart.

Take the house.

Someone in front of him did not die, but wanted to take his body away.

Are you kidding me?

Lin Xuan roared, and he cast his reincarnation eyes to summon the fragments of the reincarnation sword, protecting his soul.


The low voice sounded, Lin Xuan's soul was shaking violently, and that strength was also shaken out.

The pieces of the reincarnation sword together, terrible enough to withstand everything.

Finally blocked it.

Lin Xuan turned pale, turning his head, his eyes were like electricity, staring at the figures in front of him.

There are five figures in front of you, young and old, all different.

At this look, it was found that there was no breath in these five people, and it was difficult to tell who it was. It was a sneak attack just now.

The blow just now seemed more terrifying than the attack of the true god,

Is it possible that the cultivation of these people is above the true God?

Or is it not an ordinary true god?

Lin Xuan is not clear,

He snorted coldly: Since it's not clear which one? Is it all gone?

With a wave of his hand, the dragon-shaped sword airborne in his hand, and severely chopped forward, with the indestructible power on it, enough to chop everything.

The sword struck those people, causing those people to retreat quickly, and no cracks appeared on them.

This shocked Lin Xuan. Even his true sword is going to be injured.

However, I did not expect that these people were blocked by virtue of their physique alone.

It's incredible, right?

How did these people fall?

Lin Xuan is curious now. Can the half-moon-shaped jade be frozen to seal these people?

I'm afraid it's impossible.

Thinking of this, he continued to exert the power of the dragon-shaped sword.

More dragon-shaped sword qi emerged,

With a breath of breath on it, it turned into a sword figure and shrouded forward.

He didn't believe it, that person didn't come out.

The Dragon Soul of the Dragon is a sacred art of attack. Even if these people are physically strong, they can't withstand continuous attacks.

Sure enough, under this Fanglongxingjian figure, finally a figure opened his eyes.

His eyes seemed to turn into two whirlpools, and he actually sucked in that dragon-shaped sword.

When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan's face changed. He didn't try again, but stared at the figure deadly.

This is a very powerful man, wearing an ancient robe, although his face is extremely pale.

After opening his eyes, he seemed to be the most powerful **** in the world.

These eyes instantly stared at Lin Xuan, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Obviously, he wanted to use that dragon-shaped sword energy to turn it into his own power and restore his strength.

Feeling aware of this scene, Lin Xuan's face changed greatly, he immediately put away the dragon sword soul, and quickly retreated.

Is it terrible? What kind of existence is this?

So invincible sword energy, the other party was able to absorb.

It's incredible.

How could such a strong man come to such an end?

Who is actually doing this?

Or does this ancient ship have other more terrible powerhouses?

Lin Xuan didn't know,

However, he felt that it was absolutely impossible to stay here.

Turn around and leave

The mighty man behind seemed to be anxious.

He made a low roar, as if he had been resurrected.

This voice sounded loud and clear,

Around Lin Xuan, endless cracks appeared, as if to tear him apart.

Lin Xuan roared, while exerting strength to resist, on the other hand, he quickly dodged.

Never stay here.

Those outside waited anxiously, the dark red dragon, allure, they were extremely nervous.

Lin Xuan has been in for so long, I don't know what's going on?

The other true gods are also arguing, and the Indus true **** said: Should we go and see?

Seven-star true **** little: all join hands and go together.

The two wanted to join forces, but at this time, a low voice rang out in the ancient palace.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient palace began to shake violently,

Not only that, but the whole ship was shaking.

This sudden change exceeded everyone's expectations,

You know, before they fought against the half-moon-shaped jade pendant, they were shocked ~ ~ However, the palace and the ancient ship were not shaken.

Not even the sound.

However, now there is such a terrible sound inside, even the ancient ship is shaking, what is going on inside?

Who is Lin Wudi fighting against?

All this, they don't know,

The two true gods didn't dare to act anymore. They retreated and looked pale.

Murong's allure was even more tense: Go.

They looked at the true God of Lotus: Please take us in.

I know.

The true God of Lotus took a deep breath, and he was ready to take a shot.

But at this time, the palace in front of it suddenly opened.