Inverse Sword God - Chapter 6920

Chapter 6920

This black fish jumped out of the water, with the terrible ghost power on it, as if the real ancient beast was resurrected.

Rushing towards the void in the distance.

The huge body fell, the void could not bear it at all, and it broke instantly with the speed of destruction.

The roar sounded, the thunderstorm was loud, there were scary black hole cracks,

what happened?

In the rear, the warriors on the black fish, when they saw this scene, one by one, like the enemy.

The ancestor shot,

There are enemies, ready to attack.

They rose up into the air, with terrible divine powers erupting on their bodies,

After waiting for a long time, there was nothing there, and no **** blood dripped,

These people were extremely puzzled, and they looked at the ancestors of Beiming,

Beiming ancestors were equally surprised: Is the induction wrong? Maybe I'm suspicious,

Let's go

She took back her sleeve robe, the black fish phantom disappeared between heaven and earth,

They proceeded.

It didn't take long for them to leave. In the void next to them, a sword light passed quickly. It was Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan was on his way before, and happened to meet this Beiming family. He quickly reversed his direction.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered by this ancestor of Beiming,

Fortunately, the ancestors of Beiming just tested it.

Was not thoroughly explored,

Did not find Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan shook her body and continued to hurry.

Not long after he left, another figure appeared in the nearby void,

This is a woman in white clothes with a beautiful face.

She first looked in the direction that Beiming's ancestors left, and then turned around and looked in the direction that Lin Xuan left.

She whispered to herself: Fun, it's so fun.

The young man's breath is so strong, like a true dragon, dormant in his body.

This Qin Guangcheng really is the same as the legend.

In such an instant, she met the ancestors of Beiming, such a powerful man in the late stage of the gods,

I also met a peerless genius like Lin Xuan,

How could she not be surprised?

This woman is called Lu Wushuang, who is a fairy of the Wushuang immortal family.

She ran out secretly because she was too bored to stay in Wushuang City,

She was ready to play

Before that, she went to countless star worlds and saw countless different world scenery,

In the end, she came to the land of Nine You, and experienced the mysterious power of Nine You, which is completely different from the land of eternity.

Later, in Jiuyou Land, she heard about Immortal City again,

Is n't that more scary than Wushuangxiancheng?

Lu Wushuang went immediately,

She has been here for more than a month in these nine cities. She thinks it is very fun.

She plans to stay longer.

As for the news of Lu Wuku's defeat outside, she also learned that

In her opinion, it's normal,

These days, she visits the heavens and the world and learns that this universe is very mysterious. There are many hidden masters.

Although Lu Wuque is the top genius of their Wushuangxian clan, it is not invincible.

The defeat of the opponent is acceptable,

Anyway, now the **** list is the true **** of their family,

As long as this true **** is undefeated, their Wushuangxian tribe is still beyond everything.

Thinking of this, Lu Wushuang stunned and left.

She did n't go after the ancestor of Beiming, nor did she go after Lin Xuan.

I chose the other direction,

She flew fast. After flying for a while, she stopped: alas, this place is not normal,

Although the surroundings are extremely desolate, it looks like it doesn't look like a spiritual vein, a good place for earth veins,

However, Lu Wushuang, as a fairy of the fairy clan, has a far-reaching vision than others, and she noticed at a glance that this place seemed unusual.

Try it out.

With a wave of her hand, a jade belt appeared in her hand and flew down like a jade dragon.

Killed the earth in an instant,

A roaring voice sounded. The jade belt was bounced back, and a mysterious light curtain appeared around it.

Sure enough, there is an array here. It seems that it is very powerful.

Kind of interesting,

Is it possible that it is some ancient relic?

Lu Wushuang's eyes narrowed into a crescent, and she was very happy: it was so fun,

She was going to tear the curtain of light and investigate, what exactly was this sacred blow?

Below the ground, Shen Jingqiu opened her eyes and frowned slightly.

The eyes are like autumn water, extremely cold,

Who? Come and disturb him again.

Finally found a peculiar cultivation treasure,

Before, someone didn't know how to disturb her life and death, but she was beheaded and killed, and she received ever-changing power.

The one who disturbed her was Mingzi,

The other side fell,

Now I did n't expect that someone would bother her again,

who is it?

She raised her eyes and looked into the void, and found that it was a woman in white.

The breath of the woman was extremely unusual.

In her mind, she remembered a woman's voice: the blood of the immortal!

There was a hint of surprise in this voice,

After listening to this, Shen Jingqiu was equally surprised: Sister Qingyun, you mean that she is a fairy.

In Shen Jingqiu's mind, there is a very powerful soul, and it is an extremely ancient soul.

This person has helped her a lot, it can be said that she is a master,

Well, as a woman, she doesn't want to be called old.

Therefore, let Jing Jingqiu call her sister Qingyun,

At first, Shen Jingqiu was still not used to it. She was always the master, the master shouted,

Later, Shen Jingqiu finally got used to calling her sister.

The woman's voice rang again: yes, it is indeed the blood of the immortal,

And it looks like it should be the blood of Wushuangxian, Jingqiu, your chance ~ ~ Although this terrain is very suitable for you to cultivate, but it is not a true earth vein after all

You are here, the cultivation speed is still a lot slower. You must know that the best veins of the nine days and ten places are occupied by people.

Most formed the ancient city,

Unless you are the force, otherwise, you can't go at all.

For example, the best ground of Qin Guangcheng is all occupied by the awakened immortality.

Even when he was asleep, he occupied the best place. Those other people could n't go at all.

Although you have my help, there is only one person after all, we have no other helpers,

We can't compete with those big forces,

However, this is not necessarily the case now,

The fairy of the Wushuang fairy clan appears here. This is your chance.

Shen Jingqiu said: Sister Qingyun, do you want me to kill her and take her blood?

No, wrong. My plan is bigger than this, but I do n't know if you dare?

what's the plan? As long as it allows me to cultivate and improve quickly,

I will not be afraid,

The woman laughed: It's good, it's the one I fancy,

You killed that dwarf before and got his body of thousands of illusions, which can change the appearance of others.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to detect without careful exploration. You can completely pretend to be a fairy of the fairy family.

Enter Wushuangxiancheng,

The ground there is terrible,

Moreover, Wushuangxiancheng belongs to the other bank and is a person from the other bank.

Except for the other side, those other people cannot enter at all.

The eternal power on the other side has never been transmitted,

If you can get, for you, the benefits are endless,

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